Judgement – The Other SIde of Sadness
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   The Other SIde of Sadness
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Mon Jan 10, 2011 @ 5:16pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD35 1900 (Backpoast)
"Finally!" Ahjess whispered to Pelin as he crept back to the door of his employer's office.

The barman nodded his agreement as he watched Jessica empty the waste bin and put it next to the couch where the bokkai was finally passed out in an alcoholic haze. "I was beginning to think she couldn't get drunk."

"How much has she had?" the dabo-boy asked.

The bajoran shrugged. "That I know about?" He sighed "At least three bottles of kanar, a couple of tequila shots, some champagne and a scotch and soda."

Blake finished tying Yolanthe's hair back from her face, and examined the rest of her. "At least she's a better colour." She was a smoky violet, her hair a deeper version of the same. "Maybe its doing her some good."

"Either that, or she's so pissed she can't remember Klia's dead." Ahjess muttered. "Either way, its short respite."

Pel brought over some iced water and put the glass beside Yolanthe. "If she's sick or if she wakes up, she'll need to try to take in some of this." he commented.

"Does anybody know if they have any suspects?" Asked Blake.

"If they did, the boss wouldn't be in here drinking, she'd be out there murderin' 'em back!" Pel muttered, more to himself than anyone else.

Blake looked troubled at that, "You don't suppose she..." his voice trailed off before he could complete the thought.

"She what?" Ahjess asked, leaning back against the nearby wall and popping a grape from Yolanthe's fruit basket into his mouth and looking unconcerned with that was going on. It was an act, but a good one for anyone looking from the outside.

"...had anything to do with..." Blake wouldn't let himself say it out loud.

".... more likely that Cardassian. Klia hated him. She made that very plain and she and the boss were always arguing over him....... wait... you're not thinking... are you suggesting it was the Boss who did it?" Pel thought that was such a ridiculous thought it couldn't hurt to express it as it was too impossible to actually be what they were thinking.

"...I just don't know..." replied Blake. "This whole thing is just surreal..."

Jessica stood, dusting the hem of her cocktail dress with one hand. "Its possible. She sure wasn't going to give him up just because Klia said so, was she? And have we ever seen them argue about anything else?"

"Come on, Jess," Ahjess told the woman, pushing himself off the wall. "I mean, sure, they argued, but do you guys honestly believe she'd kill Klia over Getal? Of all people?"

"No." said Pel firmly. "Not over anyone. I don't think she would have hurt Klia for anyone." He wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box but he was certain of this much.

"Exactly! Finally, a voice of reason," the Trill said, looking approvingly at Pel. "I mean, even if we go for the whole 'women superiority thing' Yolanthe has going on and how she protects men around her, it's not like Klia was about to steal that big lizard from her anyway. It doesn't make sense that she'd kill Klia over it," Ahjess stated, rolling his eyes at the mere thought.

"She's waking.... isn't she?" Rosh looked at his boss carefully as she stirred. "Or is she?" It wasn't clear if she was about to wake or just turn over.

"Umm I don't know if her moving around is such a good idea right now..." Pointed out Blake

They all held their breath as the drunken woman shifted and grunted on the couch. Then Yolanthe went still again.

Jessica let out her breath, and turned back towards her fellow croupier. "Quite frankly, the whole women on top thing should underline the fact that when it comes to men her moral compass doesn't point north. If men on her world are rare, it might be second nature to kill over them."

"But Klia? I mean, she's harmless," Ahjess pointed out. "And it's not like she was gonna do something to Getal. Right?" he asked after a moment, reaching up to scratch his head thoughtfully.

"The risk would be more do something *with* Getal, rather than *to*" Pel muttered but then qualified his remark. "But Klia hated him with a passion, she'd never have agreed to ........ do...... anything.... with....... You don't think he..... ?"

"He what? Oh come on, Pel, finish a sentence, we're all adults here. He what?" Ahjess asked, a bit nervous as to where this conversation was leading.

Blake interupted, "Look I think we should all be more worried about whats going to happen to the bar and ourselves, I mean what if she stays like that?" He asked nodding towards Yolanthe.

"We could try to help her give it up? You know like addiction buddies who watch someone trying to resist the urge to take, inhale, imbibe, whatever.... " Pel joined in, glad to have left that subject before he mentioned what he'd started to think about the Cardassian. "I suppose she'd have to WANT to give it up though......" he hesitated again.

Jess shook her head. "Pel, she's just lost her best friend. Getting rat arsed under those circumstances hardly counts as an addiction. And Blake's right, surprisingly, we should all start brushing up on our cv's . If she did it, then we're all out of a job."

"But we could support her..... and I don't think she could have done." Pel persisted a little naively but with genuine candour.

"Nevermind that," Blake added, looking disturbed. "What if one of us is next?"

"I don't think you've got anything to worry about, Blake," Jessica said. "I don't think you're in any danger from her."

"So you DO think she did it?" Blake said.

The lovely croupier blew out a huffy breath, "I think she's the most likely. Means, motive, opportunity. They live together, there's your opportunity. They've done nothing but argue over that cardassian, so, motive. And as for means? She's handy in a bar fight, and look at all those." Jessica gestured at the trophies that Yolanthe had put up on her wall, a motley collection of knives, knuckle dusters and other melee weapons, and even one or two phasers.

"No" Pel protested. "They fought over the Cardassian but not to the point of murder and those are things she took off aggressors, not used on them." He was unable to believe it could be true.

"Maybe she didn't mean to kill her, maybe things just got out of hand and it was an accident." Speculated Blake.

Jessica shrugged. "accident or not, if I'm right, we're all out of a job."

"Yeah," Ahjess agreed. "So you know any place on the base that's hiring?" he asked the girl seriously, weighing his options. He couldn't afford to be out of work.

"Well I can always go back to modeling." Blake said.

"If the boss leaves this place, won't someone else take it over?" Offered Pel, always the eternal optimist. "Whoever they are, they'll need staff."

"I hope so," Jessica sighed. "I'm not going back to Krups', he makes you stroke his lobes and ontop of that he keeps 25% of your tips."

"I know!" Ahjess said, shaking his head. "He used to take half of mine!" he complained.

"Should have stroked his lobes," she told him.

Ahjess scoffed. "Not if it was the last thing I do," he said in disgust, shaking his head.

"I wonder if stroking his lobes would work for me...." Pondered Blake.

"Oh dear" Pel seemed to despair suddenly. He sat down and gazed into his thoughts with a faraway look, lost in some memory or something that he clearly wasn't enjoying.

"What's wrong with you?" Ahjess asked, looking down at the Bajoran. That boy always had his mind in the clouds. "You forgot where you left your Pariss' squares bat?" he teased.

"No, i remembered having to work for someone who..... I hope we get a nice boss if *Y* goes....." he looked lost.

"Who what?" Ahjess asked, sitting down next to him, trying to keep the small tone of concern out of his voice and replace it with curiosity. He was moderately successful.

Before Pel could reply, Yolanthe bucked in her sleep and, still unconscious, began to vomit over the side of the sofa, totally missing the bin Jessica had left.

"I'm not cleaning that!" Ahjess immediately said, frowning in disgust at the colourful mess on the floor.

"No-ones asking you to," Jessica sighed. "Why don't you go back to tormenting the new guy? I can clear up here."

"I am not tormenting him!" Ahjess told her, crossing his arms over his chest. "You just want me to go and torment him so that you can swoop in and save him. Face it, he's not attracted to you no matter how much you try."

"Don't pout. You'll get wrinkles," she snapped back. "Now, if you can't be helpful..."

"Oh, I can be helpful," he said. To point this out he headed for the door. "I can help myself and leave this little factory of utter depression and left loathing," he told them all, and, head held high, walked out of the room.

"Bitch." Jessica muttered, and began to mop up her boss's little accident.


A JP Between
Yolanthe Ibalin
(inebriated) Owner, The Box Of Delights

Jessica, a croupier
NPC by Notty

Ahjess, a croupier
NPC by Maja

Blake, a waiter
NPC by Brad

Pelin, Assistant Barman
NPC by Jools