Judgement – Are you faster than a Targ?
by Arrival Alexander Sinclair

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Title   Are you faster than a Targ?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Arrival Alexander Sinclair
Posted   Fri Feb 04, 2011 @ 8:39pm
Location   The Nautical Wind, Bridge
Timeline   1400 hours
AJ was still sitting at the Conn when he bought the ship out of warp speed with in Deep Space 5’s sensors, though her outer edge. He adjusted a course that would bring The Nautical Wind into DS5’s docking pattern. Though the space around a station was considered open territory it was usually considered bad form to come to close to the station.

He checked his own sensors and was surprised at the amount of ships in high orbit around the station, docked, coming and going. He had picked a good place to set up shop. There would be a lot of business opportunities for him and given the sheer size of the station he might be able to just blend in. With his record that is exactly what he would need to do. As soon as he went through, any security chief would red flag him as a person of interest and to keep an eye on. AJ had expected that, he would have done the same back in the day, but with the work load the station had to be under it would be a lot of work for them to watch everyone. It’s what he would be counting on.

The door to the bridge hissed open and Lobes walked over to AJ. The Ferengi looked at the status readings on the Conn. “I felt us drop out of warp.” Lobes said as he moved over to sit at the engineering station. “So are you ready for this?”

Lobes was not normally very good at reading humans, but he did understand the moods of his friend well enough to know that he was nervous. “I know you are nervous about coming home, but what are the chances of your past catching up to you here. I mean look at that place. It’s massive. What is it with you Hu-mons and size anyways?”

AJ looked at him a confused look on his face. “What?” He replied.

“Which word did you not understand?” The Ferengi said giving AJ a grin showing a mouth full of sharp teeth.

“What, no.” AJ started saying trying to clear the vivid pictures of his past from his mind. “What the hell are you talking about?” He was clearly annoyed.

Moving back to the original topic, Lobes continued. “Nervous about being back home? I know that I am always nervous about going home.”

“That’s because your brother tried to kill you.” AJ said as he deftly avoided the question.

“It was only the once and he was young and he did not remember number 10 of the Rules of Acquisition.”

“Yeah I know, ‘A dead customer can’t buy as much as a live one.'”

“Oh sure you remembers that one.” Lobes mumbled quietly.

Ignoring the comment AJ continued. “It’s just I haven’t been around humans or this world in a long time. It is kind of overwhelming right now. I don’t know if this was really a good idea. At least in Ferengi space things were not complicated.” He could not really put words to what he was feeling, let alone explain them to Lobes who was not very good at understanding the way humans think. Yes he was scared, nervous, excited and about every other emotion all rolled up in one whirlwind of pure chaos.

“But there are no hu-mon females at home. You act like the hu-mon race would die off if you dont't get to procreate. I don’t know why it’s a big deal. Females are more of a liability than an asset especially if you get one of those modern Ferengi females, wear clothes. Hah! I want me a traditional female. “ Lobes said looking over at AJ. The Ferengi’s face got a look of thoughtfulness for moment and then he continued. “What were you saying again?”

AJ was about to respond when the com system squeaks and a voice sounded through the intercom. “Ferengi vessel this is Deep Space Five Flight Control. You are currently on approach vector. What are your intentions?”

AJ hesitated a second before he hit the button. Last chance to turn away he thought, but instead he hit the talk button and said. “Control, this is The Nautical Wind, we are looking to dock.”

“Understood, Nautical Wind, change course to 047 mark 005 and hold when you reach the outer marker. Docking fees, rules and regulations are being transmitted at this time. You will not be able to debark until the docking fees are paid in full.” The voice replied.

“Roger.” AJ said to the com and then turned toward Lobes. “In advance? Ouch that’s gonna hurt. We will need to find work quickly or we could be going back to Ferengi space earlier than we thought.”

“Well lucky for you, you brought along an expert in job negotiations.” Lobes said this time trying for the evil grin. He succeeded.

AJ looked at Lobes for a moment with a puzzled look on his face and then said. “You didn’t stow away anyone in the back that I should know about did you? Well, I know you can’t be talking about you. I have one word for you. Forlain.”

Lobes tried to get a look of mocked shock on his face, but a Ferengi face is not conducive to such expressions. “I am hurt, I make one mistake and you bring it up every chance you get. Just to rub it in. We Ferengi are not perfect, though we are closer than hu-mons.”

AJ rolled his eyes as the ship approached the outer marker. He brought the ship to a stop and waited as patiently as his mind with allow him, which at this point was none. He tried sitting, pacing, and even drinking coffee but nothing seemed to calm his nerves as he waited. He knew entering the flight pattern of the station would take awhile but he was sure he was stuck in some kind of time stasis. There was no way that he anything could possibly go this slow.

AJ envied how Lobes seemed completely calm and reasonable, well as reasonable as a Ferengi could be at least. As long as he had known Lobes, nothing seemed to faze him or change his mood. When the Ferengi’s cousin had let the Klingon Targ loose in Lobes home and it was chasing the two of them around the house, Lobes never even raised his voice. The only words out of his mouth were, “I don’t have to outrun the Targ, just you.”

AJ smiled at the memory, he could do that now. At the time he was running scared looking for a weapon or trying to catch the Ferengi to feed him to the Targ. They had managed to survive that time and he was sure that the two of them would get through this. AJ wasn’t sure if he was ready to meet his ghosts again. He wondered how the past could be the past when it haunted him every moment of everyday.


Alexander Sinclair
Civilian Trader

Lobes (NPC)
Ferengi Engineer