Beg, Steal or Borrow – Enter Night, Exit Jarred
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Enter Night, Exit Jarred
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Thu Feb 12, 2009 @ 12:34am
Location   Jarred's office / Uss Castor
Timeline   SD8 -0900
Jarred returned to his office, in the span of 20 minutes he'd most likely made half the command staff mad at him. It was the blinking message waiting on his terminal that caught his attention. Jarred pushed a button and read the contents of the message;

==Mr. Wallace;

We are informing you that your services are required, we are presently dispatching USS ASIA with an minimal crew. Your orders will be aboard along with all neccisary equipment to complete the mission. Your duties aboard DS5 are here by suspended. The transport ship Washburn will be on station to take you to the rendevous point.

Intel ops command earth
Admr. Epstein

Jarred made a copy of the orders and put the PADD on Lt. Dorian's desk. Jarred figured he'd better tie-up some other loose ends.

Jarred was knocked back by the orders, bad enough its from Admiral Epstein. Jarred had two things run through his mind, Lt. Gabriel was gonna have a fit, and Zorana....."Computer open a channel too USS Castor, LT. Zorana Kasikova."

The computer chattered and the screen fluttered.

--------Aboard the USS Castor------------

The computer beeped saying that there was an incoming message for Zorana. She turned to face the screen and hit the button.

"Hi Zorana, I figured you better hear this from me, then returning to the station and not finding me there. I got called off DS5."

"Where?" She asked, what about the mission that he had sent her on? "What about?...."

"They pulled USS Asia out of mothballs and are sending me on some mission."

"Am I to still meet with Darcy?" She asked, almost a whisper.

"Yes he'll be in San Fransisco the morning after you arrive, I've got a bad feeling about what this mission is about. I can't tell you anymore than it's some serious stuff, if this goes SNAFU I'm not coming back. I've gotta go."

She nodded."Good Luck Jarred. Bye." Zorana hit a button and let the screen go black. She knew this operative business would get dangerous, but didn't realise how soon it would get dangerous.

====back aboard DS5=====

Jarred grabbed his field bag and stopped. ~Claire~ Jarred stopped. "Computer begin recording."

"Claire, by the time you see this I'll be long gone. I'm not too sure when or if I'll be back, this isn't exactly how I figured a relationship would begin. I won't lie to you either, this is gonna be dangerous and I'm gonna try to get back. Take care."

Jarred then gave the computer instructions, "Computer hold this message until the Washburn leaves DS5, and encrypt for Lt. Claire MacKenzie only.

===several hours later=====

Claire came back to her quarters, it had been a long day and she was sure that it wasn't over. She had meeting after meeting and she had decided that is was would help if she brought some work home with her. This was the only way she figured that she would get caught up on the mountain of work that haunted her thoughts.

She set the PADDs down on her desk and saw the console blinking. She entered her password to read the encrypted message. ~Who would send...~ before she could finish the thought Jarred's face came on the screen. She listened to the message stunned.

=/=Computer locate Jarred Wallace.=/=

=/=Jarred Wallace is not on the station.=/= Was the computer's reply.

"Shit!" She swore.

=/=When did he leave?=/=

=/=That information is classified, level five clearance required.=/=

Claire sank into her chair, her head in her hands.

"Be safe." She whispered a prayer to Jarred. ~Come back to me please.~


Jarred materialized in the transporter room of the Asia, he saw familiar form behind the controls of the transporter and he smiled. "Hey kid whats so important that you had to haul this old dog back out into the field?"

The female voice responded. "Sorry Jarred this one is too important for just anyone, and it's one I think you'd want to be here for. The Kar'gah was disabled by an unknown attacker, the ship is drifting."

Jarred was puzzled, "Ok but why all the cloak and dagger?"

"We think its the same group that tried to steal the warp drive prototype on DS5. the Kar'gah was testing out some new targeting system when they were attacked, the Klingon government doesn't have any ships in the area so they activated this ship and we needed the best hazardous entry man in starfleet."

"Ok Veronica whose in command?"

The woman looked at him and just smirked, "Lt. Commander Reeves, is waiting for you."

NPC Lt (JG) Claire Mackenzie (played by Mandy)
ACIO Jarred Wallace