Incommunicado – Getting Acquisitions
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Getting Acquisitions
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Sat Aug 04, 2012 @ 1:50am
Location   Quartermaster's office

Petro read over the requisition request from the Chief Science Officer. It wasn't a difficult piece to acquire but there were some specifications that she needed to have clarified. She sent a message to Saria requesting her to report to the Quartermaster's office.

"Report to the Quartermaster's office. Right, here we go." Saria smiled, laying down her PaDD and leaving the Science Lab. She took the nearest turbolift. "Quartermaster's Office" She said, and the doors closed. "Decks 12 - 13" The turbolift spoke, and the doors slid open. She walked out of it and took the first door on her left. She pushed on the bell, waiting to be let in.

Petro looked up from her reading and smiled. "Please, come in." She gestured to the chair across from her desk. "I wanted to talk to you about the requisition you put in."

Saria came in, smiling, and settled on the chair in front of Petro, crossing her legs. "Ah, the requisitions... although, that depends on what requisitions you are referring to. I had placed requisitions for the Starfleet Sniper Holosuite Training Program, the Tachyon scanner, the Cardassian decrypting unit... or something else?" Saria said, looking over to Petro.

"This one." Petro said, handing a PADD across the table. "The Training program is already installed on the holodecks. The Tachyon Scanner is on back order and the Cardassian decrypting unit is already stocked in the Science Department."

"The De-gausser?" Saria frowned. "I need it for some experiments that involve the control of the magnetic flux. But, if you have anything to ask about it, feel free to." She said, frowning at the PaDD again.

"I noticed that there wasn't anything specific about it." Petro said. "What size would you need and what kind of demagnetizing would you be doing? Nothing that would harm the station I would hope."

Saria smirked. "I'll try my best not to. I'd need one in hand-format, and I would probably be demagnetizing experimental warp cores, on a small scale. Starfleet sent me a few not too long ago." Saria said, laying the PaDD on Petro's desk.

Petro entered the information into her console. "Hand size. What about strength, flux variations and range?"

"Hmm... the optimal strength would be 16 Kilojoules, with common flux variations and a range of... let's say 30 meters." Saria said thoughtfully, spreading her fingers.

"16 Kilojoules?" Petro asked. That seemed like a lot to her. "A range of thirty meters? It might be difficult to get a handheld one with those specifications. An eighteen Kilojoules device would easily be twice that size and has been used as a sort of space mine." She leaned forward and looked at Saria. "I might be able to get you one with eight or ten and about half the range. Would that be acceptable?"

"Yes... yes, that would be excellent. I figured that it needed higher requirements because of the different configurations of the warp cores. I would compensate the range for the total strength output then. But I will try it with the one you just mentioned, Lieutenant." Saria said, focusing on Petro's console thoughtfully.

"I believe I can acquire one for you. It may take a few days, considering everything else that is going on, but I'll have it delivered directly to you." Petro said, finishing out the order on the console. "Is there anything else I can assist you with?"

"Now that you are asking... there might be several Tricorder-datarods I could use. They're rare, but they could speed up a lot of my work..." Saria said, grabbing a PaDD, inserting some data and then giving it to Petro. "They're these ones."

The J'Naii looked at the PaDD then at Saria. "Seriously?" she asked. "They're rare because they're out dated. It could take quite a while for me to acquire them." She leaned back in her chair and thought about it. "Though I may know some people. It will have to wait until we get the communcations issue dealt with. I'll keep you informed."

"Thank you. It's not neccesary though, so it won't be a problem if you can't acquire them. I know they're old, but... old does not always mean bad. I am old, but I am not bad, right?" Saria asked, with a smile.

"Oh," Petro said, "I meant no disrespect. I simply meant that the older models can be more complicated to locate, not that they didn't serve a purpose."

"Ah I see. Sorry if I dramatized it a bit for you, but it gets to you when you get a little older sometimes." Saria said, standing up. "Thank you for the talk, Lieutenant. I hope to see you back soon."

"My office is always open." Petro said, extending her hand.

"So is mine." Saria said, giving Petro a firm handshake. She smiled, then leaving Petro's office, back to the corridors.


Lieutenant JG Petro

Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief of Science