Unity – Acceptance
by Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk

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Title   Acceptance
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk
Posted   Wed Jan 13, 2010 @ 1:05am
Location   Kreallia's Quarters
Timeline   Right After "Dinner at t'Jay's"

Kreallia had just returned to her quarters after her dinner with Commander Adams and LT Dunham and was surpirsed to see the once vibrant pup she had adopted to be silently curled up in her bed, asleep.

Kreallia moved over to the living room to watch the news feed for the evening and maybe the Baseball Game, which she only watched for nostalgic perposes.


Her mail slid through the computer slot and onto the small tray at the end of the shute.

"Mail time." Kreallia said getting up to grabb the odd arrangement of HOLO mail.

"Starfleet News service, read later," Kreallia went through her mail serching for the one letter she wanted to see, at the bottom of the pile it sat waiting to be opened.

It read.

TO: Ms. Kreallia t'Jay, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Assistant Counselor, Deep Space Five
FROM: Kurt Maddox, Commander, Head of Potential Members, Daystrom Institute
SUBJECT: Daystrom Institute Application

Dear Ms. t'Jay

I am happy to inform you that your application to join the advanced physcology divison of the Daystrom Institute has been accepted and you are now a member of the Daystrom Institute! We would also like to inform you that your request to have the next Starfleet Science Symposium onboard Deep Space Five, has also been accepted! We will see you in three months!


Commander Kurt Maddox,
Head of Potential Members & Advanced Phscology Division
Daystrom Institiute

Kreallia read over the letter a few times to take in the fact that the letter was real. Her heart beated faster as the reality sank in.

"River?" Kreallia asked the pup.

River perked up her ears and looked at Kreallia.

"Mommy just got some good news."

"Great news........................"


Lieutenant Junior Grade Kreallia t'Jay
Assistant Counselor
Deep Space Five