Interlude – Skin deep
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Skin deep
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sun Jun 13, 2010 @ 6:09pm
Location   Arrienye's quarters, then Sotar's Quarters
Timeline   SD20 - Evening

Refreshed by the shower she'd taken after such a long, frustrating, and confusing day, Arrienye stretched her lean body in front of the mirror, enjoying a private moment of vanity with her reflection. Performing her usual rituals in front of the mirror, she ended them with brushing her long, jet black hair. Giving herself a final look over, she noticed one would never have guessed she had a hell of a night. It was then that she also noticed something interesting behind her. There seemed to be some kind of shape on the glass shower behind her.

The Rihannsu turned her head to look at it, but it was gone. All she saw was her reflection. Raising an elegant eyebrow, she turned her back to the mirror. It was then that she noticed what it really was. Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened from the shock. She couldn't even express it with words, her body instead giving a slight shake from the adrenalin. Swallowing hard, the young woman quickly got dressed and left her quarters.


"Ugh... " Sotar said, raising his head from his pillow. He had slept on his uncomfortable bed for the better part of a day. He had changed out of his wet clothes, and had put on a pair of matte black trousers to cover himself. He was aching all over from his antics with Arrienye, and thought it best to soothe all of his pains with a nice sonic shower.

He stood and walked to his replicator first of all, his hangover only beaten by his sudden hunger. A Taspar egg would satisfy his growing hunger.


A few doors away, Arrienye finally reached the Cardassian Embassy. The Romulan passed the front entrance and walked up to the receptionist.

"Arrain Arrienye t'Merek. I need to see Sotar," she told them woman there firmly and surely. "Now," she added.

Lemat glared at her. "Glen Sotar Telet? One moment please." She stated as she tapped away at the comm.

"Glen Telet, you have a visitor. Arrain Arrienye t'Merek, she needs to see you, its urgent she says." Lemat said in a very automaton fashion.

"Send her through." The comm reply came. Sotar was worried now. He wondered if his and her antics had got them in more trouble.

Not waiting for the woman to tell her anything, Arrienye rushed passed her towards his quarters, which were marked, just as hers were. The tapped the comm urgently several times.

"Enter, and don't press so loud... " He said, covering his ears. Sotar was only wearing his trousers. The bare skin on his body pale and grey. Although, Sotar was very muscularly built.

Arrienye took a second to look him over, but then shook it off. "Good, you don't have a shirt. That saves me to trouble of convincing you to take it off. Turn around," she told him, already reaching for him to turn the large Cardassian herself.

"W-What?" Sotar asked, not sure whether to be confused or frightened. "What are you on now, Arrienye?"

"I'm not on anyth...," she began to assure him, finally managing to turn him around before becoming silent at mid sentence. She let out a deep frustrated sigh, running her hand through her damp hair. "I knew it," she muttered under he breath, taking a step away to look over his back. There it was, just like hers.

"What? What is it?" He asked, even more worried now.

"Let's go to the bathroom," she told him, going in ahead of him. It didn't look to Sotar like she had that much inhibition even when sober. At least once her mind was fixed on something. Once they were inside, she motioned for him to stand in front of the mirror. "Turn your back to it so I can show you," she told him, looking around for a mirror before finally going to replicate one.

As she came back, she held the large mirror in front of him so he could see the reflection of his back. It was then that the pair learned that some parts of their night would stay with them for a long time after their headaches cleared. In the middle of Sotar's back, right between his shoulder blades was a tattoo. A hybrid symbol of their two races. The Cardassian ship emblem gleamed in the middle, colored in Rihannsu colors - green and blue; the Rihannsu raptor's wings stretched at its sides, the two sister planets of Arrienye's people on the sides of the Cardassian ship as well. Another circle, holding another Rihannsu symbol was above the Cardassian one, between the tips of Raptor wings.

"Oh my... " Sotar froze in shock. He was completely and utterly speechless, as he stood there with his eyes widened and his jaw dropping.

"That's all you have to say!?Oh my!?" Arrienye demanded, shocked at his lack of response. She could barely contain herself from breaking her bathroom mirror. "That's not all! Look!"

Arrienye then turned and promptly lifted up the back of her shirts to reveal her smooth back, only broken by the thin strap of her undergarment, above which was the same symbol, etched into her skin just as his was.

Sotar glared at her back. "What the hell are we gonna say if the Ambassador's see this!?" He bellowed out.

"I don't know!" she snapped back, letting her shirt fall and turning around. "This is all your fault," she accused in her frustration.

"My fault!? You proposed those damned Culture Shocks!" Sotar snapped back.

"Well you're the one who offered to buy me a drink in the first place," she shot at him, getting physical by giving him a light push on his shoulder.

"Look. Let's not blame each other. We need to keep this under wraps. If anyone finds about this, they'll be having our heads on silver plates. This is treason, even if it is just from a tattoo!"

"We are getting these things off the minute we can do it discreetly. I'm not ruining my career over one drunken night." Arrienye's eyes flared, the woman breathing heavily in frustration and anger.

"Although... " Sotar started. "You have to admit they look good." He said with a laugh.

She looked at him with apparent disbelief. "Good?" Arrienye asked. "They look amazing!" she admitted, "That's what makes it worse!"

He laughed harder. "Do we have to get rid of them?" He said, changing his tone. "Their not that bad to warrant treason, after all... " He said, growing puppy dog eyes.

"Good grace, you're like a child, aren't you?" she asked, shaking her head at his puppy eyes. "You were just going on about how our heads will be served on silver plates," she pointed out.

"I overreact." He said quickly. "Go on, look at it. I sure hope we tipped the guy who did it."

"I wouldn't know," Arrienye shook her head, walking back into Sotar's living room. "I don't know anything anymore," she said, flopping down onto a couch and burying her face in her hands, rubbing her forehead.

"I blame the bastard who made Culture Shocks." Sotar said, slumping down into the couch, seating himself next to Arrienye.

"I will never drink again," the brunette vowed. "I don't even wish to think of what else might have occurred last night," Arrienye said.

"I'm not even going to think about it. I'm going to eat my Taspar egg, shower, then get to work." Sotar said, tilting his head back, staring at the ceiling.

Arrienye chuckled. "Good plan," she said. "Though I've got a feeling this night will haunt us for the rest of our stay on this station," she told him, leaning back on the couch as well. As a few moments of silence passed between the pair, Arrienye thought it was her cue to leave so she got up.

"You off?" He asked, slapping his palm onto his forehead. He then massaged his forehead steadily.

She nodded. "Yes, I have work to do as well," Arrienye told him, stretching her muscles a moment. "'Till the next shock," she smirked at him, heading for the door, unsure if he'd follow to see her out.

He stood and walked to the door. "Hopefully not... " He said, part jokingly, the other part nagging at him never to consume anything alcoholic again.

She grinned, going through the open door and hitting someone who was passing by. But the man, obviously Cardassian, was much bigger than her so she just kind of bounced off him and back into Sotar's bare chest with a slight yelp.

The Cardassian was large. Very large. He dwarfed most men. "Sotar... Why is there a Romulan in your quarters?" The Cardassian asked.

Sotar bowed his head in respect, but was careful not to show any of the tattoo. "N-nothing, Vi'kar Gul." Sotar said, swallowing in his throat. He nudged Arrienye to do the same.

Arrienye looked at Sotar, then complied, but only gave the Cardassian a nod, no more or less than she'd give a Romulan of equal status. She wasn't about to bow to this alien. She held her dignity, looking up at him firmly with confident, blue eyes. Even if her inside voice was screaming in anger and humiliation, she didn't show to be bothered by being caught leaving a shirtless Cardassian's quarters, making it obvious by her attire it was hardly a professional meeting. "Vi'kar Gul," she just said, acknowledging him.

"Hmm... " Tharek responded. "Tell me. Why are you here," He said, gesturing to Arrienye. "And why one of you is half naked... "

"A mere social call," she told him, a bit of classic Romulan smugness creeping into her otherwise pleasant voice. "Our state of attire, however, is none of your business," she told him confidently, not intimidated in the least.

Tharek lent down to stare her in the eye. "Everything in this embassy is my business." He then straightened back up. "Sotar. You have been a loyal and hard-working officer. I see no need that this 'encounter' be marked officially. Just don't let this kind of 'thing' happen again on Cardassian soil." He said, referring to Arrienye's late night call.

Arrienye gazed back into his eyes, her own unwavering, revealing nothing. She raised an eyebrow at him calling their encounter a 'thing'. Well, at least he really had no idea what was going on. "Don't worry, Vi'kar Gul. I will be sure to notify you should I choose to visit Cardassian soil again," she told him. "Good night," she purred lightly to them both, making her way down the corridor. As she walked, the lovely Romulan gave her hips a gently seductive, ladylike sway.

Tharek laughed dryly as he turned back to Sotar. "Sotar, I love your enthusiasm for building relations with the Romulan Empire, but please, at least do it in their embassy. Or a bar. Or somewhere other than here." Tharek then lent in to Sotar, throwing him sharp looks. "If you make this into an incident for me, I will send you back to Cardassia with a few less limbs. Am I completely understood, Glen?"

"Y-yes, Vi'kar Gul." Sotar's quiet reply came.

"Good." Tharek regained his posture, and patted Sotar on his shoulder. "Dismissed Sotar." Tharek then placed his hands behind his back, and walked off slowly, back to his office. Tharek never seemed to sleep... Ever.

Sotar let out a sigh of relief. Tharek didn't find the tattoo, nor the antics he had been up to the night before. He would have to talk to Lemat though, as she obviously wanted to get in Tharek's good books.


Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Diplomatic aide
Romulan Consulate


Glen Sotar Telet
Chief of Staff
Cardassian Consulate