Incommunicado – Spectrum
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans

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Title   Spectrum
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans
Posted   Sun May 06, 2012 @ 8:45pm
Location   Office of direct repairs and refurbishment
Timeline   SD57 11:55

Rick had a mission, he was taking one of deep space fives Wallace Class vessels out into sector space to investigate the anomaly. He needed to check with Lyhse Sullivans, Manufacturing Production Officer, that the USS Polux was ready and operational for its mission. Who knew what was going on out there in the blackness of space. Such an unkown constant; it could be anything causing these problems. Which was why Rick needed something a little bigger for him and his team than just a runabout or fighter wing. Yeah Ok it was no defiant class or hornet class, but it would get the job done. He shook his head to himself ruefully wandering why they weren’t saying out one of the Starfleet cruisers in their hanger bay. Probably because they were under repair or had missions of their own to go to, concluded. Which meant that things were very busy in space dock today, especially with all the coming and going interstellar travellers.

Manufacturing Production Officer; Lyhse Sullivans, scrutinizing one of the myriad holo-displays looked up as she heard Dunham's approach "Yes; Lieutenant Commander Dunham, how might I be of assistance?"

"Have we met?" asked Rick holding out his hand to shake but confused as to how the Lieutenant knew his name.

Looking at the offered hand briefly; shakes the offered hand, replying "No Lieutenant Commander, when I reported for duty Captain Tahir stated she would direct a fighter wing in scanning the sector." with a wry evil grin "That or your infamy slash fame proceeds you," shooting a side ways glance; "Your choice, Sir." with her free hand a few flourishes on the control panel displayed in the holographic display were the two scans she had completed en route from Star Base 185. Left hand of the screen was Warp Field Efficiency on the right hand of the screen was the Electromagnetic spectrum analysis of subspace.

Breaking the hand shake and shoving his hands in his pockets and mumbling more to himself "probably a bit of both" he stepped closer to the control panel to look at the display curiously. "Ok whats this?" he said with interest, though he was already suspecting after a preliminary look it was going to make space travel in the area rather challenging.

"The right hand display is one done using the magnetic spectrum of subspace radio," she pointed out the scale along the side as well as the bottom . She continues "Sir; as you can well see, I attempted at various ranges and each time the energy of said communications where either deflected or absorbed in human terms 'instantly' in reality nanoseconds passed from generation to absorption, sadly I was unable to detect a 'hot source'."

"Hmmmm" said Rick thoughtfully as he scratched the stubble on his beard "interesting how did you compensate for the cascade reaction we are having in the paramagnetic radiation of the background subspace ionizing interference?" asked Rick impressed with the Lieutenants results but curious as to how they were achieved.

Her expression 'darkens' "Lieutenant Commander; being a child prodigy, has always been a two edge sword for me." she brings up on the display what appears to be a 'modernized' Engineering Tri-Corder. She reluctantly continues: " The same computer bio-gel packs that are on the Sovereign, Prometheus, and Intrepid Class Star Ship computer systems has been incorporated in this Tri-Corder." She offers to him the Tri-Corder, "Please plug into the ship's sensor array," My advice Lieutenant Commander to assist in triangulating the 'hot source' is you take five fighters, spread them out so as to have more 'pinging' units as well as mount 'subspace radio screamer pods' ."

“Your advice is taken under consideration Lieutenant.” ~Though I’m pretty sure you didn’t actually answer my question, just come over all hard done by because your ‘smart’~ thought Rick to himself as he watched her darkening expression. “But I’ve already discussed it with the captain and a fighter wing would be too vulnerable given the unknown elements. We are going to take out one of our Wallace class Garrison vessels, the USS Polux”

Shaking her head slowly 'no' replied "As you wish Lieutenant Commander.", reading the Status on her holographic displays-" the Polux has been made available for your mission." ~thinking to herself; I would rather have and not need than need and not have~ "The suggestion was to have multiple relatively 'fixed' pinging location to aid in triangulation, though you could easily modify a probe to do the same thing as the 'Screamer' pods."

"Hmmm" said Rick thoughtfully "we tried something similar when we probed the boundary of this thing earlier today. when we first came into contact with it. We used a gravatic pulse wave through sub-space, it was like those old school 20th century submarines. Even then all we found were to lost star fighters."

Weakly replying: "Only two?" her voice trailing off as she realizes if these were his men he might take any of her response the wrong way. Quickly changing the subject of the discovery of the two Star Fighters she states: "Glad you brought up the 'sonar' analogy' Sir; What I fear is 'we' are looking along the wrong lines best analogy I can come up with is a combination of the ESM MAD or more precise an EAD."

Rick nodded in agreement again "well that's why I'm taking the stations Chief Communications Officer Lieutenant JG Petro who is an expert in these things" he let the other comment slide he really wasn't in the mood to reprimand a junior officer at this point,being more focused on the mission at hand and unable to shake a feeling of growing trepidation. "Well thank you for your time Lieutenant" said Rick with a polite nod of his head.

Sense that the exchange was at an end she replied "Good hunting Sir, keep safe Lieutenant Commander."


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


Manufacturing Production Officer

Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans