Beg, Steal or Borrow – Nursing a headache
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Nursing a headache
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Mon Jul 20, 2009 @ 12:32am
Location   Adminstration Offices
Timeline   SD9 Mid Afternoon

He glanced at the clock and though his head thumped away, he knew he could not stay cooped up in the cramped quarters for too much longer, it would drive him insane. That and he missed being around Mercy.
He rolled off the bed and donned his uniform, without looking to see if it were clean or dirty, he just needed to be out. He straightened down what he wore, attached his comm badge and headed down to the office, glad to be leaving the bed and the cabin, even if were only for a few hours.

Mercy got back from her lunch with Jenna and John only to find the office open when she was sure she had left it closed. Partly worried about the confidential nature of the contents having been exposed to unknown eyes, she was also unhappy that anyone would intrude when she was clearly only a comm-badge away. If whoever-it-was had cared to be polite enough to ask, she would have come and let them in if it was SO urgent that she couldn't finish lunch first! *Huffy* won over *worried* so she strode purposefully in, ready to have the intruder by the ears and eject them without ceremony.

Finding Bryan there presented Mercy with a second dilemma of choices. She didn't know whether to be horrified that he was out of bed so soon, especially when Chelsea had made it clear he would have to be very gentle with his spine and not to walk much for days, even weeks, OR to be as overcome with delight to see him doing so fantastically well, especially so soon after it had first been thought that, if worse had come to worst, he mightn't have walked again at all. *Delighted* won this time and she crossed the office in a good impersonation of a blur.

"BRYYYYYYYYYYYAN" she squealed, planning to stop just short of where he sat but she tripped over something she'd left on the floor earlier when she'd run out of space. Lurching forward she twisted herself into a frantic mid-air roll, desperate not to crash into him in his damaged condition and landed on her back at an angle looking up at her beloved hero, having winded herself. She gaped like a goldfish for several seconds until her lungs re-inflated themselves and she began to gasp air.

Bryan wanted to laugh, it was like something out of a farcical play, before he realised that she could be hurt.

"Mercy!" He yelped as he sprang from the chair and felt the pain in his lower back and his head thump with a force of the rush of blood. He didn't know where to send his hands, to his head, his back or to Mercy. "Are you OK?" He practically squealed through clenched teeth.

Mercy couldn't speak at first, until her breath returned but she could see he had jumped up and she was terrified he might jolt something frail in his back.

Her eyes were wider than ever as she struggled up to a sitting position and held up both thumbs to tell him, as she gasped for air, that she was fine.

"Why aren't you resting?" was all she could gasp as the air returned with a rush.

Straightening with the pain and easing himself upward, relief that Mercy was apparently OK, he smiled and grimaced at the same time.
"Boredom, total boredom, at least down here, even if I am sat at a desk, I can do something, as long as it doesn't involve lifting, pushing or any other exertion, I think I should be ok, tap a few orders onto a PADD." He said in earnest.
He wanted to help Mercy as she rose, her eyes wide and still in a state of shock, he could sense the apprehension in her.
"Are yo sure your OK?" He asked, his own voice full of concern for the beautiful woman who rose effortlessly against the bulkhead and still managed to look overly attractive to him.

Mercy shook herself and smiled at her lover. "I'm fine thanks, darling" she lied, anxious not to worry him unduly. "Are *you* ok?" she enquired, looking into his eyes and feeling her knees go weak again, unsure if it was the heavy landing of a moment ago, or the look of love and concern in his eyes, that was having this effect on her.

Gripping the desk edge, Mercy sat on the corner and reached for Bryan's hand which had been resting on the desk. Taking it up tenderly she raised it to her lips and after kissing it softly, she murmured to him gently.

"I can't begin to describe how much I missed you. I was so worried you'd be permanently hurt!" the words brought it all back to her and she sat gazing fixedly at the floor, the inside of her eyes seeing flashes of him, prone on the promenade floor underfoot; his pallor as he lay under the market stall; Chelsea's words that he may or may not walk again and Ayren's telling Mercy she should leave him, which Bryan had backed up because he was worried about her getting some rest.

A solitary tear escaped Denoubier as the scenes unfurled before her and she unknowingly changed her soft touch of his hand into a grip that held him to her tightly just as she wanted to emulate by snatching him into her arms, but dare not as yet, for fear of damaging him further.

Her lips were warm and soft and he felt a surge of adoration rush through him which outwardly registered as a shiver.
"Oooo!" He responded, "That was nice, unexpected, but nice." He smiled, his other hand coming to her cheek and gently brushing at her locks that had fallen so gracefully, outlining her face. "You are far too beautiful, you know that?" He asked not looking for an answer. He tilted his head back and squared his shoulders, easing the dull ache in his back and wondered what would have happened to him if Mercy had not thrown herself upon him in the stampede.

"I have plenty more of that waiting for you when you're well enough!" she declared. "...but, darling..... are you *sure* you shouldn't be resting?"

He half sniggered. "If I can tap a console and look at you, I will be in heaven." He replied simply, easing himself into the vacant chair behind the counter. His strappings didn't feel as supportive as they were a few hours ago, but given sometime just being back in Admin, he would ask Mercy to bind them for him, but he didn't want to worry her with it just at the moment. He wanted to appear strong, not for himself, but for Mercy.

Pulling out the chair from the desk opposite him, Mercy sat down, sighed and reached across to entwine her fingers between Bryan's again. Gazing adoringly at him she grinned.

He winked at her, tightening his own grips on her fingers, though not overly taut, just enough to show her he cared.

"To be honest, it was horrible being here without you." she admitted. Letting go of his hand she picked up the next padd to start working again but kept looking up to check him out.

After a few minutes the first padd was finished and she swapped it for the next, taking the opportunity to stand up and reach over to kiss his forehead.

"When you finish a padd, you get another kiss!" she declared and picked up the next, smirking at him.

"Computer, replicate 2 dozen PADDs." He grinned back at her, "but please don't over work my fingers, my lips just wouldn't be able to take the strain!" He remarked with a wide grin.

As she worked, Mercy remembered her lunch with Jenna and John and began to tell Bryan all about it. "I met with Jenna at lunch today and you'll never guess what?"

Bryan half closed his eyes. Jenna was clingy and though he liked her, he could not work with her for too long before he felt stifled by her inane chatter. "She is having minor throat surgery?" He quipped

"Noooooo" she laughed and clicked her tongue at him in mock reproach. "She's suffering on the rebound but I introduced her to the new Assistant Chief of Ops... who came in here this morning to fix the climate conditioner..... and they got on like a house on fire."

"House on fire eh?" His eyes went skyward. "Poor man, he will never be the same!" He teased.

"Stop it! You're such a cynic! They're going to be really great together and it'll be all thanks to me!" she was clearly too proud of herself to notice that he was teasing.

Bryan slid over another PADD and half turned towards her, awaiting his reward.

Mercy grinned, knowing exactly what he was doing. She accepted the padd and pretended to be studying it for a second or two but she couldn't be that mean for long. She got up and went over to him, taking hold of the arms of his chair she used all her strength to turn it so he was facing her and then leaned down.

With her face close to his, her smile tender, she put her index finger under his chin, gently turning his face square towards her. Softly she took his lower lip between her own and then pressing a little more firmly, she rewarded him with a full, sensuous, deep kiss that seemed to develop of it's own accord into an expression of all the emotion she'd felt when she couldn't kiss him last night.

Passionate. It was the only word that ran through Bryans mind and he reciprocated, by guiding his hands from her hips, caressing her waist and midriff, past her breasts and clasping together behind her back on her shoulder blades, pulling her closer to him as if to never leave her go.
He was aroused and he felt uncomfortable being sat in the chair but he was not going to release her easily from the embrace.
Their tongues entwined, breathing in unison and uncaring for those who may have stood on the other side of the counter, lost in their own private universe.

What seemed like a life-time later, Mercy came up for air. Her arms around Bryan's neck, she nestled her face against his, nose to nose, her eyes a pool of love and relief.

"I..... " she began. "I was afraid you might have fallen in love with that beautiful diplomat lady" she admitted quietly.

He guffawed as he saw the severity in her face. His hands released from her back and he cupped her beautiful face in his hands and felt her warmth.
"Never. You are my most treasured diamond and I will not jeopardise what we have for anybody else." He rose from the chair, adjusting his pants with one hand as the other sought her hand and he took it with a tenderness, lifting her dainty fingers to his mouth and kissing the tips of each with a gossamer kiss.

"I love you." He said looking deeply into her green eyes, that were tinged with a touch of the green eyed monster and for some reason, to his mind, it sounded apt and he spoke the words gently into her ear, "My green eyed monster." Which he had meant to sound affectionate.

Mercedes blushed deeply and looked at the floor uncomfortably, guilty as charged. "I love you too" she whispered, retrieving her hands as if the guilt had burnt them. "Too much, perhaps? If that's possible."

Raising her eyes from the floor, her own self-reproach very apparent, she looked back up at him, silently imploring forgiveness. "I know I didn't cover myself with glory, smothering you like a Betazoid mother. And that beautiful lady was so much more helpful than I was, she seemed to be keeping you cheerful. I guess I wished I'd coped with it more like she did. Then you wouldn't have got fed up with me and sent me to bed."

This time Bryan did not stifle his laugh as he re-took her hands. "Cope? If you had not reacted so quickly, I would be dead, or at best, in a hover chair, but here I am standing here with you declaring my love." His head tipped forward and he looked at her through a slight overfall of his fringe. "I, 'We' were concerned that you would over exert yourself and to be honest, I was also feeling molly coddled and needed space to relax. " He held her hands as she shifted her weight on his legs.

From sitting, looking up at him, Mercy had to tilt her chin high and her head back to see his face. Struggling to her feet to rectify this, she wound herself into his arms and nestled her face into his neck. Safe here in her most favourite place in all creation, she felt brave enough to ask.

"Am I really a horrible 'monster' for being jealous? Only, she really IS very beautiful and funny too, and.... " Unable to finish for squeaking as he answered her by poking a finger under her ribs in retribution, Mercy dissolved into a heap.

"No fair" she laughed, wriggling free and diving for safety. "When you're better, you're SO gonna regret that Bryan Surzchenko!" she threatened, her eyes now afire with the bronze side of their hazel mix. "I'm plotting my revenge as we speak!" she narrowed her dark lashes at him, keeping the desk between them defensively but grinning mischievously again, the happy way he loved her most. Just being with him brought out this blossoming in her, like a flower responding to the sunshine.

He feigned a look of horror.
"Oh no, from Green eyed to full bloomed monster." He teased as she gripped the arms of his chair, trapping him where he sat.

"You should be so lucky!" she laughed, leaning in closer for another kiss. "You have about 5 minutes to make it up to me and head off my retribution"

As she tilted his chin upwards towards her, she noticed he winced and stopped immediately. "Bryan? Are you ok? Shouldn't you be resting? Is your back hurting?" Mercy's face creased with concern and her brows knitted into a frown of worry.

He saw her reaction and smiled despite the stabbing pain in the right hand side of his back.

"Just a little, but nothing to worry about." He lied. He did not want her to worry unduly about him and he was enjoying the fun they were sharing. There had been so little enjoyment, that they had to steal these precious moments when and where they could. He stroked her forearms with his hands and he could see that she knew he was not being honest with her.

"I guess it's no good trying to hoodwink you. I will be ok, promise." He whispered, pushing himself and Mercy from the chair. "Just need a stretch. Join me for an easy stroll around the prom?" He asked, taking her hand and giving her a reassuring squeeze.

"I think I should get you back to your bed!" she protested, taking his arm and accompanying him. Wherever he was going, she was going too. The idea that he might need her and she not be there was unthinkable to her. Closing up the office and putting up a sign that explained that if she were needed to call her via the comms, they went out slowly, picking their way to the railing that galleried the other floors of the Promenade below.

Bryan clung to her arm, not giving any arguments, just enjoying the company of the woman he loved.

CWO2 Bryan Surzchenko
By Tasha


CWO2 Mercedes Denoublier
By Chelsea.