Beg, Steal or Borrow – The Un-natural Art of Interstellar Co-operation
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   The Un-natural Art of Interstellar Co-operation
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sun Aug 02, 2009 @ 8:05pm
Location   Romulan Consulate. Deck 60
Timeline   SD 9. Late evening
As he'd looked from the Klingon to the Cardassian and back again Rh'vaurek read the same thought in their expressions, it was one that he shared - if Gabriel wanted to create a problem for himself he was going exactly the right way about it.

Rh'vaurek leaned back in the chair and crossed his ankles on the edge of Isha's desk - he wanted to keep thinkng of it as hers rather than his ... Closing his eyes Rh'vaurek turned his thoughts back to Gabriel's attempt to impose rules and stricutures on the embassies ... his guests would be here very soon, if they were punctual.

First to arrive, was Tharek. He stepped out of the turblift, and noticed he was immediately in Romulan territory. He walked forward and past a large sculpture, which was interessting towards Tharek, who had only been familiar with Cardassian design. He walked up to a desk and glared down at the person behind it. "I have an appointment with Raedheol."

Nahir tilted her head to one side as she regarded the Cardassian, he was a good foot taller than her, not that it mattered.

"erie'Khrein Raedheol is in his office. You must be Gul Getal?" she asked as she rose.

"He is expecting you. Would you follow me, please," she said.

Tharek was once again annoyed that someone had got his rank wrong again, but he kept his thoughts to himself and made to follow her.

"Welcome to this outpost of the Rihannsu Stelam Shiar," Nahir said as she led him down the long corridor. "One moment," she added as they reached a seemingly open doorway. Nahir keyed a code into a panel before continuing.

"eire'Khrein," she said a little breathily, "Gul Getal."

Rh'vaurek dropped his feet to the floor, "Vi'kar Gul Getal, i-Orinwen," he corrected her, as he pushed back his chair and got to his feet, "we don't wish to demean our guest."

"Khlinae Arhem erie'Khrein," she said and to Rh'vaurek's amazment she actually looked as though she might cry.

"Run along, and try to get the Klingon's rank correct, he'll probably bite you if you get it wrong," Rh'vaurek leered before turning to his guest. "She's delightful, isn't she?" he said with complete sincerity as she left his office at high speed. "Good family, but no brain as far as I can tell ... hmmmph, we'll see. So, Getal, what did you make of our resident Chief of Security?"

"I had met him once before the meeting, he had pushed that Bajoran bodyguard on me with some arrogance. I dont care for him at all, nor his wishes." Tharek's eyes seemed to leak dislike for the Chief of Security.

Rh'vaurek nodded and motioned toward the sofa, "Someone will be in with drinks in a moment, I've chosen Romulan, Cardassian and Klingon, but if you'd like something else, ask," he said as he waited for Getal to sit. "Gabriel's manner is somewhat unique - he seems to lack any curiosity about other species unless hos research has afforded him a chance to make an ascerbic remark."

Tharek sat down on the sofa with Raedheol. "I'm sure Cardassian drinks will be fine. I agree with you on Gabriel, for someone in his position to be upsetting the three greatest empires in the galaxy, it's not the brightest thing he could've done."

Rh'vaurek nodded as he motioned the servant towards the table in the reception area. It was all there - three tall bottles of Kanar, three flasks of blood wine, and three carafes of Kal`iFhou, each of differing ages. "Prepare the conference room," he said with a wave of his hand, a gesture and tone he had learned from Isha.

Rh'vaurek returned his attention to Getal. "You are correct," he said, "and his appointment to Security is recent ... believe it or not he was the Station's Chief Intelligence Officer, for a while ... anyway."

"Really? I didn't know he was into the spy business as well. Still. Whether he is chief of intelligence or security or whatever, i still care little for him, or any of these humans."

Rh'vaurek rested one ankle on his knee, "Are you a career diplomat, Getal?" he asked, not being drawn by the efforts of his guest to make him say something 'alarmng' about their Federation hosts.

"Me, no, i didn't choose to become a diplomatic person really. I guess you could say it came with the job. I was originally part of Cardassian intelligence gathering, but they gave me a 'quieter' position here, just to keep relations with the Federation up." His face twisted into a sadder, paler version of what it already was, Thareks memory of his past missions were so much more comforting to him than the position on DS5.

Toran arrived at the Romulan Consulate, Yzalla on his arm, entering the large columned foyer. There was as Romulan carrying several beverages towards another room. From what was in hand he assumed the drinks were for their little ambassadorial conference. The Romulan stopped at Toran's entry turning slightly in his direction. "Ambassador Toran and company to see Rh'vaurek Raedheol."

Nahir literally sprinted up the corridor and slid to a halt, "This way, Ambassador Toran and Ilhhei Yzalla," she said in a breath, she knew that the term was not appropriate for the Orion, but there was not another in use that would be acceptable under the circimstances, "erie'Khrein Raedheol is expecting you ... the Cardassian Ambassador, Vikar Gul Getal has already arrived ..." she added as she walked. Nahir was frightened enough suddenly finding that she was to be working for a Tal'Shiar General rather than an esteemed aristocrat, and she took his warning seriously ... would the Klingon really bite her?

As they entered the room Rh'vaurek caught Nahir's arm, "Keep your face on," he instructed menacingly soft, "If you're going to look intimidated every time someone new comes in you're no use to me," he added before pushing her out of the room.

Raedheol turned back to his guests, "You must be Yzalla," he said with a nod to the woman, "I trust we won't bore you ... I regret that the Lady t'Khellian is not on the station at this time, otherwise I know she would have been delighted to make your acquaintence," he said wondering as the words slipped over his tongue if this was a skill one really could learn by asoociation; the Elements knew he'd never had any formal instruction in etiquette.

Smiling Yzalla nodded gracefully. "That I am, and you must be Rh'vaurek Raedheol." Lifting her hand towards him, "It a pleasure to meet you, hopefully I will get to meet Lady t'Khellian in the future." She knew that 'Lady t'Khellian' was currently on her way to Romulas on a Federation starship, but she didn't let on.

Rh'vaurek smiled slightly, "She will be back before we know it," he said, "Do help yourself to drinks, if there is something else you would prefer I will summon the servant."

Yzalla continued, "I must thank you for putting this gathering together so soon after our arrival. It was a long journey from the Empire to the station."

He nodded in understanding, "I've just returned from Romulus myself. I must say I was pleased to see that the renovation of the entrance-way was complete - you have given me the perfect excuse to show off the Consulate, and as a very wise and charming lady once told me, guests bring good luck with them and as a rule Rihannsu do not believe in luck therefore the best way to acquire it is to throw open one's doors occaisionally and welcome in those who do."

"Well that would certainly make things interesting. Presonally I'm not much for luck either, I believe in making my own 'luck'."

Toran looked down at Yzalla, the corner of his mouth turning up slightly. "We were just shown our Embassy space. I hope our renovations don't cause too much of a disturbance."

Rh'vaurek was glad for the interruption, he was trying to avoid thinking about Isha and Yzalla's presence was making him consider uncomfortably how many days it was since he had last had a woman, which took him straight back to Isha, who was the last.

"Don't tell me they've given us adjoining walls?" Rh'vaurek said turning his attention to the Klingon. "Isn't that typical Federation planning ... probably influenced by our friend, Gabriel."

Tharek winced from the mention of the security chief's name, and almost made him spit out a bit of his Kanar.

"Don't hold back, Getal," Rh'vaurek said, gesturing for him to join them, "Whatever we are outside these walls, we are all friends tongiht."

"I know, and i welcome that, I just feel that were ever I go in this station, I'm being watched by Gabriel and his lackys."

"Gabriel is more paranoid than the Praetor," Rh'vaurek said, a comment which, he knew, in such company would have earned him a slap, once said company had departed. "If you have not yet met him, be more wary of Darson, our MCO has access to considerable resources ... but as you say, he is not our current concern, but Gabriel is."

Rh'vaurek nodded as the doors to the conference room were opened, "Ambassador Toran," he said, "With your permission, I would do Yzalla the favour of taking her in to dinner as our guest of honour." He did not expect her to fall for the flattery, but it could do little harm.

Toran had been considering having Yzalla excuse herself, so they could discuss business, but it appeared that was not to be. He didn't want to offend his host, but it was Yzalla that spoke first as she put a hand on his arm.

"I'm flattered, but you can hardly expect me to abandon my escort now can you."

Hmmpfh, Rh'vaurek thought, it was expected in his society, as a courtesy, for an unattached host to escort the highest ranked female but apparently not in theirs, so he improvised. "Then Madam, would you do the honour of leading us all in," Rh.vaurek stood back so that they could each file into the room behind her.

Rh'vaurek waited until they had all entered the conference room and then followed himself. The large conference table had been romeoved and replaced with a much smaller, round one that was more conduicive to discussion, thankfully it also remove most concerns about seating precedence which had become a more complicated issue now that he had let them enter before him.

If he was concerned then Rh'vaurek realised that his concerns were unfounded, Deletham he saw was already there with his arms folded and a sour expression on his face hovering close behind the clargest chair positioned for the best view.

"Please, sit," Rh'vaurek said to his guests, "this is my Senior Aide Deletham."

Toran bowed his head in the man's direction.

Tharek also tilted his head in acknowledgement of the aide.


As the last of the plates were cleared away and the servants slipped from the room Rh'vaurek leaned back in his chair, "Well, we all know each other a little better now and I think it time we discuss the main reason I asked you here. I've been on this station since this Consulate opened and I have seen one or two changes. Our friend Gabriel has made quite a reputation for himself around here, it is not just aliens he seems unable to get along with, but you'll see that for yourselves as time goes on. Your arrival seems to have given him an excuse to start throwing his weight about, for my part, his little 'welcome conference' left me rather cold."

Toran agreed. "Indeed. I found it odd that a Federation delegation would greet a Diplomatic delegation armed. The man even drew his weapon to verify its status as we approached."

Rh'vaurek chuckled and reached for his wine glass, "it sounds like classic Gabriel to me - one of the reasons we had our entrance-way remodelled is because I grew tired of him lurking in the corridor outside - he's hardly a threat to me but some of our younger staff find such behaviour intimidating, which was his intent I assume. So we took out some offices and opened up the area - acquiring a dedicated turbo-lift direct from the promenade to the door was a challenge - I'd advise a similar arrangement if you can negotiate it."

"I took the liberty of investigating the senior staff of this station before arriving. I found some interesting information on our do the humans say it....our mutual pain in the ass."

"Do share," Rh'vaurek encouraged, "I've an interesting story of my own you might be interested in hearing."

"The preliminary reports I'm getting is that our friend is quite the Xenophobe. Possibly even belonging to various organizations that think along similar lines. His attitude would seem to confirm this, but I'm sure our host knows of this first hand. I was also informed that many of the senior staff think very little of him as well."

“The senior staff as a whole seem to change rather often, Gabriel being one of the few exceptions, there has been a higher than average turnover of Executive Officers, and the overall command of the station has changed hands once or twice in recent years – of course the current one is only in place until Tahir comes back. Anyway, I agree Gabriel’s dislike of anyone who is not human is well documented, I can confirm that but not his membership of such organisations. I think one would find it most disturbing if that were the case … Deletham, look into it,” Rh’vaurek said. He picked up one of Gabriel’s pads – “I think we can agree his intention was to offend, and that it had its effect.”

"As did it on most of us Raedheol. I felt that same feeling during the conference. The Cardassians have never had restrictions like this while on an allies station." Thareks face yet again twisted and turned at the memory of the feelings distributed during the conference.

Rh'vaurek nodded, "I took the time to examine his rulebook in some detail, I am sure that you have both done hte same and it would seem to me that with a little diplomatic oil to ease co-operation between the three of us we can divide this station up between us and have the good Lieutenant Commander running round in circles - all within the strictures of his 'rules' of course."

Rh'vaurek did not doubt that Gabriel was interested in seeing what they did with the glaring loopholes he had left - probably use their explpitation as evidence to tighten up further, but by the time he had had time to gather that evidence Rh'vaurek had reason to believe that Gabriel would be too busy avoiding a rather vicious prosecutor to have much time to care for more than his own skin.

Toran waved off the mere mentioning of Gabriels 'rules' but liked the idea of driving the Commander crazy by dividing the station between the three of them. "There is also one post that we have overlooked and it would seem the Command was hoping we might." A wide grin formed as he spoke, "We are all Ambassadors here, we...and our respective embassy staffs hold Diplomatic Immunity. The dear Commander can't even detain our people, say if my aide and Tharek's got into a 'dispute' on the promenade.”

Rh’vaurek approved of that, “I’m sure I could find someone who would join in.” He paused looking at the looming skeletal figure of Deletham, not really his glass of ale …

Tharek’s eyes suddenly lit up. "Oh yes, gentlemen, I forgot to mention; The Rakara, my personal ship, will be arriving soon." A large smile grew on the Cardassian’s face. "I do hope the Chief of Security will make all my staff feel as welcome as they do now." He made no attempt to hide the sarcasm in his voice.

“Oh no! That won’t do at all!” Rh’vaurek exclaimed lifting his eyes from the padd, “That will mean you have a warship, Toran has a warship … that really is not fair and balanced … what’s to be done?” Rh’vaurek drummed his fingers on the tabletop in mock consternation, “the only thing for it, gentlemen would be for me to request that my government sends one for me, that way the balance between our powers is restored and Lieutenant Commander Gabriel can rest easily knowing that no party is asking for special dispensation … a d’Deridex should do it, don’t you think?”

"I think that would do nicely Raedheol. The arrival of The Rakara is expected soon. The arrival of a Romulan Warbird is surely going to keep Gabriel on his toes." Tharek interlocked his fingers and sat back in his chair.

Laughing aloud, Toran slapped the table. "You'll not only drive Gabriel insane but make the rest of the station soil themselves!" A wicked expression formed on Toran's face. "Perhaps you could let me know when its due to arrive...the HeD'not could be out sie the station conduct....drills or something. Your vessel could decloak and of course my vessel; better yet", turning to Getal, "OUR vessels, would come to the defense of the station. After all we are here to 'protect Deep Space 5 are we not Vi'kar Getal?"

"I suppose we are Toran. I believe that would be more than suficient to make the populace on DS5 'soil themselves'.

"Would you two do me the honour of being there when The Rakara arrives?" Tharek raised his eyebrow quizzically.

"If you wish," Rh'vaurek said, he was pondering who he could ask for a ship without going to Senator Latasalaem or through the official channels - perhaps Isha's mother might be persuaded to send one ...

"Certainly." Replied Toran. "Are we greating any in particular or just the ship?"

"We are greeting Gul G'mar, a close, personal, and loyal friend of mine."

Rh'vaurek nodded, "it would only be right to greet our friends with proper ceremony," he said.

Toran nodded slowly as his host spoke. ~In the interests of 'interstellar co-operation.~ "Agreed."


erie'Khrein Rh.vaurek Raedhoel
Acting Ambassador (NPC by Louise)

Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Klingon Ambassador

Yzalla - Toran's consort
NPC'd by Toran

Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal