Cascade – Sifting through the rubble
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Rakka

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Title   Sifting through the rubble
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Rakka
Posted   Sun Jan 20, 2013 @ 11:51pm
Location   Cardassian Embassy
Timeline   SD 70: 22:00
Rakka stepped off the lift onto the Promenade, taking an authoritative stride as she headed in the direction of the Cardassian embassy. Most of the chaos had died down by this time, but there were still plenty of morbidly curious spectators craning their necks to get a glimpse of carnage. Having no patience for this behaviour, the Nausicaan snapped out orders in a low, growling tone, sending most of them drifting back toward the lifts. Dodging through the personnel at the scene, she finally located a security officer and zeroed in.

"Status?" she barked, without preamble.

Debrah jumped back slightly as she looked upward at the massive individual standing before her. "I.. .uh...I'm sorry, Commander Rakka." Deborah said, trying to regain her wits about herself. She was intently focused on analyzing the rubble in front of her when she was interrupted by the assertive Nausicaan.

"I do not think we have had the chance to meet one another. I am Ensign Debrah Kato, Security Investigations Officer." She said extending her hand.

"Pleasantries later," Rakka replied crisply. "I asked for a status report."

Debrah frowned. While she was aware of the Nausicaan's history on the station she had never had the chance to interact with her. This certainly was an eye-opening moment.

"Yes. .. I...was performing an investigation into the explosion. Engineering has stated that the area has been cleared and force fields have been erected to prevent anymore collapses or cave-ins." She reported. "So far medical has given an initial casualty report of 5 killed, 6 injured. Still no word on the condition of Ambassador Getal." She reported.

"Have you identified any suspects?"

"Unfortunately, that is going to be a problem in figuring out." Debrah responded. "The damage casued by the explosion damaged internal sensors throughout this deck. Ordinarily, there would be a backup system in place to record; however, the Cardassian Embassy has an independent system that was installed when the facility was constructed. The Federation was not allowed to place any redundant systems in place because the Cardassian Government feared that it would be used to spy on them. With this being sovereign soil, we had no choice but to acquiesce.

Rakka gritted her teeth. "You're telling me, with all the security systems in place on the Promenade to protect the public, we have no way of knowing who was the last person to enter the embassy?"

"Well, uhm. . .that is..I mean," Debrah fumbled to find the right words. She had spent most of her career buried in a padd or researching. She was not used to being in the middle of a explosion or having to report to a front-line security officer.

"I don't know" was the best answer she could give. "I was able to recover some information from the internal sensors, but the only thing I could determine was that the bomber was a humanoid. i can't tell if it was a human or a Klingon that was responsible." she uttered.

"Human or Klingon--why?"

"The reason I say Klingon is because of this." Debrah said as she gestured to an evidence containment field that held a satchel with remnants of a spent munition. "That was recovered from what used to be the far corner of the Embassy's outer corridor." She informed the brooding Nausicaan.

"I will get this down to the Science Lab and have them do an analysis on it to confirm, but I'm willing to bet that the device is Klingon just from the damaged caused." she added.

"Klingon or not, it's no reason to jump to conclusions as to the terrorist's identity," Rakka replied. "Anyone could have gotten their hands on anyone else's technology. Regardless--where in god's name is Trellis?"

"Ye--yes sir." Debrah responded. "I'm not sure where Lieutenant Trellis is at the moment, the last I heard from him, he was in Main Security." She replied, still concerned about the woman's escalating temper.

"I would've thought that he had coordinated with you by now. I--" she began to say, but was cut off.

Rakka held up one hand to stop her, and tapped her comm badge with the other.

=/= "Rakka to Trellis!"

=/= "Trellis here" the Trill responded.

=/= "What's your status? I'm here at the explosion scene and I expected to find you here running things!"

Trellis was a bit taken back by the tone of the Commander. "Excuse me, Commander?" He asked, not understand where the abrasive sentiment was coming from.

=/= "I asked you what your status is," the Nausicaan replied slowly, trying hard to keep from losing her temper entirely. "What are you not understanding?"

=/= "What I don't understand, Commander, is why there is a problem with the current investigation. I've assigned Ensign Kato to perform a forensic investigation while the rest of the department is occupied with other matters." He responded to the accusatory tone of the Nausicaan.

Surprising even herself, Rakka found herself actually feeling hurt by this. Since Trellis had neither given her a part in the bombing investigation, nor included her in these mysterious "other matters", all she could conclude was that be did not consider her to be part of the department at all.

=/= "Trellis," she said as calmly as possible, "I've been assigned as your consultant, and as you have continually neglected to consult me, allow me to offer some advice unbidden--as Chief, it reflects badly on you to not have a visible presence in an investigation of an event that has caused public panic. Unless there is some greater threat to the station you haven't seen fit to keep me informed of...?"

~it reflects badly on you. . .~

~it reflects badly on you. . .~

She was doing it again!

Trellis' fist unconsciously began to ball up on his desk. She was undermining his authority and questioning his competence as Head of Security.


Debrah winced slightly as she heard the Trill's voice broadcasting sharply through Rakka's communicator.

"I was placed in control of this department and. .and. . I--I am fully able to handle this crisis!" he said as he found himself on his feet. His fists were shaking as they continued to roll inward into the palm of his hand.

=/= "For gods' sake, Trellis!" The Nausicaan hissed, trying to make her way to a more secluded location. "I'm trying to help you! I am capable of running this department as well, but that does not mean I'm gunning for your position. The Captain put me in place so that you could take advantage of my experience, and instead of accepting my criticisms and suggestions you consistently choose to view me as some kind of threat. Perhaps the real problem here is your own sense of insecurity!"

~Of course she would try to belittle me. . .~

~She never respected me or my position. . .~

~I can see that this is how things will be. . .~

=/= "I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!" Trellis responded as he found himself gripping a small glass in his hand. "From day 1 you have repeatedly tried to undermine me and question my ability to run this department and protect this station." his fingers gripped the glass so hard that his fingers began to change colors as the pressure increased on the cold surface.

"I will continue to run this department and I will continue to do my job." He said as he chest rose and fell with each word.

"I suggest you do the same, Commander! Trellis, out!" he said purposefully as his hand slammed on the console, cutting the conversation.

Rakka threw her hands up into the air in frustration. "I'm a consultant, dammit!" she growled to no one in particular. "If you're not going to consult me, then I'll just sit on my ass!"

Debrah saw the officer walking, quickly, in her direction. "Do you still wish for me to perform the analysis, Commander?" she asked to brooding Nausicaan.

Rakka contemplated the woman for a moment. "You had better check with Trellis," she finally muttered. "He hasn't any interest in my involvement."

She stormed back to the turbolift.

Cdr Rakka
Security Consultant/Trainer

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Debrah Kato
Security Investigation Officer