Beg, Steal or Borrow – A meeting of sorts
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Chief Executive Officer Johan Weiltzer

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Title   A meeting of sorts
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Chief Executive Officer Johan Weiltzer
Posted   Tue Feb 10, 2009 @ 1:02am
Location   Promonade
Timeline   SD7 16:30
Larry was thirsty to some that might mean replicating something but ‘what the hell’ Larry had a few strips of platinum laying around. So he figured he would go to a bar better atmosphere that way. When got to the nearest one he found it packed except for a seat by an older man. “Hey mind if I sit here” Larry said by way of greeting.

Sitting in the bar after the first part of the court-martial was over, Johan was nothing but frustrated, and really liked the thought of company. "Of course you may. Mister...uhm, I'm afraid I haven't caught your name yet."

"Larry Day is what people usually call me though if you happen to have any connections with the Talarians then I am figment of your imagination" Larry said with a wink of his brown coloured eye.

"Ah, another 'honest' businessman who accidentally crossed onto their wrong side, eh?" stated Johan with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, which said he knew exactly what Larry was talking about.

"So have you been on the station long I just got in yesterday" Larry said happy to strike up a conversation.

"Actually, I have been on the station for a very long time, seems like ages, but my corporation requires its foothold in this area given the need for freight to be shipped between here and truly civilized locations," said Johan also with a big twinkle in his eye, which said he wasn't saying absolutely everything that was on his mind.

Larry grinned back, knowing there was more to this man than met the eye. "So I take it your 'Into' freight?" He said, catching the attention of the server, who nodded that he had seen the young man holding a strip of Latinum.

"I handle lots of freight, as well as other services. I am sure you have heard of Weiltzer Freight Corporation, haven't you?" said Johan almost absolutely certain that this man would have recognized him already if he had heard of the company.

Larry nodded his head. "I would think that everybody has, unless they were in the Delta quadrant."

The barkeep rolled up to the man. "What can I get you?" He asked.

Larry cocked his head to the elderly gentleman beside him. "Can I offer you a refill?" He paused, before adding, "Mr Weiltzer?" He grinned.

"I suppose if you want to, I'll have a glass of Weiltzer Medara-Betazed Black, year 2190," he said. "And I don't mean that synthehol or replicated stuff either, I want the real thing with real alcohol in it," he stated to clarify clearly what he wanted.

Larry blew out a breath to stifle the laugh. "Are you serious?" He looked at the stiffness of Johans face and held up his hands in surrender, scratching his had as he lay the latinum on the bar. "As the man ordered and I will have a synthehol." He waited for the barman to disappear before leaning back to Weiltzer. "And are you in need of a pilot with exceptional skills?" He enquired in a casual manner.

"We could use all the people we can get, and exceptional pilots always have a job within the Corps, especially in my fleet. Who knows, if you prove yourself to be a good enough pilot on the freight ships, you could potentially end up being my personal pilot, if you are looking for a job, that is," said Johan knowing that he already had hooked Larry like a fisherman with a fish.

He liked the sound of personal pilot, it had a nice intonation about it. His smile widened, revealing a set of perfect white teeth and a single gold capped incisor.
"Well it appears fate has guided me to you!" Larry remarked as the barman laid their respective drinks on the counter.

Larry eased the glass of wine towards his prospective employer as he lifted his own mug of synthehol.
"To the stars?" He said, raising his glass in Johans direction.

"To the stars," said Weiltzer taking a gulp of the wine. As he removed the glass from his lips, he began talking again. "As I said, you have to prove yourself to be an excellent pilot, and in a competition between all Weiltzer Corporation pilots you have to be the best pilot in order to become my own personal pilot, but even if you aren't, you would continue being a pilot on a ship. I assume since you asked about pilots, that you happen to love flying ships."

Larry placed the mug on the bartop and wiped the droplets of liquid from his mouth with the back of his hand and in an instant, the smile was back on his thick lips.

"Love it. Man, flying a ship at any speed, from impulse to maximum warp is the biggest thrill in a persons life."
He leaned a little closer to Johan, his elbow remaining planted next to his glass. He cast a glance around, ensuring nobody was paying too close an attention to the two men who appeared to be having nothing more than a drink and a chat. He lowered his voice. "Of course, the biggest thrill, is when you have to barrel roll, ninety sharp and hit max warp just to outsmart the local enforcement if a transaction happens to go wrong, but a man as careful as yourself, will never have been placed into such a jeopardising position." He cocked his head, eyeing the owner of the Weiltzer corporation with a keen eye, confident in the look he was receiving for the grey haired man in the tall wooden seat next to him. "After all, you are legitimate and above suspicion!" His hand snaked back around the handle as he leant back and took a deep mouthful of his beverage.

"Never say never. You see, I actually have been in that situation on a few 'unofficial' occasions. Of course the records of those events will never see the light of day, nor will the fact that what I was doing was part of my duty to the Federation. Within Weiltzer Corporation, not really, at least, not in an 'official' Weiltzer Corp vehicle. In private vehicles, that's an entirely different ballgame, especially my gorgeous little souped up Gertrude. She is actually so small that she is inside a docking bay designated for Weiltzer Corp employee use only. All our 'official' Weiltzer Corp Vessels have to dock on the ring like everyone else. Maybe someday you'll get a chance to see Gertrude in action, of course, I probably couldn't match your piloting skills," said Johan, a glimmer in his eye at the prospect of having a new employee.
He had been very careful to specifically use the word 'match' rather than any other word. So far no one he had ever met or even employed had ever outdone him as a pilot on any ship, even using the exact same ship between the two of them, and he was very proud of his skills, especially with Gertrude.
The Catherine was the only Weiltzer Corp registered vessel that had been excluded from the external docking rule given that it only required one person to operate and was Weiltzer 'personal' means of 'official' transportation for Weiltzer Corp, especially when visiting any of his ships. Of course, as much as he loved her, he had specifically had the Gertrude built for him and specifically built to outdo absolutely any Weiltzer Corp vessel and the majority of non-Weiltzer Corp vessels. Not necessarily all, but all that he had ever encountered.

Larry listened intently, his eyes not leaving the distinguished mans and envisaged the ships he spoke of. He knew that Johan was playing down his own piloting skills, after all, you don't get to own a freight company and not be a good pilot.

They sat and spoke together for the following hours, reliving dangerous flights, fights and fancies.
Time had passed so quick, they had become enraptured with each other, before Larry realised what the time was and he was already late for an appointment as his communication device erupted in his ear.

"I am so sorry Johan, I would love nothing more than to talk more with you and I am extremely interested in working with you. Can we arrange a meeting?" He asked as he slid off the bar stool, rubbing his legs.

"Of course, a meeting would work brilliantly. How about tomorrow at 2300 hours?" he asked cautiously.

"Until tomorrow." Larry said, extending his hand.

"Until tomorrow, my dear friend," said Johan with a smile.


Larry Day


Johan Albrecht Weiltzer
Fleet Admiral
Commanding Officer
9421st Fleet
Weiltzer Freight Corporation