Beg, Steal or Borrow – Mysterious traveler
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Mysterious traveler
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Jun 07, 2009 @ 1:37am
Location   Doking bay 44
Timeline   SD 9 0635
Tag   To be posted before "A Small Matter"
Docking bay 44 was buzzing with activity, the first transport of the day had arrived. Dozens of different people milled about meeting people arriving, while other hustled to get to their next transport. One figure in particular arrived alone. No one to greet him, and no sign he was moving on. His face was almost invisible shrouded by the hood of the long coat he wore, his hands were barely visible hidden by the long sleeves. He carried a single large bag, black, no way of identifying the owner. This man was trying to be anonymous, his only distinguishing feature was a noticeable limp.

As he made his way to the turbolift a security team stopped him, he turned to stare at them, the two men looked as if they had seen death it self, or some horrible phantasm. He turned back to the turbolift and entered, the look of shock still clearly embedded on their faces and in memory.

The turbolift was empty, the only noise was the lift moving through the lift shaft, when it reached the destination the doors slid open he quickly exited the lift and walked with a purpose down the corridor, a few uniformed officers stopped looked at the figure, some were shocked many more were confused, the presence of the stranger, they all were amazed though. He stopped at one particular room, entered a security code and entered the door closing behind him.

As he stood there he heard a page for all the senior officers to meet, ~perfect~ he thought ~all in one place, all at one time.~ He turned and walked out and down the corridor back to the turbolift, as he turned to face the closing door, a crewman saw his face and went pale like he'd seen a ghost.

To be Continued??

Mysterious man