Judgement – Reunited and it feels so good!!
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   Reunited and it feels so good!!
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Tue Nov 23, 2010 @ 5:12pm
Location   Stephen's Lair
Timeline   Current
Lacey started to finally come out of the fog and began to remember the betrayal she had suffered at the hands of Dr. Murdoch. She kept her body still and limp but let her senses take over. She could feel that she was on a hard, cold, metal surface, without opening her eyes she knew that she was in a dark place, the air was oppressive to her lungs.

She took shallow breaths to not betray the fact that she was awake...except the moment she could smell Stephen's cologne it made her stomach lurch and she promptly got sick over the side of her metal bed as he neared her. Lacey opened her watery eyes and pushed back her tangled blond hair, she looked up at him with nothing but horror behind her eyes.

Stephen leaned over her with a fatherly smile, "Lacey my dear little lost lamb, I've found you at last." He intoned with a voice like honey dripped over burnt flesh. She tried to pull back but her hands were cuffed to rails on either side of the bare steel bed. "Leave us." He ordered the two burly men who had delivered her.

Gratefully the two men traded glances with each other, and quickly made their way out of the room, they were familiar with their employers pervese fetishes and found it best to be somewhere else when he conducted them. "Oh my dear little Lacey, I've missed you soo..." He leaned in closer, running his tongue down the side of her face like a dog taking a long lick of a bone, Lacey sat frozen and rigid staring straight ahead.

If she ever got away again she would make sure that she went after Lance before disappearing completely again. Lacey shuddered on the inside as his tongue swept up her face. There was no use screaming, there would be no help for her. She shut down completely, preparing for more terrors to come.

Stephen stood and quietly made his way accross the room, which was bare and sterile, the walls and floor were bare concrete tapering to a drain in the center, the powerfull overhead lights reflected off the shiney silver impliments arranged on stainles steel trays on the center of a table. It was to this table that Stephen made his way, a bottle of champaigne was uncorked, he poured himself a glass.

"I would offer you some dear Lacey, but I know how it makes you sleepy," he said, taking a sip. It was expensive, the best that money could buy, but nowhere near as satisfying as what would come next. "And I really don't think you want to sleep now that we are finally back together." he put down the glass and picked up one of the impliments it looked like a wicked curved version of a surgical scalple. "Play time!" He grinned manically.

This time she did scream, a blood curdling scream that even had the guards outside the door been able to hear they would shudder "NO! PLEASE!" She begged, tears coming down her cheeks. Lacey struggled against the restraints holding her wrists and ankles in place, trying to get away. She shrank against the wall making herself as small as possible. "I promise...I will never run away again...please...Wayne...I promise..." She sobbed. "I promise!" Her voice became more high pitched as he got closer. Lacey screamed as the scalple made a shallow slice down her foot.

Wayne, aka Stephen stood by the foot of her bed, his eye's closed. An expression of rapture on his face, the room was soundproofed he was the only one who could hear her cries. He ran the back of the blade through his mouth, licking her blood off. Slowly he pressed the blade to her skin again, drawing a bright red line into her foot , revelling in her screams and terror.

She kicked him away, causing the bottom part of her foot to be sliced open. Immediately Lacey knew it had been a mistake. The knife was suddenly at her throat. She became very still and whimpered quietly as tears fell down in streams from her eyes. Lacey prayed to God that Stephen would simply kill her and put her out of her misery but she knew that would never happen. He would torture her until there was nothing left of her but a shell, completely broken on the inside and out. She swore if she ever survived this she would never trust again.

He sniffed the side of her head, breathing in the sweat and fear, "You won't do that again will you?" He whispered into her ear. Pulling her hair away from her neck with his bloddy fingers. He kissed her delicate white shoulder, then moved his mouth along her skin, gently making his way up her neck before sinking his teeth into the tender pale skin of her throat.

Lacey screamed and contorted against him. She couldn't help herself, the pain was white and searing. Lacey knew that he was getting off on her screams but they kept escaping her throat. She forced herself to lay still and to take the punishment for escaping, reminding herself that she had suffered worse at his hands. Her mind was still screaming but she accepted her fate, if she died at least she would have some peace.

Wayne knew how to play her body like a musical instrument, always stopping short of her losing conciousness, he spent the next several hours exploring ways of extracting pain and inflicting punishment he wanted to make sure she never even considered leaving him again.


Lacey NPC'd By Nan

Stephen/Wayne NPC'd By Brad (I'm a normal well adjusted person I promise!)