Things Past – Past Realities
by Arrival Sarish Anjar & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Past Realities
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Arrival Sarish Anjar & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Mon Jan 21, 2013 @ 8:28pm
Location   TBD
Timeline   10 years ago
Sarish strained against the restraints as a bucket of fetid, urine infused, water was tossed in his face. Sputtering he was suddenly fully awake. He was bound to a steel chair by some kind of carbon fiber ties.

He knew instantly how he had been taken. It was no fault of his, though he was not above making errors, he had been betrayed.

His face was swollen, his jaw broken more than likely. A purplish bruise covered the entire left side of his face. His nose had been broken, he knew that for sure, because it was hard for him to breathe. His right eye was almost closed and he could see nothing out of it.

He wasn't sure how long they had been working on him. trying to break him, so he would betray his friends and name them and their location to the Cardsassians, but so far he had not been broken his spirit. But they had woke him for a reason. The bastards always did things for a reason. He assumed they were bringing in the big guns now.

Big guns was an understatement. "Leave us." A dark and powerful voice commanded the Cardassian's present in the room to evacuate. The tall lizard stepped forward into the light, and into full view for the Bajoran to see.

"Hello." He stated calmly, almost as if greeting an acquaintance. "I am Gul Getal."

"Sarish." he managed to eke out. Normally his voice was a rich baritone now it felt as though there was gravel or little rocks in his throat. If the jaw wasn't broken it was close. It hurt like hell just to try to talk.

The calmness of the Cardassian in front of him worried him. An angry Cardassian he could deal with. Anger could be used against them, because anger made one careless. Calm, well calm was a different story altogether.

He looked up at the man with his one good eye and waited to see what would happen next.

Tharek smiled, almost politely, as he made his way over to a chair in the corner of the dark, almost sauna like room. He brought it back and placed it down infront of Sarish. "You know, Sarish, you've caused a lot of trouble recently. Haven't you?" Getal sat down and sighed. "You're lucky you know." The Cardassian stated without waiting for a reply from the broken man. "My colleagues wanted to continue to beat information out of you. I stopped them. I wanted to just... " He chose his words carefully as he lent forward, eye to eye with the Bajoran. "Talk."

"What did you want to talk about?" he asked stalling for time as he tried to move the pain to a remote part of his mind to better deal with it.

"I want to talk about you Sarish." Tharek crossed one leg over the other and placed his hands in a neat pile on his lap. "I want to talk about you and your friends. Wherever they may be."

"Talk all you want to, he spat out, "But I'm not giving them up. your bully boys couldn't get me to talk you're sure as the Prophets not going to either." Truth be told Sarish was exceedingly thirsty, he hadn't had anything to drink for almost twenty-four hours, but he wasn't going to say anything about that. No reason to give the Cardassian bastard more ammo.

"Oh, but I am." Getal finally lost all of his formalities. All of his politeness towards the small scrap of excrement that sat infront of him, broken and bruised. Tharek reached for the earring that Sarish wore, and tore it off. He then showed him the object.

"I owe this technique to an El-Aurian." He said through maniacal eyes as he remembered what Draylin Tal had done . "I'll give you half an hour to pray to your Prophets to save you. By then, if you haven't released any information to me regarding your accomplices or your actions in the Free Haven area, then I will kill you. Unless you get saved by some divine miracle." Getal stood back up and faded back into the darkness. He let Sarish know he was still there, by twirling the earring in his hand, glinting in the little light there was.

Sarish lifted a prayer to the Prophets and then for good measure, to the Christian God his friend Drew had talked to him about. He didn't really have too much faith in such a God, but he was desperate and willing to try anything.

He was prepared to die for the cause he believed in, especially if he knew that by doing so, his friends would be spared. Still he had a trick or two still left up his sleeve. He counted down silently in his head. He knew his friends were close very close, a lot closer than the Cardassian bastard lurking in the shadows even suspected.

As an explosion from deep within the facility rocked the room he was being held in, he steeled himself for what he had to do. He lifted his wrists up against the ties and rotated them as hard as he could.

There was a satisfying snap followed by an arrow of agony running from his hand up to the synapses in his brain. As dust was cascading down from the rafters, he just managed to pull his arms free.

He was in no real condition to fight the larger stronger Gul, so he did the only thing he could under the circumstances, he started running towards the door.

The Reptile regained his composure quickly, before lunging shoulder-first into the Bajoran. They both fell to the floor and winded up as a mixture between rubble and bodies. Getal rolled off of Sarish and propped himself onto one knee, ready for his next assault. Fortunately for Sarish, that assault was halted by another explosion, this time from just outside the room they were in. As the blast shook the room, Getal was launched from one side to the other by a tidal wave of dust and debris.

Sarish too was tossed backwards, his injured ribs crashing against a jagged rock. For a few seconds the pain was so sharp that he was unable to breath. Just as Getal was about to attack again a beam from the ceiling collapsed on to the Gul pinning him against the ground.

Getal finally became the angry Cardassian Sarish was accustomed to. "You are on borrowed time Bajoran! If I don't kill you, someone else will take my place!" Tharek bellowed the words at the man as he attempted to lift the beam from his person, with no success.

Sarish smiled at him and with an effort flashed him a hand gesture that was not the Vulcan 'live long and prosper' greeting. "Yeah good luck with that," he told the man as he turned to go.

Then a third explosion rocked the place almost driving Sarish off his feet again and releasing the unmistakable odor of methane gas. Sarish knew there was one more explosion left, one that would, especially with the gas filling the place level the place.

For some reason, he couldn't even explain to himself, he moved back towards Getal. He knelt down, got his back under the beam and started to lift. "Don't make me regret this and lift Prophets damn you. Lift!"

Getal was shocked momentarily, before reality snapped back at him. He used all of his strength combined with Sarish's to lift the beam from his body. As Tharek managed to slip underneath it, he looked at the man that had just helped to save his life. "You let me live, so I'll let you live, but mark my words Bajoran, the next time I see you, I will kill you without a hint of remorse. Now, run, before I change my mind."

Sarish turned to go, "Next time, you won't see me."


A joint post by

Sarish Anjar
Owner. Endeavors
Deep Space 5


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador