Beg, Steal or Borrow – Holding the Line - Part 2 (Backpost)
by Colonel James Darson

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Title   Holding the Line - Part 2 (Backpost)
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson
Posted   Wed May 13, 2009 @ 6:52pm
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD8 - 1405 (Coinciding with the Attack and "The Waiting...")

There was silence on the line for a moment, then Taneko heard Fawer grumble before he said, =^= “Well, whomever said that numbers count for nothing in an enclosed space like this obviously never cared about the attackers. As for the ambassador…that is deeply disturbing information. I’ll relay it to the Major immediately. In the meantime…I’m issuing new orders. Pull back and evacuate the embassy; seal off the main doors and take all of its personnel through the escape hatch and bring them down here, where it’s more defensible. There’s no point in holding there anymore…the embassy personnel will have temporary asylum with us. ” =^=

Taneko was about to respond when he saw the crowd surge forward again, pushing the Marines back another meter or two. They were already approaching the first fallback point even though they hadn’t done anything. =^= “Yes sir!” =^= he said into the mic, than cut the channel.


He turned back towards the struggling Marines and reopened the original tactical channel, “Alright…all Marines listen up. We’re going to plan C. We’re abandoning our original fallback strategy, and heading right to the embassy. Blue squad, gather up all our gear from outside and inside and prepare to seal it up and evacuate. Is that clear?”

There was a chorus of acknowledgement from the other fire team leaders, and he quickly pulled a stun grenade and a smoke grenade from his belt, set the timers and primed them. He took a deep breath, than shouted for the Marines to fall back as he armed the grenades and tossed them over the heads of the suddenly retreating Marines.

With the resistance suddenly gone, the rioters had let up in surprise, but quickly recovered. They began to run forward towards the solitary Marine, Sergeant Taneko, who dared to stand before them. As he turned to run, both grenades detonated.

The resulting blast from the stun grenade sent a large portion of the crowd sprawling backwards, and actually physically lifted the lithe Sergeant off his feet and sent him flying through the air. He landed roughly, stumbled, but regained his footing as he hightailed it back to the embassy. A quick glance behind him could only identify a thick cloud of white smoke; and the confused cries of the crowd.

On the way, he dodged around empty crates that were supposed to have served as barriers to the crowds, and then came upon the hustle around the consulate door. The Marines were frantically dissembling the emplacements that had been there as a last line of defense. A quick glance down the opposite side of the corridor found a cloud of smoke, which implicated that the commander at the other end of the hall had pulled a similar maneuver.

Most of the Marines had moved inside already and Taneko was helping remove the final emplacement when the smoke cleared and the newly revitalized crowd roared as they rocketed down the corridor towards them from both directions.

A bead of sweat rolled down Taneko’s face, “Dear god!” he thought, “it’s Omega II all over again. He picked up the last of the equipment and ushered the private inside with a swift kick to the rear. He dived in, and one of the Marines was barely able to seal the door before the first offenders reached it and began pounding on it. The squad of Marines watched in hushed silence as the door rattled and the relentless yells of the crowd continued.

“They’re like Zombies…freaking zombies,” one of the privates commented in an awed tone.

“Stow it Private,” Taneko snapped. If there was one thing Marines hated, it was zombies. For many of them, it was their worst nightmare. Things that infected other people, and could only be killed by shooting them in the head. Mass panic, death etc. etc…bad things all around. Fortunately or not, these were not zombies, merely misguided citizens, “Fuse the door, than reinforce it. Then let’s get the hell out of here before something else goes wrong.”

As he moved to talk with the other squad leader, two of the Marines wrestled a large plate of metal, cut by one of the engineers previous to the attack, and fitted it against the door as one more placed a magnesium strip against it.; They began to weld it shut, ignoring the noise outside, as the strip fused the original door shut.

After a few minutes of high intensity welding, the Marines moved back to observe their work. It would take some high strength gear to get through that. A few seconds later, Taneko entered the foyer once more and stood near the receptionist’s desk, “All right. Great job you guys. Now, go and help with the evacuation at the rear of the embassy.”

They nodded silently and trooped out of the room. Taneko stayed behind a few seconds to stare at the slightly shaking door and the crowds behind it. God, this mission had gone to hell. With a grumble he turned and reentered the main part of the embassy, passing that stupid looking statue in the middle of it.

Even though he was the person in charge, Taneko decided to take it upon himself to run the last sweep of the embassy, make sure that everybody was out before they sealed the escape hatch. As he moved from room to room, all devoid of personnel, he began thinking of ways that he could have handled the mob better.

His thinking was cut short though as he opened the door to the Ambassador’s office and came face to face with a Marine from his squad. There was a moment of silence as they both stared at each other. Suddenly the other Marine saluted, “Sergeant! I was just running a final sweep of the area. It’s all clear down here.

Taneko eyed him suspiciously, the memory of the public travesty with the traitor that had taken place earlier. But…the private’s story did sound reasonable, and he didn’t have time to question it now. He moved aside and indicated the Marine should go join the evacuation.

As he left, Taneko stepped inside the cold office, the door sliding shut behind him. He glanced around, looking for anything suspicious or out of place. He moved around the office, taking quick stock to see if anything was missing, than headed towards the desk.

As he came around the desk, the LCARS terminal embedded within that bore the words ‘UPLOAD COMPLETE’ blanked out and was replaced with the standard symbol of the Romulan Empire. Taneko poked around for a moment, than decided that it was high time for him to get out of here. He’d deal with the suspicious Marine later…probably just trying to loot something from the ambassador’s office while she was otherwise engaged.

He walked cautiously to the door, and after taking one more look around, switched off the lights and moved out, sealing the door as he went. He passed through the loud foyer as the relentless masses outside continued to try to beat the door down. He gave a rueful sigh, than jogged towards the back. There were two Marines stationed at the hatch, assisting the final stragglers through.

They turned as he approached and asked if there was anybody else back there, “No,” he said, “I’m the last…let’s lock this door up and get out of here. Make sure we can get back in though…I don’t think the Major would be keen on having to cut his way through a door just to get in here again.”

They nodded as he ducked through the hatch and out the other side, and they followed, pulling the concealable door shut with them.


Marines NPC'd by Major James Darson