Interlude – Back to how things were
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Back to how things were
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sat Jul 03, 2010 @ 8:44pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD23 - A few hours after 'More Honesty'

Well, so much for not drinking alcohol anymore.

Though Arrienye had resisted and vowed to herself that nothing alcoholic would pass by her lips after her drunken night with Sotar, she still joined a few of the other officers in their celebration of Maiell's promotion. The man of the hour had reluctantly joined them and the five of them soon found themselves in the Box of Delights, seated around a table at the front.

About an hour later, they were all much more relaxed around one another, with Arrienye being the only sober one, with only two drinks in her. She had some control, after all. Sipping her third very slowly, she finally stood up once her companions pointed out it was her round. Slipping out of her chair and through the crowd, Arrienye finally reached the bar, signaling over the Bajoran bartender and ordering for them.

"I'll take another round of Kanar." A voice from the right of Arrienye sounded. Sotar's voice. He looked to her and smiled. "Fancy seeing you here again. We've taken back to alcohol so quickly!"

Arrienye felt a slight chill go through her as she looked over at the Cardassian that had come to her. Her face was serious and cold as she watched him. "I suppose so. Not that my habits are any of your business, Telet," she told him firmly.

"Hey hey, what's with all the hostility?" He asked, part jokingly, mostly serious.

"What hostility? I'm simply telling you to mind your own business," she told him, tapping her fingers against the bar as she waited from the bartender, who seemed to be having a very busy night.

"What's wrong? You don't seem yourself... " He said solemnly.

"I am completely myself," Arrienye told him, crossing her arms as she looked up at him. "It's you that I'm suddenly starting to discover for who your really are," she told him.

"And what am I, really?" He asked, generally confused.

"You're two-faced and amoral. And you have no honor," she told him simply, obviously mad at him. "Are those drinks ready yet?" she snapped at the bartender, who simply told her to give him a few minutes.

"I would like to know what I've done to become two-faced, amoral or to have no honour?"

Arrienye snorted. "If you don't know then it's probably best to leave you in your blissful ignorance," she decided.

Sotar turned to the bartender. "I'll take several of what she's having." He turned back to Arrienye. "I have no idea what you are talking about!"

"Of course you don't!" Arrienye told him back, getting angry. "If you knew what I meant you wouldn't be doing it!" she added.

"What is 'it'!" Sotar asked, this was really giving him a migraine. "Just tell me straight. What have I done?"

"Forget it," she brushed off, "What do you care about what I think of you anyway?"

"Because your probably the only person who hasn't hated me for being Cardassian." He stated.

"You're right, I don't hate you for being Cardassian. I hate you for being a man with no principles. Because only a man with absolutely no principles could work for a loathsome, blood-sucking, manipulative, dishonorable snake like Getal and still feel good about himself," she told him, her voice unnervingly steady.

Now he got it. Getal had done something to the Rommies, and the Rommies didn't like it. "Is that how you think, that I do feel good about myself? Every male Cardassian is drafted into military at a certain age, I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and was given to Getal's regime."

"Don't make excuses!" Arrienye told him quickly, then looked away from him, still waiting for her drinks.

"Excuses? Do not pin blame on an entire race for one mans actions. Or your no better than the man himself!"

Arrienye looked at him, shocked. "Don't you dare compare me to that monstrous son of a bitch!" she told him angrily. "And I'm not pinning blame on an entire race. I'm pining blame on you for being the loyal lackey of that...that...ugh, I can't even find an appropriate enough word!"

"I could think of several that would make a Nausicaan blush. Loyal lackey? Most of the staff in the place wants Tharek's head! I think it's only Turrel that doesn't want him dead!"

"I don't care about Turrel. Or you, as a matter of fact. I just don't want to even be in the presence of someone who's close to that... that thing walking around the Cardassian Embassy," Arrienye stated.

"Fine, I have no intention of being near someone who has a narrow, single-minded view. Boys!" Sotar shouted over to the table, packed full of Cardassian men, wearing the standard military uniform. "We're leaving! now!"

"Fine!" she shot back, looking away from him with a flip of her black hair and watched the bartender finally hand her the drinks she'd ordered.


A Joint Post By:

Glen Sotar Telet
Cardassian Chief of Staff


Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Romulan Head of Security