Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Men! Who needs them? - Part 2
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Men! Who needs them? - Part 2
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Tue Dec 09, 2008 @ 9:35pm
Location   A crowded bar
Timeline   21:30 - 22.30 ish ... who's counting ;)
Slowly Raedheol picked his way through the crowded room. He had already located Isha’s table and with a chuckle his gaze passed over it and on to the rest of the room; they were certainly drawing attention to themselves. Most interestingly, in his opinion from the rather surly looking Bajoran propping up the bar. He had entered the establishment shortly after the ladies and Raedheol had noticed that once they were seated the man had found himself a spot where he could keep an eye on them. Now, though he appeared to be taking frequent slugs of the orange liquid in his glass it never seemed to get any emptier and his eyes did not leave their table.

Rh’vaurek lingered where he could see all three of them until Isha left Chelsea alone at the table and shimmered her way to the bathroom. With a chuckle, he peeled himself away from the wall and approached.

“Have you seen doctor Adams?” he asked warmly, placing a firm hand on Chelsea’s shoulder.

Chelsea would have spun round with surprise at first, until she realised who it was who had put his hand on her shoulder. Instead she tried to keep a face on her discovery and pretended not to be perturbed.

He picked one of her ringlets between his fingers gently winding it around his fingertip before releasing it to bounce back into place, “You clean up surprisingly well, Doctor, I’m impressed. Actually, I know of a man on ch’Havran who would pay a lot of money for something so lovely and so exotic … something for you to think about should you ever piss me off again,” he said.

"If I were a sensitive soul, Arrain, I might be insulted to think you could suggest that I were likely to make myself available for sale, let alone to allow you to cream off any profits that might be on offer should I ever stoop so low." she replied in a low tone so as not to attract attention or be overheard.

"Of course, I *do* know you're not serious if for no other reason than that would make you my pimp and I do believe that's something... one of the few things... that even you would be above." she went on, tossing her head gently, allowing the assaulted curl to bob in defiance. Still blissfully naive about the lengths this man would go to, despite Isha's warning and their disagreement over him, Chelsea was foolhardy enough to underestimate Raedheol even now.

“I wasn’t counting on your co-operation, doctor,” he said slipping into the vacant space on the plush banquet. Adams was right however, there were certain things that he would not do, not that he was going to tell her that. “Call me Rh’vaurek, we’re practically family now, aren’t we. I have something for you.” He produced the vial of blood he had acquired earlier, the thick ruby liquid almost black in the dim light. “Isha’s other Bajoran acquaintance, the one you were suspicious of was good enough to ‘give’ me this. Do whatever tests are necessary and as soon as you find out what she is, come to me and let me let me know your findings. Needless to say I don’t want Isha to know about this.”

"No" she said indignantly, attempting to push his hand and the vial away from her without anyone seeing them. "I'm not here to do your dirty work for you and if Isha can't know then I shouldn't be involved. It's not my business."

He leaned close and spoke quite quietly into Chelsea’s ear, “Do you see that man at the bar? He calls himself Pellan Joran and he happens to share quarters with Isha’s acquaintance. It could be a coincidence that he is here, but I somehow doubt that.”

"What do you mean? Are you saying Isha is in danger?" Chelsea looked alarmed.

“He followed you both in here and I followed him. I’ve been watching him sitting there for some time now, and the only time his eyes left this table is when d’Ishaal got up and left it. I think he’s going to try something, maybe now, maybe later, but when he does, I want to know who or what I am dealing with.. I already told you that Isha is in danger, and though I can see how much it’ll disappoint you to hear it, I’m not the threat.”

"Can't you stop him? No, wait... what am I saying? He could be totally innocent. You're not even sure. Oh, very well. I'll do the tests... but for Isha, not for you? Alright?" she conceded and slipped her hand inside Raedheol's taking the vial and slipping it into her little clutch-bag.

As she slid her hand into Raedheol's in this secretive manner, talking with him in hushed tones, their heads close together, he breathing into her ear and she responding with a flushed heightened colour, all conspired to give a picture to onlookers that was not at all what either of them would have desired to be seen or misunderstood.