Judgement – Getting Going
by Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Getting Going
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Tue Oct 19, 2010 @ 7:51pm
Location   Docking Bay Nine / Runabout Tyne / Runabout Thames / USS Nautilus
Timeline   SD35 11:00

Because Lieutenant Carstairs was required to deputize for Villiers in the meeting with the Romulans it was rather more than an hour before the away team were all gathered. At least everyone had a chance to read the briefing he had prepared earlier.

"Sorry I'm late," he said as he jogged up the ramp and into the runabout. He was the last one there. It was going to be a cozy journey with so many present, but the ship needed to be small enough to sneak onto the planet without being detected.

"Good morning, Sir." A young brunette, braided hair pinned closely to her head and a petty officer's flash on her collar, turned from the operations panel and handed him a tricorder. "PO Garan. Following your briefing I've updated the tricorders to provide extra warning on a variety of bio, chem and technological agents used on Feltor. It should also pick up local comm traffics; news broadcasts, civilian emergency channels. I wasn't sure if I should attempt to eavesdrop on the military frequencies?"

"Don't" Lieutenant Michael Duquesne stated from the inside of the Tyne as he continued to go over the last minute check. "These people are going through probably the toughest period of their time. We might see it as a Civil War, but many of them see it as a fight for liberation and even survival." He said as he closed the side vent and sealed it.

"We have to respect the fact that they will consider us outsiders. It is still a Federation world, but it would benefit us all to respect their sense of dignity and privacy." he suggested to the two officers.

Jana walked in with science kits under each arm. "I will run echo scans so that it wont come up on any sensors." She said.

Ben wasn't far behind Jana, his medical kit over his shoulder. He had brought a full field kit and it was heavy but there was a likelihood that medical supplies would be scarce so he would need to have the maximum to hand. He grinned at Jana.

Jana smiled back at him and winked as she took her spot at her console.

"Does anyone have questions about the brief?" Carstairs asked - he thought it had been clear, but you never knew. "Things only get fuzzy if the government secede before we land - if we're in situ we can assist, if we're too late then strictly speaking we have to wait until we are invited to assist," he explained, "even if there are settlers from the Federation among the native populace."

"Understood, I will keep all channels open and continue passive scans." Jana said.

Ben stashed his kit and took his seat.

Trellis nodded as he began the pre-flight sequence within the Runabout and began to bring all primary systems online. Hopefully this would just be a simple mission; however, he had a feeling that there would be complications. He just hoped that the Federation would be willing to at least listen to the other side before they began to rely upon "other" negotiation tactics.

"Garan, get me a primary scan on the primary and secondary ODN systems and bring propulsion online, 1/4." He stated as the Runabout came to life and prepared to depart.

"Everybody else, please prepare to pull out and try to say a prayer for the natives." He said.

"Sensors are showing functional, all necessarily commlinks open." Jana replied.

"ODNs are fully functional, propulsion on-line. All systems are go." Garan added.

Ben initiated his graviton seat secure-device, a brief, bizarre thought wandering inexplicably through this head wondering how passengers in centuries gone by used to cope with 'seat-belts' that effectively 'bound' them into the seating in a totally inefficent, imbalanced and restrictive manner.

Truth be told the last place that Carstairs wanted to be was aboard a runabout that was about to leave the station to go to a planet where they would find god knew what. He wanted to be behind a nice desk, in a nice office, with a nice brief to research. But he took his seat along with the others and waited for the off.

The countdown was started and Main Ops made contact, giving co-ordinates, last minute instructions and clearance to the small craft to be on their way.

The Tyne was first to hover into place and hop out like a flea leaving its host for a better promise. It wasn't long before they had cleared the approach lanes and were clear to set course for the Feltor system. It was going to be several hours and the runabout was full.

Ben was pleased to be spending time with Jana but some were clearly impatient for the journey to be over.

Finally they arrived at the outer edge of the system and the screens began to show schematics of the planets and their rotations in relation to one another. Ben peered over Jana's shoulder as she brought up more details on her screen.


- Nautilus

Bruce and his crew were loading the last of the equipment onto the Wallace class ship. After everything they had loaded onto the Nautilus it was pretty cramped. They had filled the cargo bay tight, even though it was against regulations there had been a few items put onto the bridge. Bruce even had his tool kit next to him on the bridge.

"Nautilus to Tyne, we are set here just waiting on you." He hailed sitting down.

=^= Tyne here. On our way, keep up little buddy... catch us if you can! =^= Conn responded with an audible smirk.

"Right! That does it!" huffed Master Chief Mike White, stepping up behind the pilot and, with a smirk of his own, tweaking the console and some of the circuitry behind a small panel beneath the front screen. "Ok, Jorge, give it to 'em... you should have a bit of Engineering wind beneath your wings now."

"More like Engineer's hot air!" Jorge replied, grinning and ducking out of the way to avoid a mock clip that Mike aimed in his direction, pretending to narrowly miss the back of his head.

"Fly boys!" Mike muttered disparagingly but with a twinkle in his eye. Jorge opened the craft's throttle up as soon as she was clear of the base and the traffic lane.

"Woh!" he muttered as she shot forward, lurching the Master Chief heavily into the seat he had begun to hover over with the intention of sitting himself comfortably down.

"Steady with her!" Mike reproached. "I don't want to end up fixing her up out here because you've roughed her up."

Jorge just grinned. "Ha!" he responded without adding the banter he had in mind because at that moment the Chief Engineer looked over at them both.

"You two forget we are in a Wallace and not a Runabout? We could have easily over took them with out your little adjustments. Lets let him put his foot in his mouth. Once we get under way bring her to warp 7 to pass the Tyne then back off to 5.5 so we can keep just in front of them." Bruce instructed, he wasn't going to let the pilot off that easily.


- Thames

Running both a weapons check and normal ship functions, Harris called back to Lieutenant Totti.

"Sir, ships ready. If you could join me up front and buckle in, the Tyne & Nautilus report ready." Harris said as he fastened his own strap around his stomach and secured himself.

Mathew stepped forward and fastened himself in, he hadn't done this in a while. He brought his panel online and noticed the recent weapons check, he didn't know diplomatic shuttles were armed. "Weapons?" Mathew queried.

"Standard under the circumstances," one of the security officers running last minute checks said, "We're going into an uncertain situation. If they're not in the mood to talk you'll be glad of the firepower. sir."

Alicia came aboard, introduced herself to Lt. Totti and then to the pilot. "Yeoman York... Alicia" she held out her hand to Mathew first. "i'm your aide for this trip Sir so if there's anything I can get you, I'd like to start my duties as soon as you need me"

Mathew stood up and returned the offering of the handshake "Ms York? I was not aware of you coming. But now that you're here; sit down and make yourself comfortable.

"Thank you Sir" she replied, pink-cheeked. "Is there anything I can do to be helpful?" she enquired in a fresh and open manner.

The pilot acknowledged Alicia with a nod and a shake of her hand and then turned back to his console and continued to prep the shuttle for flight. Manoeuvring behind the Thames to follow third out into the unknown.

As Alicia sat down Mathew turned to her "Have you been briefed on the current situation, and what are your orders?"

"I have been briefed, in as much as I'm told the planet is in a state of political flux and the people there know little and fear much. With so many of the population feeling so jumpy, it's a diplomatic nightmare but someone has to attempt some form of mediation or refereeing, even if only to plead for the rights of the downtrodden."

She folded her hands in her lap as she explained. "I am to take my lead from yourself and do whatever you think would be helpful for me to involve myself in."

She shrugged and surmised. "Basically, I'm here to see that you get the best shot possible at pulling diplomatic miracles out of a hat. I could do that by, on the one hand, holding the proverbial hat for you - so to speak - on the other extreme, using my martial arts training to defend you should you need that - or anything in between." Looking directly at Matthew with large wide blue eyes and an eager, if perhaps naive expression on her heart-shaped face, she smiled.

"Do you have any preconceptions or information on what you will be expected to undertake yourself?" she asked.

Mathew smiled and admired her naivety, "What I can tell you, is that I will be attempting to coax the local government into perhaps staying with the Federation, and to negotiate and justify our presence.



Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Lieutenant Evans Carstairs (NPC)

Petty Officer Garan (NPC)

Michael Duquesne (NPC)

Lt. Jana Kasikova

PO3C William Harris
Thames Pilot

Lt. Bruce Freeman

Lt Ben Kensington

Yeoman Alicia York
Diplomatic Aide (NPC)

Master Chief Mike White
Engineer (NPC)

PO Jorge Garcia
Pilot (NPC)