Incommunicado – Your call is important to us - please hold.
by Lieutenant JG Petro & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Your call is important to us - please hold.
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Apr 07, 2012 @ 4:14pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD57 11:15
Petro tried again to bring up the subspace relay communication to the Federation Cruiser without any success. She must have been doing something wrong. All she received was either static or silence. For the seventh time she rechecked the equipment and readings. Either she was reading them incorrectly or there was a relay missing. She pushed herself away from the console, the frustration apparent in her facial expression, and walked up to the Captain's office.

The little J'Nai pressed the chime, looking back with disgust at her station. "Maybe I'm not cut out to be a communications officer," she muttered under her breath.

Tasha was anxiously looking over the preparation reports of the Horatio from Commander Freeman and Lieutenant Kramer and the teams that had completed the overhaul on the Constitution class ship that had somehow found DS5 as a home when the chime tinkled now that the Horatio had finally departed on its final shakedown run before its destiny was decided. Captain Buckley was en route and that was who she assumed was now bidding for her attention.

She pushed the button on her desk that opened the door and saw Petro stood there with a deep look of frustration or concern on her face.

"Petro, come in." She bade as she rose from her seat.

The Communications officer nodded and stepped forward. "I apologize for the interruption," she said, "but I think I might have done something wrong."

The Captains brow dropped. "No need to apologize, what do you think you have done wrong?" She asked with an encouragement to her question rather than a demand and waved at the chair opposite.

Petro sat down in the chair and did her best to keep her head raised. "I keep getting a communications relay error when trying to contact a Federation Cruiser." She said. "The one that was carrying the Orion stew cargo and the chef that proclaimed he was the best in the galaxy. I can't get a hold of them. Only static."

"And has the communications array been checked?" She asked as the two women sat down. "I am sure it is nothing you have done, but a call to engineering can help." She suggested.

"They've said that everything is tip-top." Petro replied. "They had someone go out and check it anyway to be sure but they said they didn't see any problems with it."

Tasha shook her head. "Then I am as lost as you. Communications have been playing up for while. The Horatio left dock fifteen minutes ago, monitor their data streams and let me know if anything strange happens." Tasha ordered. "Besides that, how is the training going?" She asked, trying to put Petro at ease.

"I can do that." Petro replied. "Robert said I've pretty much already learned everything. I think he was being overly generous though. There's still so much that I don't know."

Tasha smiled. "Rushtone is a good man with a good heart and I am sure he will give you all the help you need." She leant forward, placing her hands under her chin. "And my door is always open for you. You have come along way in the last few months and yet you still think you cannot achieve anything." Her mouth became a grin as she stood and made her way to the replicator, turning to look at Petro before placing her order and then carrying over 2 cups of extra rich hot chocolate with a marshmallow topping. "I think I have this right, if I recall, it was one of your favourites." Tasha said as she placed the other glass in front of Petro.

"It is." Petro replied with a smile, then her demeanor turned to sadness. "It was Rakka's favorite too."

"I know," Tasha replied, "you look like you needed it though." She smiled as she sipped through the mallow to the sweet chocolate beneath. "Mm, nice." She said to no one but herself. "Don't look so sad, remember the good things, not the fact that Rakka has moved on. You are... " Tasha stopped to think for a moment as the chocolate flavour dissipated. "You can everything you want on this station, sadness if you so desire, or joy. Just nobody to talk to outside of the station at the moment." Tasha quipped.

"I'm working on that." Petro replied, feeling like she had just been slapped. "Maybe Rushtone knows of another way to verify the stability of the carrier frequencies," she mused.

Putting her glass on the desk, Tasha gave a nod.
"Ask him, see if he has any input. We may get lucky and find out what the issues are." She suggested and noticed that the glass in front of Petro remained untouched but made no remark about it.

"I hope so." Petro replied. "It's got me befuddled." She leaned forward and picked up the mug, gingerly taking a sip and getting a flood of memories. "Wow." She said softly, "so much change."

Tasha smiled when Petro took the glass. It gave a little sign that the J'Naii was trying to move forward, despite the hurdles of coming back to DS5.

"Nice?" She asked as she retrieved a PADD from her drawer and tapped her access code into it and began to download the engineering reports for the last six hours where there were tags for 'Communication' problems and issues.

"It brings back so many happy memories." Petro replied, "like the first shuttle mission Rakka and I went on together. You might say that was when we became friends. We both shared a love for chocolates."

Tasha felt comforted by the enigmatic smile on Petros' face and the fact that she had taken a sip of the chocolate. Somehow, it felt important to her that Petro felt at home on DS5, as much as she did before and that she still had friends on the station as well as being both an important and integral member of the team and 'Shuttle mission' gave her an idea.

"Would you like to get off the station for an hour or two? I was thinking of sending Commander Dunham out to see what may be causing the problems with the communications. Perhaps you can join him?" She suggested.

Petro's eyes lit with excitement. "I would love," she calmed her excited voice, "I mean, I think that would be an excellent learning opportunity." She said. Unable to remove the smile from her face she attempted to hide it by taking another sip of the Hot Chocolate.

The excitement was hardly containable.
"I'll contact him shortly." She responded as she also took another large sip of the warm chocolate beverage and just enjoyed the moment with the two of them, alone.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Lieutenant JG Petro