Unity – an apology
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   an apology
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sun Aug 29, 2010 @ 9:53am
Location   BII Offices
Timeline   SD16 1530 hours
Wayne sat in his office with the doors closed and locked he had need of some time alone and at least here he would have it. Finally after several minutes he got himself put togather and took out something he seldome ever used any more old fashion Company stationary and an ink well and stencil. He had a letter to write and one that would be hand delivered not by himself but by a messenger that he trusted.

To Eleni Monteros CEO Monteros Enterprises

Ma'am I would like to apologize for the actions of my men and myself when we met in your offices today. I admit that the tactics we used were more then a little heavy handed and could have easly been seen as a threat to yourself and to your people. That was not my intent and I misjudged the situation badly. For that I am deeply and professly sorry.

I would like the chance to try and make things right between us if it is possible. Since I know that I will never be welcome in your offices after what your chief of security told me and I doubt that you will come to my offices most likely for the same reason I propose a meeting in a nuetral place. Say the texan restraunt that is located about half way between our businesses. YOu can feel free to bring as many or as few people with you to this meeting as you see fit. However I will bring only myself. I am looking forward to your reply or to your presence at the meeting tomarrow evening say around 7PM


Wayne Bradshaw
CEO Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated

He aited for the ink to dry then folded the letter and put a blob of hot wax on the final fold to seal the letter with his own endorsement ring that bore the companies logo. Looking at the leter he hit the comm buttion

"Andy would you please come in here I have a job for you." said wayne calmly he unlocked the door and a few minutes later a young man walked into his office.

"Andy Pleae take this to the Offices of the Monteros corporation. You are to give this letter directly to the CEO herself. There is no need to wait for a reply as I am sure that there will not be one. Then I want you to get back here as I know you have other duties to see to." Said wayne calmly as he handed over the letter and sent the young man on his way.