Judgement – Back to Reality
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Back to Reality
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 8:20pm
Location   Romulan Consulate, Ambassador's Office
Timeline   SD36. 19:00
Stiff from her encounter with her cousin, for the first time in a professional capacity, and having been informed that a slave had arrived from ch'RIhan, Isha bypassed her quarters and went straight into her office.

This also meant that when t'Merek requested an interview that Isha was still dressed in her cousin's shirt and the long coat she had replicated for herself - the disruptor that Isha had confiscated from him lay on her desk.

As she rose Isha buttoned the coat and squared herself to face the woman she had inadvertently tortured.

Arrienye stood outside t'Khellian's office for a few moments, closing her eyes to steady her thoughts. This was going to be difficult, acting like nothing had happened, but Arrienye tried to focus more on her mind than what her heart was telling her and decided she would do everything in her power to remain as professional as possible. It wouldn't do anyone any good for t'Merek to act as anything but what and who she was. Taking a final breath and exhaling the inner struggle with a deep sigh, Arrienye pressed the chime.

"Enter," Isha said before she realised that she had not even taken the time to repair her 'face' - it was too late now. The worst of the damage she had removed before leaving R'Vek's quarters, but her appearance was not intact.

So Isha chose another line entirely - "t'Merek, I wish to instigate a complete review of security - not your fault, but feel that there is more that couold be done."

Arrienye blinked at the comment. ~What?~ she exclaimed in her head, but tried to keep her expression as neutral as possible without it looking forced. "In what way?" she asked immediately, walking closer. Her legs were pulsing with pain, but she pushed it back the way she was trained to do as she waited for an answer. For once, she was dressed in her Diplomatic Aide uniform, meaning her harness had been removed as she'd just come back from a meeting with tr'Rul. Her nerves were still slightly on edge from having to fight the urge to punch that sexist bastard straight in his smug face.

"I have been too lax," Isha began, "In allowing access to these premises. The Stelam Shiar has required me thus far to have an open door. In practice, and in this place I question that polociy. It is flawed, and that is my faling. I believe that you can correct it. I relieve you of any former constraints in providing security for my embassy."

Isha was not going to humiliate t'Merek further by referring to what she had had done to her. She hoped that this clear delegation of authority would impresss it on her.

The minute that last sentence left t'Khellian's mouth, Arrienye's back was pressed up against the proverbial wall. She refused to think this was all coincidence or that t'Khellian had suddenly had an epiphany. Something else was going on here and t'Merek wasn't about to think she was being paranoid for considering it. Less than 24 hours ago, she'd issued an unneeded act of corporal punishment against her, after which she'd made her wait an hour before getting treatment, and now all of a sudden she was letting her run Security without restrictions, something she'd been campaigning for since day one? Something wasn't right.

Not saying anything, Arrienye settled for a nod before waiting for the Ambassador to continue the meeting.

"We have allowed standards to slip," Isha said bluntly, "these matters I usually leave in the remit of my Chief of Staff to co-ordinate. I would like you to take up those duties in his absence."

Isha walkd back across the room as she said it. She wasn't even wearing shoes!, "On top of your usual responsibilities," Isha addded.

But Arrienye paid no attention to the way t'Khellian looked. She didn't really care. She was too busy trying to figure out what thought might calm her down enough to keep her from blowing up in t'Khellian's face. On top of her usual responsibilities?! Did she mean on top of being Head of Security, Diplomatic aide AND trying to kill Getal without anyone finding out?! Not to mention doing all this while being in a constant state of physical agony. This was insane! If she wasn't working around the clock before she definitely would be now.

"Fine," Arrienye said simply. Her voice didn't sound aggressive, or like she didn't like what she'd been told. In fact, it held no emotions at all. But her eyes looked at t'Khellian in a way that was less than favorable. As she blinked once, the emotion disappeared from her blue eyes and she nodded, crossing her arms over her chest with only a slight wince breaking her expression from the pain it caused on her back and arms.

What was the woman's problem? Isha wondered as she accepted the scathing look without comment. Isha had just given her, in his absence the full power of her Chief of Staff and yet t'Merek seemed dissatisfied.

What more can I do? Isha wondered as her own gaze hardened. Her shoulders stung and she ached to be able to retire ... why did t'Merek not see that.

Before Isha could think more of this, Arrienye produced the padd she'd brought and handed it to her. "The report of tr'Rul's activities for the day," she explained.

Isha nodded. Even as she took it her mind continued to re-write history - editing out the parts that could damage her. Isha increasingly thought that t'Merek was being not only unreasonable but ungrateful; anyone else would have seen her giving her additional responsibilities was a reflection of how well regarded she was.

She skimmed the padd. "What do you think of tr'Rul?" she asked.

"In a professional capacity he is...average. A good diplomat, but nothing that could set him apart form anyone else," Arrienye replied shortly.

"He has a very high opinion of himself," Isha said as though everything that had happened in the last twenty four hours had never taken place. "though as you rightly observe he has average abilities. He is also a time server and makes sure to say the right things to the right people. Don't underestimate his proclivity for malice should you get on the wrong side of him. This meeting he had with the trade delegation ... what was discussed?"

The item that had caught Isha's eye was a "trade delegation' She almost missed it, but Isha happened to recognise the name of one of hte delegates - he controlled a conglomerate that supplied luxury goods - and was immediately suspicious about the lack of details. She would bet her own fortune that tr'Rul was planning to use this to line his own pockets.

"Surprisingly, very little. I believe my presence annoyed him. He kept sending me out to get useless things like padds and coffee, insisting the coffee be freshly made so that, I believe, he could have more time alone with the delegates. Luckily I have surveillance footage the surveillance team is gathering up so there's really nothing I could've missed."

Isha nodded. "Very good," she said. "I will not have my office abused by a caretaker. Keep close to him, t'Merek. Was there anything further?"

"Nothing that needs to be reported," Arrienye said with a small shake of her head.

"Very well, you're dismissed," Isha finished tartly.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek