Unity – A little session
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   A little session
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu Jun 24, 2010 @ 7:06pm
Location   The Chief Councellor's Office
Timeline   SD17 11:55
Tag   Kreallia to sign and post pls?
His hand was at his mouth and despite everything, Bryan knew that perhaps he should just reach out and touch that annunciator.
He shook his head and turned to Mercy.
"I can't. I don't think I can handle the pressures of having counselling sessions along with peer pressure, administration errands, blackmail......" He didn't finish the sentence, Yolanthe had already put him in awkward position with her bargaining and now he had been ordered by Davies to attend a session with the counsellor. Davies had also agreed that Bryan could take Mercy for support and for that, he was grateful.

His hand reached out for hers, his eyes searched hers and tenderly he took the bandaged hand.

Mercy looked deep into his eyes and her love was there to be seen for him to take support from. "It's okay" she had said to him as they were walking along the corridor a moment ago. "This is voluntary and if you don't feel comfortable, we'll just come quietly away, alright?" He had seemed to take heart from that and having said it once, she didn't feel she should repeat it, but knew he had it in his mind. Her fingers curled around his softly and she smiled.

He swallowed and nodded with nothing said between them as his free hand reached out and pressed the chime.

It rang.

Mercy was nervous too, on Bryan's behalf. She could tell that he was un-nerved by everything that had happened and although she was a mild-mannered, happy little soul with a dislike of confrontation who would endure much rather than stand up for herself, yet her love was so strong that she could become like a lioness with cubs, if she felt that her loved ones were in need of being defended.

With her precious Bryan seeming so vulnerable beside her, she was feeling a mixture of gentleness towards him and a contrasting protective strength to take on even the terrorists themselves if they were to appear and look at him sideways.

Kreallia sat in her office, the same one she had held since she had arrived and refused to take the chief counselor's office from Kasikova for the reason that Kasikova had earned the right to keep the office and plus Kreallia had just finished redecorating her's to feel a little more homy.

The chime however was still very sharp and Kreallia gave an annoyed sigh when it rang. "Come in." She said, perking up a bit.

Bryan turned to Mercy seeking a smile for support and she did so and she gently squeezed his hand to further that support.

The door opened and Bryan led them both into the counselors office.

"Counsellor, you asked to see me?" Surzchenko said with a slight quiver in his voice. "I hope you don't mind that I brought Mercy along for a little moral support." He said, squeezing her hand and looking directly at the counsellor, wondering what it was exactly he had been summoned for.

Mercy had become his moon and stars, he had come to cherish her above anything else on this station and he was not about to let anybody separate them unnecessarily.
He reluctantly let go of her hand as he took a step forwards towards the desk.

Kreallia smiled brightly. "It's alright, please sit down." She said, motioning for them to sit in the new chairs she had requesitioned, it made the office look brighter and happier without the standard leather decor. "Can I get you anything?" Kreallia asked, walking over to the replicator where River lay on her back with her paws in the air sleeping soundly.

Bryan glanced towards Mercy as they stepped forward. "No, I am fine thank you." He thought about his words before he spoke and sat down in the chair, watching Mercy as she settled into the one next to him. "Mercy?" He asked referring to the offered drink.

"No thank you, I'm fine" Mercy declined politely looking around the room. Her eyes fell on River and her countenance changed completely. "OH!" she exclaimed with delight. "She is SO beautiful!" From that way up with her legs in the air, it was clearly apparent that the pup was female. "May I make a fuss of her?" she asked Kreallia, edging forward in her seat as if itching for permission.

"Of course Warrant officer." Kreallia smiled. "River is too young to be left home alone so I bring her here just to make things more relaxed and River enjoys the attention." She explained.

Mercy was out of the seat and on the floor, baby-talking to the puppy. "River? Is that her name? She's SOOOO cute! Yes you are, aren't you? You're nearly as gorgeous as Bryan...." she grinned and shot a cheeky smirk at the light of her life.

Bryan saw the way Mercy was with the puppy and he smiled as she kind of compared the cur to him, thinking perhaps they should get a pet and for that matter, maybe ask for a quarters of their own, or was he now pushing things ahead too quickly. The smile dropped from his face, their relationship seemed to be constantly consoling each over injuries or scrapes they had gotten into, instead of getting to know each other on a deeper level.
"No, he is far cuter and I expect more obedient!" He said without thinking.

"Cute is a matter of the eye of the beholder, darling" Mercy reassured him. Then she covered River's huge ears. "... and he's a she..." she smiled, avoiding the 'obedient' comment. She could tease him about that one later when they were alone.

Bryan felt himself redden. "My apologies." He mumbled, feeling embarrassed. "Shall we get this little session underway?" He wanted to move on and take Mercy and himself somewhere a little more discreet.

Mercy realised she had embarrassed Bryan so she got up and went back to her chair, sitting quietly beside him and returning control of the situation to him.

"Alright then." Kreallia said, getting back to business. "Now first I want you to explain in your own words why you are here." She said.

Bryan seemed to hesitate. Mercy stayed where she was and didn't speak but she reached her hand towards his and interlinked her fingers with his, gently stroking the back of his hand soothingly with the the lightest of touches from the soft underside of her thumb.

"Why I'm here?" He shifted in his seat, taking comfort in Mercys closeness. "I guess because things seem to be falling apart all around us. The civilians have more control than we do," He flicked his head to Mercy, "and I just can't get to grips of being the pawn for them and the whipping boy for the commanders." His hands clasped together and fell into his lap as his head dipped to his chest.
"I know I need to assert my authority, but for the sake of peace and harmony...." He didn't finish the sentence or raise his head.

Mercy felt a lump in her throat. Her lovely bubbly Bryan was close to breaking and she didn't seem to be able to do anything about it. It broke her heart that nothing she could say or do could reach into his sadness. She felt helpless and worried but she said nothing, only kept holding onto his hand.

Her hand in his gave him strength and he sighed a soft release of breath.
"Doctor, if I may, may I request to be removed from duty for the rest of the week. I need time to regain my composure and to ... " He paused, turning to Mercy and then back to look at the Doctor, "spend some quality time with Mercedes." He asked in a soft, but pleading voice and pulled his hand wrapped in hers, to his cheek.

Kreallia looked over the couple for a minute, this was an unusual case to be sure and while it was simple, it was indeed very personal and deep emotionally. "Can you........... can you tell me what troubles you the most about your position? I need that so Davies won't rip my head off when the PADD slides across his desk."

Bryan nodded.
"Honestly, after everything that has happened lately, I am just not strong enough to bear the responsibility." His grip on Mercys' hand tightened. "I have nearly lost the love of my life, twice and nearly lost my own. Then to be put in a position where I would be damned if I did, or if I didn't...... well, I need to prioritise." He leant his head back to glance up to Mercedes.

~Poor baby, he's at break point~ Mercy thought sadly. She wondered if there had been anything she should have done differently that might have helped him. Softly stroking his face with the backs of her fingers from their interlacing with his own, Mercy's eyes seemed to glisten with moisture.

His eyes fell back to the counsellor. "That is of course, if you would be so kind." He added, watching her across the desk as she studied him.

Kreallia nodded. "I'll talk to Commander Davies, but my recommendation only goes up so far in the chain of command, I can't promise anything."

Bryans lips tightened, as did his grip on Mercys hand, in understanding that the overall decision was not the counsellors.
"I cannot ask anymore of you." His free hand rubbed on his thigh, removing the dampness from his palm. "Thanks for you time and help." He said as he pushed himself up from the chair, still holding tightly onto Mercy. "May we be excused?" He enquired, casting Mercy a quick glance and then to the dog that had remained lying on the floor before his eye came back to Krealia's. ~perhaps I should see about a canine for Mercy? ~ he pondered, wondering how owning one would affect their relationship. ~ A dog is a commitment, like a child and we may not be ready to care for one. ~ His thought drifted as his attention snapped back to the counsellor.

"Of course." Kreallia nodded. "And I'll talk with Commander Davies during our appointment tomorrow evening."

"Would you like a dog?" Bryan asked Mercy as she led him out of the office.


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