Things Past – Unresolved matters (part 2)
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz

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Title   Unresolved matters (part 2)
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Posted   Thu Aug 08, 2013 @ 1:42pm
Location   Starbase 185
Timeline   Sometime between SD 60 - 70 (BACKPOST)
OFF MM: (Hey. So It's been a month since I have last been here. Unfortanetly my sister had had a family emergency with her youngest son and my family and I had to step. It still doesn't excuse being gone with /no/ communication back. It did make things hectic.. I want to talk to command staff and then after that, assuming it goes well - I'll be back if you're still willing to rp)

Thom: NO problem, I was MIA as well. Can you sign off on the 1st post so we can post it?

MM: No, Please! May I find a way to reinsert myself or shall I just be an observer for the rest since you guys have gotten so far? ;)

Thom: NO problem, jump in WHEREVER you want.


"Explain," Trellis said, listening intently. "From what my records show, you two crash-landed on the planet. What led to involving yourselves in their civil war?" He asked.

Sterling hesitated before she would answer. "We were shot down by the Separatists when we tried to land on Tau Volantis III. Our mission was to meditate peace between the two warring groups on the planet: The Separatists and the New Order." She swallowed. "When we crashed, Saria and I were the only ones to survive the crash, and were found by the Separatists themselves, which brought us to their base. Right there, they... they actually put all the causes of suffering on the planet, and also our crash landing, onto the New Order. However, Anaia was diplomatically quite... aggressive. If she couldn't reach something trough peace, it had to be by force. So we were tricked... rather brainwashed, into believing that the New Order would pose a threat to the civilization on the planet. The Freebird, in orbit, was bombardier with nuclear weapons, and had to retreat, leaving us behind. Since then, Anaia and I... massacred innocent people that would identify themselves as a member of the New Order, which was actually a peaceful cause. I thought that... that the captain, so old and wise, was doing the right thing, so I blindly followed her..."

Disgust was visible on Trellis' face. He turned to Muz, "Isn't the symbiont able to stop the host from doing something so horrible?" He asked the fellow Trill.

Trellis turned back towards Sterling. "When did Starfleet finally return to recover you from the planet and who eventually won the Civil War?" Trellis asked. It was undeniable that with the assistance of two highly-trained Starfleet Officers, the Separatists had the advantage. However, how did the War result when the advantage was taken away, Trellis wondered.

"After ten months, our base camp was assaulted by what seemed to be unknown forces, but they appeared to be a security detachment to pick us up. They found out that we were involved in the civil war not much later, and we were transported to the Constellation, in orbit of Tau Volantis III. Anaia went first to the court when we were near the Sol system, but as you gentlemen know, the shuttle never made it." She looked up to both Trills to the other side of the table. "And I'm not sure who won, but my best guess is that the Separatists won the war, as they had an advantage of us and our technology."

Trellis shook his head in disgust. "You inserted yourselves into a civil war. You irrevocably changed a civilization by providing them with technology, logistics, and support, for what?" He asked as he looked from the table back towards the aged woman. "What did you gain from all of this?

"Did, Lieutenant. I was young and naive, thinking that stepping in Captain Rex' footsteps was the right thing." She said. "I gained nothing from it. While I believed that what I did was the uttermost right thing..." Sterling took a moment to pause. "...she, she used me as her puppet for her vile plans. She threatened to kill me if I didn't comply. And believe me, I would not dare to fight someone with a thousand years of experience in firearms and martial arts."

"No, instead you chose to slaughter thousands of civilians and change the political dynamic of an entire world." Trellis replied, his anger becoming more and more evident. He knew that haranguing the woman would not help him accomplish his goal.

"What happened to Anaia once Starfleet arrived?" He said, trying to piece together and track her footsteps.

Sterling swallowed. "Once Starfleet attacked the base, I surrendered immediately and was detained. Anaia however... she resisted furiously, killing three starfleet officers in the process before she was surrounded and detained as well. So was brought to the Constellation not long after."

Trellis nodded. He was aware that there was an accident during her transport from the Constellation. "When she was transported from the Constellation, where was she to be delivered to?" He asked.

"Starbase 122. She would be delivered to the USS Tao Feng there, which in turn would transport her to her trial on Earth. But as you know, the shuttle didn't make it." She looked the Lieutenant right in the eyes.

"I have evidence that she is still alive." Trellis stated as he slid a padd towards her. "I received a communication from a Colony on Vistonia Prime. It was a medical request for Halu'gen, a specific bioengineered compound used to treat type of Trills." He said. "Ordinarily, it would not have caught my eye, except the description of the patient was very similar to Anaia. Furthermore, that compound is typically used on former Trill hosts because their bodies no longer make the necessary enzymes once the symbiont is removed." he said.

"I have reason to believe that she is alive." Trellis said firmly.

"Yep" Sterling sighed. "Anaia always had a plan to escape. I never truly believed she was really dead. She knows how to survive in any kind of manner. But catching her... that is the tricky thing."

Trellis looked directly into the woman's eyes. She had spent years with the woman as her Executive Officer. She knew Ania almost as well as the symbiont she hosted.

". . .in what way?" Trellis inquired, leaning forward. "It's been well over 20 years, she no longer has the symbiont. The memories and capabilities of the symbiont are lost after it has been removed. She's no more capable than any other non-viable Trill." He said earnestly.

"Rex was merely an extension of what Anaia used to be, Lieutenant. That woman is not stupid, she knows how to survive, even without Rex inside her." She paused. "But whoever may be joined with Rex now, also carries Anaia's personality. I'm no expert, but Rex was severely traumatized by Anaia's actions on Tau Volantis."

A chill went down Trellis' spine. He knew of Lieutenant Saria Rex's history of violent altercations. "Would this trauma manifest itself in subsequent hosts?...years later?" He asked.

"What?" Malak comes back from his reverie.. He was so far gone thinking about something else he ignored the commanding officer several times. He looks to Trellis and shakes his head,"No.. No." He advises, even if the subject had moved away from whether a symbiont can stop their host. He brings up his hand,"It doesn't work like that. The Symbiont and host become one. It's a new person. You take from the host, you take from the symbiont. You will see a symbiont act in manners unbefitting in one host - and then be a diplomat in another." He pauses and frowns as his eyes come up,"Though being able to survive with out a host is a new trick. I've never heard that before at all.. "

Trellis knew the Lieutenant Rex as the current host, but he did not want to reveal too much information before Sterling. However, between the three people, Sterling and Muz were the most knowledgeable Anaia and joined Trills.

"Lieutenant Muz, what would happen to the more dangerous aspects of a Host's personality upon surviving the trauma of being separated from their symbiont?" He asked the pilot. He wanted to know if Anaia had gone from being a Starfleet Officer to being a complete sociopath murder.

"..I.." Malak frowns as he thinks,"I'm not a medical expert. I'm not completely sure." He glances at the ground with a thought,"It would depend on the host. In most instances, Hosts have shown a deep sense of loss. This usually is encompassed with depression and regret." He exhales trying to think,"It might be something that someone couldn't handle. It could drive to become violent." Another soft exhale as he considers,"They would also, i imagine, have extreme memory fragments. Things they could and couldn't remember. So it would seem that someone would become very unstable." He glances to Sterling - watching her, but doesn't say anything.

"So there is nothing stopping Anaia from using her knowledge and experience to do something worst than facilitating a war?" Trellis asked pointedly.

"As much as any of the rest of us.. I suppose." Malak offers with a frown to Trellis. His hands staying behind him with a soft exhale as he considers the situation,".. If she is running on emotion from the loss of her host - then maybe we could play on that? I am sure that she would be nostalgic for things that have been lost.."

Trellis nodded and stood up. "Very well." He turned to the former Starfleet officer. "I'm having you transferred to my custody onboard Deep Space 5. You are going to assist us in the apprehension of the former Captain Ania Rex." he said as he signalled for the officer to unlock the doors.

"Let's head back, Lieutenant Muz, it seems like we have a lot of work to do when we get back." Trellis said as he headed towards the door.

Malak watched as the man spoke and an eyebrow raised. He glanced to the woman and then nodded before turning and heading out with Trellis. This had been... well interesting.

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Lieutenant JG
Malak Muz
Starfighter Pilot - Executive Officer