Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Reassurances
by Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

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Title   Reassurances
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Posted   Tue Sep 23, 2008 @ 1:44am
Location   Various
Timeline   11.00 - 11.34

Milarno was sat at the desk in his quarters filing the medical report on Petro from his scans earlier. He signed but didn't realise that Chelsea would realise he had been working when he was told not too. Ryan sighed and laughed a little. "Oh well" he said to himself as he left his quarters and headed straight for sickbay.

The main console in the CMO's office received the med-report that Ryan had sent and after finishing the first rounds of the day, Chelsea had left Ed finishing up a discharge and returned to the office to find the console flashing.

The light that was on indicated that a remote terminal had sent in a report or update to be checked and added to the database. Tapping the display to view the mystery file, Chelsea found herself reading the report on Ryan's visit to Petro.

~That sneaky son of a Bajoran! ~ she thought.

Ryan knew Chelsea would know and he just strolled into sickbay with a huge grin and walked into his office, seeing Chelsea sitting at the desk.

She looked up, raised one eyebrow, folded her arms and sighed.

"I suppose there's no point in reminding you, doctor, that you're off duty?" she said in an accusing tone.

Ordinarily she would never take such an attitude with him, but this was a different situation where she felt he needed protecting (even if it was from his own self) and when it came to protecting those she loved, the mild, easy-going Chelsea became a lioness to be reckoned with!

Ryan frowned. "I know I am but I was bored and well I thought I'd go see her" he shrugged slightly as he walked to the replicator, he didnt really see the fuss in it all.

"Ry, you really have to look after yourself!" she began to insist. "You of all people should know the perils of ignoring doctors' orders! And especially CO's orders too!"

"Yeah but...walking around and carrying a med kit for a little while is just the same as walking to a replicator and carrying a plate back...well bad example but you know what I's not gonna kill me" by this point he walked back. "And anyway that is so hypocritical coming from you who didn’t sleep for three days!"

Chelsea knew that was a fair shot but she wasn't admitting it. "I slept, not as much as I'd have liked for comfort, but enough!" she huffed. "And I'm not the one who's had a dose of Baron's and a shock to the system!"

She stood up and went over to him, sorry to be upsetting him.

"Babe, don't let's fight about this please? I'm only getting upset because I want to take care of you and you won't let me!" she said, softening now and trying not to get emotional. "When I saw you lying there, so ill and there was nothing I could do, I can't tell you how lost I was. I wanted it to be me, so I wouldn't have to try to cope if something happened to you! I think I'd shrivel up and just turn to dust!" she admitted quietly, trying not to look directly into his eyes.

Ryan didn't realise she felt that way. He felt bad. "I'm sorry, I'm not arguing..." he walked round the desk and kneeled down in front of her. "I-I'll tell you what...I'll get counselling..." he then frowned. "Or maybe not...we don't have one...but I can't counsel myself...hmmm" he said. "Or maybe not at all...I dunno what to do, I am fine though, I'm just dealing with it"

Chelsea reached out tenderly and took his face between the fingertips of both hands. Leaning forward she kissed the tip of his nose and smiled.

"I can see you counselling yourself. I imagine you sitting in a chair and steepling your fingers listening... *and how did that make you feel, Ryan* you'd say, then you'd run round the other side, throw yourself onto the couch and answer before rushing back to the chair to ask the next question! You'd be exhausted by the end of a session.... and then I wouldn't have to worry about you being kept awake by stress!" she smirked.

Ryan laughed and nodded. "Scary..." he said. "I'll speak to the captain or something or a random" he chucked.

"Talk to Ed?" she suggested. "I don't expect you to talk to me, in the circumstances you probably need someone a bit more remote. I'm too emotionally involved, but Ed's a great listener! ... and being medical, he's bound to confidentiality and unlikely to be shocked or judgemental!"

Ryan looked away and saw Ed walk by. He smiled slightly and nodded as Chelsea was speaking. "Yeah...I might do that, do you wanna take a break? Just I got plans for a few hours later that's all so I won't see you till tonight, well I might come and see you before you get off..."

"Sure!" she agreed, curious but not asking. "I have a lunch invitation to meet Isha, but I'm yours whenever you want me to break out! I'm owed a lot of time off, so I can snatch whatever you need!"

He grinned. "Come on then" he laughed as he stood.

"Now?" she asked as she stood. "Let me just tell Ed what's happening then!"

She went to find Ed and cleared with him that he didn't need her urgently. Telling him he could contact her by comms if he got snowed under, she took her leave for a short break and returned to Ryan who was waiting in the corridor outside Sickbay.

"Where are we going?" she asked, slipping her hand into his.

"Hmm, well I was thinking my quarters" he winked. "Or just go somewhere for a walk?" he asked.

Chelsea laughed. "You choose!" she said. "It's your day off!"

Errin laughed and smirked. "Quarters?" he laughed again. "I'm sorry, how bad am I? Dragging you away for..." he shook his head chuckling.

She grinned. "Who was dragged?" she asked, raising one eyebrow. "I left very willingly, *doctor*" she smirked.

Ryan nodded. "I know but, hmm I'm in a strange mood today" he laughed. "Think I'm getting an addiction?" he wondered.

"I sure as heck hope so!" she grinned as they walked together to his quarters. "And if you are, don't ask me to help you go into rehab!"

He laughed. "Hmmm well yeah, why not?!" he protested. "No am only joking, it's a good thing..."

" *You're* the good thing, Ryan!" she said, looking at him with her eyes full of emotion. "The best thing that ever happened to me! Thanks for being you! No matter how confused you might be about who that *you* is right now!"

Ryan smiled and stopped walking; he stopped her aswell, looked into her eyes and put his arms around her.

Chelsea wound her arms up around his neck and returned his gaze. "What?" she asked, grinning lop-sidedly at him.

"Nothing, just wanted to give you a hug" he said but he was confused. Was the hug actually more for him, than it was for Chelsea?

"That's handy!" she retorted, smirking again. "Hugs are what Chelsea’s do best!" she put on a *Tigger* voice from an ancient children’s cartoon character she had loved during her own childhood.

Laughing she pulled him closer and hugged him so tightly she had to check to see if he could still breathe.

He hugged her tightly aswell in return and as they separated they started walking again. "I do love you, you know" he said to her as they came up to a turbolift.

"You SO do not!" she teased, but the way she squeezed his hand and the adoration in her eyes told him that she *did* know different!

He smiled at her warmly; he didn't say anything as they entered the turbolift. "Do you think sickbay will be busy today?" he asked as the turbolift started moving.

"Yes I do, why?" she asked, raising an eyebrow suspiciously. "You're not getting a day-pass back to work just because there's a festival going on, most especially since you're not taking me to it, so you're off my Hallowed Day Card List!"

"No reason, just asking...and I don't really want to attend to be honest, not my thing..."

"No excuse for not taking me!" she muttered, poking her tongue out at him. "But since you asked, there's a batch of routine medicals and two surgical procedures, other than that it's only going to be whatever casualties the festivities produce. Probably some drunken escapades and other minor stuff."

Ryan frowned. "Why not?" he asked. "I'd rather be in sickbay working, that taking part in a Bajoran festival, no offence, I wouldn't have done it when I was human, never mind now..."

"Hey!" she objected. "It's not about whether it's Bajoran, Bolian, Klingon or Orion! It's about whether you wanna go anywhere with me?"

"Of course I do but you're working, and if I get my luck I will be too"

"You're off for the day!" she corrected him. "And I won't be working tonight! The least you could do is take me to the festivities after work!" she pouted.

Ryan dropped his head and looked up at her with the most cutest eyes. "Do I have too?"
Chelsea couldn't look as disappointed as she felt because he really *was* the cutest! And he *had* just told her how much he loved her.

"Nooooooo!" she sighed. "It's okay!" It wasn't but this time he got away with it!

Ryan looked at her. "Hmm..." he watched her for a moment. "No it's fine..." he smiled. "I'll take you"

"Aww Ryyyyyan!" she wound her arms around his neck again. "You're so sweet!"

As the turbolift stopped the doors opened.

"But you don't have to really! You're meant to be off sick! And I'll be tired. It's just really sweet of you to say you would! I couldn't actually make you, that'd be unfair!"

"If you aren't too tired when you finish, we'll go" he smiled. "I don't mind" Ryan said as he led the way out.

"It's a deal, but we wont stay out too late, ok?" she conceded and kissed him gently, releasing him from the hug so they could walk back towards Sickbay.

"Sure, whatever you like" he smiled as they walked. "What you gotta do today then, if everything goes uneventful?" he asked.

"Routine medicals!" she sighed.

Ryan sighed. "Have fun, and I think you have a a priority case in sickbay too, I dunno I'm out of the loop remember" he smiled. "Oh that reminds me, I need to come back and pick something up"

"Sure!" she smiled. "Priorities are the things that make the day go round! And I hope what you're picking up isn't female...Unless it's me after work!" Ryan grinned "I will be later but no, I'm just picking up a hypospray, for myself"

"Hey! I'm your doctor, I do the medicating!" she teased.

"I know" he smirked. "But it's only one..."

"That's what they all say!" she nudged him, but had no intention of actually interfering with whatever he was doing. Ryan knew what he was doing. He was the senior and more experienced doctor and Chelsea knew this.

They walked into sickbay and back over to the office. Chelsea gave Ryan a kiss goodbye and picked up some padds to start work again.

"Rest lots!" she told him, knowing full well he wouldn't. "See you later!"

Bye" he said smiling. He walked over to a hypospray trolley and picked one out, as he walked out to leave he heard the commander's voice behind him...


Lieutenant JG Chelsea Adams

(She will be joining soon :-) )