Judgement – Recovery Complete
by Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester

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Title   Recovery Complete
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester
Posted   Fri Jan 07, 2011 @ 12:45am
Location   Gym
Timeline   Current

The bench-press bar bent between the 160 pounds on either side of it. Jester was finally back to benching what he use to, a solid 320 pounds. Not champion lifter caliber weight, but still a hefty sum.

Beads of sweat were rolling off of Jackson's body as he finished his final set.

With a grunt, he pushed out the final rep, and situated the bar back into place.

As he sat up, he breathed a sigh of relief and reached for his towel and water bottle with one hand. He proceeded to towel himself off and periodically drink from his water.

Standing up, Jackson found his shirt to be missing. At first thought, he remembered his attending physician saying that some memory haze would be at first associated with such extreme supplement use and haste muscle recovery. Jackson stood up and went on a quest to see where he had left it.

Stopping at a mirror along the way, Jackson concluded that his physique was definitely worth the temporary haze.

After circling the gym twice, Jester again looked around a water fountain against the wall.

"Looking for this?" came a soft voice adjacent to Jester.

Jackson looked up to see a young female gym attendant holding up his muscle shirt with a smirk.

Jester smiled and approached her, "Why yes." he said with a twang, "Thank you darling."

The girl, blonde, fit, and pretty, blushed and smiled as she handed Jester his shirt.

"Almost a shame to cover it up though." Jester teased as he slipped on the tight fitting muscle shirt, "Isn't it?"

With a blush and a quickly concealed giggle, she nodded, "Have a good day." she said with a laugh, walking away.

Jackson smiled, "Oh I will." he responded as he turned to leave, "I will."


Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester
Chief of the Boat
Deep Space Five