We All Fall Down – Its the Way You Say It ...
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Its the Way You Say It ...
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Nov 02, 2014 @ 1:53pm
Location   CO's Office
Timeline   WAFD MD03 12:30
Isha paced across her office, reached the wall. Turned and paced back again. She repeated the action twice, thrice before she stopped and slammed her hands on the surface of her desk in frustration.

Every time she tried to work out what to say it sounded trite, insincere or toothless. How the hell was she going to make an address on the promenade that would reassure people if she didn't even believe herself?

As an Ambassador it was easy – people expected a degree of dissembling and a distinct lack of the direct truth. The same for a Senator. As the Commander of a Federation Starbase the expectation was different – she had a civilian population of close to fifty thousand to convince as well as a Federation crew who distrusted her because of her origins.

“What would Tahir have done?” Isha said aloud. The Captain had been a straightforward and honest woman, with Isha when she was an Ambassador here and with her staff. There was a warmth about her that Isha lacked. That was nothing to do with her being Romulan, she had been raised to be aloof and to assume an air of superiority – that was expected as the daughter of one of the most powerful Houses in the Stelam Shiar – that and her race had ingrained respect for the leaders of the Great Houses and their scions.

The crew and civilians of Deep Space Five did not.

“How am I supposed to undo all that? How do I put my upbringing behind me and appeal to a population who distrust me?”

She needed a speech and she needed it soon … how was Isha going to transform herself in less than three hours?

The address had already been announced. On the promenade at 15:00 …