Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Duty Bound
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka

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Title   Duty Bound
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka
Posted   Sun Oct 26, 2008 @ 7:02pm
Location   Brig
Timeline   SD3 - 15.30
Now fresh and clean, Juniopia awaited a meeting with the Chief of Security and though she felt that the Nausicaan did not like her, she had not given a reason for her to like her either. She sat bolt upright, her eyes closed as she contemplated her future, whether as a prisoner on DS5 or on the Oosami home world. It was a lose-lose situation but at least on Oosami, as a patriarch, she would have the ability to move around, even if closely guarded. She dabbed at her eye, not wishing the newly applied makeup besmirched by her own tears. She would have plenty of time to shed them later. She heard the heavy footfalls that approached her cell and she stood, awaiting the outcome of the decisions that had been made.

Rakka reached the brig and had the officer on duty take down the force field on Juniopia's cell. It was time to deal with this one for once and for all--this Oosami business had been lingering far too long, and it needed to see an end.

Rakka's eyes settled on a very emotionally downtrodden woman trying her best not to look downtrodden. She could never understand why women put themselves through this--the face paint, the clothes... did it make them feel more 'together', more 'female'?

"Holding up all right?" she began, wary that the woman was going to break down on her, and the last thing Rakka felt capable of dealing with was a crier.

Keeping her own feelings in check she replied in as brave a voice as she could muster. "Yes, thank you. I know I have nobody to blame but myself for the predicament I am in and after talking with my father this morning, I now know that I must take account for my immature actions." She motioned the gargantuan officer to her bunk. "Care to sit?" She queried, settling onto the edge of the bunk herself.

"No," Rakka replied. "You may stand. Get your things."

The words made her falter. "Things? Get my ....things? Are you releasing me?" She stammered, even though it was what she had hoped to hear, she didn't believe the Chief had actually said it. "You ...mean.. I can...." She swallowed, holding onto the edge of the bunk for support, "really leave here?" Her hearts beat a wild rhythm behind her rib cage and her purple skin displayed goosebumps as she comprehended the words. She wanted to leap up and throw her arms around the Nausicaan, but that would have probably resulted in a sharp thump, she had no doubt. She rubbed her eyebrow, waiting to hear the words in their glorious entirety again.

"Well, you didn't think you were going to die here, did you?" Rakka muttered. "It's not a penal colony. It's been decided that you're to be released into your father's custody."

She felt the wave of relief wash over her, but it was quickly replaced with decorum, as she remembered her status and her oath to Ayren and to the Captain.
"Thank you. Sincerely. I have learned my lesson. Would you please pass on my gratitude to your Diplomat, Ayren and to Captain Tahir. I will not let them down. I have a duty to perform and I will do my utmost to benefit the Federation, especially those on DS5." She said in truth. She stood, reached for her wrap and the small bag that contained all her belongings would be waiting at the brig officers desk. She stopped as she pulled the wrap across her shoulders.
"Commander. I apologise for causing you so much distress and I thank you for my accommodation here." Without any hint of sarcasm.

"Well... okay," Rakka replied, not sure how else to respond to the jumble of promises, apologies, and gratitude. She had little fondness for the woman, but she at least sympathized with the difficult situation that had driven her to her actions. "Good luck, I guess. Stay out of trouble."

Juniopia nodded and the relief brought a smile to her face. I will do my utmost too." She replied, following the Commander out of her cell.

William had just managed to pick up on the conversation and moved as close as he dared to the field that contained him and waited for Juniopia to appear. It was only a few moments before she did and when she did, she looked as beautiful as she always did.

"Juni" He called as she approached.

Her head darted to the voice and her heart skipped a beat as she spied Harris in his cell. She looked at the Commander.

"May I have a moment?" She pleaded.

"All right," Rakka relented. "Just make it quick."

"Thank you. I will not take much time." She said as she glided to his cell.

William moved away from the force field, allowing an extra few inches as the lady drew up.

"Juni. I can only wish you well. I know that you are not looking forward to what you have to do, but please, don't forget who you are." He offered the advice whilst trying to contain himself.

"Bill." She raised her lips in an awkward smile. "I am afraid that once I leave here, I will never be the same person." She shrugged. "I will have to wed a man I cannot bear and my life will never be my own again. I will become lost to the powers that rule Oosami and Flenetia and I will have to bear all the sins of my past and my present. Know this, I truly loved you, but you are now a part of my past that I must bury deep inside me." She said as her head dipped to her chest.

William nodded. He didn't like to hear her say it, but he knew. He had sacrificed and she had given up a hell of lot more. "If only we had made it....." He began to say, but he could see that what he was about to say, a false hope, would have been more damaging. "Well, we didn't so I can say that I am proud to have loved you."

Juniopia nodded and in turning from him, stopped, paused and looked back at the moustachioed man in the cell. His curly head of hair giving him the appearance of an angel with a halo. "Goodbye Bill." She said, before stepping towards the security chief and following her to the brig officers desk, to collect her bag and head onto her new life.


CSO: Lt Commander Rakka

Lady Moldriva
Lt William Harris
Played by Tasha