Interlude – Never Let Your Kids Get The Drop On You.......
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Never Let Your Kids Get The Drop On You.......
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 8:07pm
Location   DS5
Timeline   The Year: 2376 - Nine Years Ago

Before they knew what was happening, the combination that was Chelsea Adams with Rick Dunham literally 'in her arms' found themselves becoming solid again, still in one another's arms, and much to both of their relief, still separate beings.

"Rick? Are you okay?" Chelsea was frantic to check Dunham but didn't have her med-corder any more. Instead she had to do it the old way. He *looked* his normal colour. His brow wasn't burning to the touch of the back of her wrist and his pupils weren't dilated. He wasn't looking at her cross-eyed or with a far-away or glazed stare and his pulse from the wrist was...... 60, 61, 62..... Normal.

"I feel like I have been hit around the head with a slice of Lemon......wrapped around a large gold brick" Said Dunham with a groan and a rub of his temple.

"I thought we were going to end up as an hermaphrodite then!" Chelsea exclaimed looking around. "Where under the Prophets are we?"

*Mr Warren* appeared from the shadows and looked almost as confused as his pa.. the two people in front of him. He took off his Fedora rubbed his scalp. Put his hat back on then pointed at Rick. "You're supposed to be here." He then Pointed at Chelsea. "You however are not...."

"Well you should have warned me what would happen then I wouldn't have grabbed him when he started to disappear alarmingly. You promised not to harm him, how would I have felt if i'd still been back there looking at the space where he was a minute ago?" She responded defensively as if she had done something wrong.

"Rick, this is the man I was telling you about. *Mister Warren* this is your... Lt. Cmdr. Dunham. You were right about his promotion, by the way." she remembered her manners and introduced the two men with the stunning eyes.

"Its a pleasure to meet you sir, a real pleasure" Said the man as he shook Ricks hand in a enthusiastic and energetic hand shake. He turned to Chelsea. "Doctor. I can understand you're a little upset, but if you hadn't have given him the formula, his atoms would be scattered around his whole existence, so what I said was true it has saved his life. Now if you wouldn't mind I'll send you back to your time line Doctor."

"I trusted you and I also understood why it had to be done but you didn't warn me he'd vanish straight afterwards. Anyway, I'm happier than you know to be going back to our own time line, but you *are* sending both of us back, right?" Chelsea asked.

"Well....." said the man struggling to find words to explain temporal cause and effect, "....the whole shift through time thing, was supposed happen.....sort of....we just pushed this along a little and straightened out a few bends in the time line. Though between you and me. Line is the wrong word for it. And no, i'm just sending you back doctor, your not supposed to be here."

Chelsea looked her 'son' up and down. "Well if you want to get born *Warren* and get to meet the father you're clearly so fond of.... " she stopped short, realising that threatening him was stupid, no matter how she felt. Time and fate were things that Doctors knew better than to mess with. She sighed.

"Whatever. At least I know now that you're not going to evaporate him." Chelsea stood aside quietly. Her son and his father should have this *time* alone. 'Warren' was right and her main reason for objecting was purely selfish. She was no longer in fear for Rick's safety so she should stand down with the protectiveness.

Rick sat their a moment processing everything he had just heard. He was drawing some conclusions. Conclusions that just added more questions. He held his hand up for silence. When he got it he asked "Could someone please tell me what the hell is going on?"

"I told you *Warren* came to see me, he was wearing your watch... which he still is... is that a paradox? Perhaps that's why it doesn't want to work... ?" Chelsea went off at a tangent, distracted by the watch that had been significant at the beginning too.

"Let the professionals worry about paradox's" said the man, scratching the stubble on his chin. "Ok look you can both stay as long as you both steer the route."

"What do you mean *steer* it? Do we get to choose where we go?" Chelsea looked excited. "Can I go see what happened to my Dad? Or to when you gratuate? Or ..." She stopped when *Warren* held up his hands in horror.

"You really are the worst for secrets aren't you." Said the man putting his index finger to his lips. "Shhhh....time lines." he slapped his hands together and looked about the room. "Don't do anything to break them. Right I'm off. See you crazy kids later." The man stepped into the shadows and was enveloped in darkness.

Chelsea looked at Rick in bewilderment. "I thought he was going to send us somewhere? Did he just intend to leave you here alone if he had sent me home?" she wondered, slipping into Rick's arm rather insecurely. "Where IS here anyway?"

Rick looked about the room. "Aren't we in sick bay?"

"Not the one we were in before this happened. The equipment is OLD...." she said, looking at a med-bed.

"Yeah you're're wrong......look at this stuff." he got up and looked around the room picking out medical equipment that was still in its boxes. "This stuff is old. But its also brand new, half of this stuff has not been installed yet."

"So what are you saying? This is Sickbay when it was new.. before it was installed properly the FIRST time?" Chelsea tried to work it out.

"We've travelled through time but not through space. This is sick bay on deep space five. When it was being installed. We have travelled back through time......."


Richard Dunham (Lost in Time)


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams