Beg, Steal or Borrow – Back and Forth
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Back and Forth
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Thu Jun 25, 2009 @ 11:54pm
Location   Main Security
Dorian was still evaluating various reports in his office. He was the official Chief of Security and with that came a variety of responsibilities. Currently he still had to evaluate the various officers that were serving in the department and that meant having to become analysis each officer for a fault that might prevent him from carrying out his duties.

It did not help much that he station now had a visitor that claimed to be from over 300 years int he past. It just seemed beyond logic to actually believe that ships can just magically disappear and reappear across time and space.

Her outburst in sickbay gave him all the reason he needed to assign a security detail to follow her goings about while she was on the station.

Gabriel's thoughts were disturbed by the sound of a chime. He waved a hand signaling for the officer to enter.

"Here is the Ops report concerning the arrival of our astronaut." Duquense said as he placed the padd on the desk. "Word around the station is that you had a little run-in of your own with Rip Van Winkle" He said humorously.

"Save the commentaries," Gabriel said while reaching for the padd. "If I had things my way she'd be sitting in a Security cell until I could verify her identity." He added.

"Don't you think you should be more sympathetic to her situation, Dorian?" Duquense responded. "That woman has just awoken in the middle of space, hundreds of years and lightyears away from home. On top of that, everybody that she has never known or love has been dead for centuries. Her life is gone." Duquense said.

"Everyone she knew or loved was probably killed during the Third World War, and that's assuming they managed to survive the Eugenics War before that." Gabriel replied. "But I shouldn't be too surprised to find where your sympathies lie." Gabriel added sarcastically as he leaned back in his chair.

"What is that supposed to mean Gabriel?" Duquense asked indignantly.

"Take it how you want, considering how quick you were to flip-flop and leave behind your obligation to the Federation to gallivant with those rebels in the DMZ, I shouldn't be surprised to see how quickly you are to believe anybody's sob story." Gabriel responded.

Duquense could feel his blood pressure rising slightly as he stared at the man. It had been well over a decade since he had resigned from Starfleet to help the colonist within the DMZ. It killed him to know that he was leaving behind his uniform and all that he had worked so hard to obtained. But he knew that the colonists needed help and the Federation refused to do more than "disapprove" of the behavior between the Cardassians settlers in the DMZ.

However, Duquense had been nothing but loyal and diligent in his service to the Federation and Starfleet since he put on his uniform to fight in the Dominion War. But some people couldn't see past that turbulent point in his life. They continued to focus on that one episode as if it was THE defining point his life and everything else thereafter was merely fluff. Some people like Dorian Gabriel.

"Is that another crack against my service in Starfleet?" Duquense stated rhetorically. Of course it was, it Dorian Gabriel would not be the person he was if he did not make such remarks. "You know what your problem is? You think that the entire universe is just as cynical and and distrusting as you are. You believe that everything is black or white with no room for ambiguities." Duquense said. "The universe is a vast space that is filled with a variety of souls that contain a variety of agendas, not all of which are aimed at evil deeds. The Federation may not be perfect, but we can try our hardest to make sure it is close to it." He added.

"Oh save me the soapbox spiel!" Gabriel said while throwing his hands in the air. "Save me the rhetoric, your father was much better at it." Gabriel interjected. "You are nothing like your father, you are confused flip-flopper who believes that the universe if filled with good intentions and that the Federation is a perfect paradise." He said as he leaned forward in his chair. "But let me tell you this: The Federation needs people like me who are willing to do whatever it takes to protect this so-called 'Paradise' from the well-intentioned but fatally flawed ideals of those who choose not to recognize reality." He said a stern tone. "If doing so makes me the bad guy, then so be it." he concluded.

The silence in the room hung in the air like a constant reminder of polarized view that the men held. Views that would not be resolved today.

Duquense shook his head and sighed in resignation. "If that will be all, Commander, I'll be returning to Ops." he said as he turned and exited the office.

Dorian watched the doors close behind Duquense and rolled his eyes. "What ever becomes of the idealistic fool?" he asked himself rhetorically.


Lt Commander Dorain Gabriel

Lieutenant JG Michael Duquense
By Dorian