Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Preparations (back post)
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   Preparations (back post)
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Sun Jan 25, 2009 @ 9:16pm
Location   CDO's offices
Timeline   1100 SD 6
Akhil stepped off the transport and down the umbilical, shaking her head as she saw the spacious lounge at the other end.
She knew her mistress was half human, but she had lived as a Klingon for more than 20 years, and had proven herself more than once. Glancing around she spotted a bank of lifts and headed towards them. When one finally opened for here she stepped in and announced her desired destination.
"Embassy level."

The lift sped on its way up the station, upon stopping she noted the level, level 60. She strode out, walking directly to the main suite of offices. An officer approached her, "Can I help you."

"I am here to meet Lt. Commander Da`nal. His father, the Head of the House of Varal, sent me here to care for his children, as well as make the necessary arrangement prior to his arrival." Her tone very matter of fact.

The diplomatic officer uncertainly rolled the name over her lips. As Ayren's aide, she knew more or less everything that was going on in the diplomatic offices, but the name was unfamiliar to her. "So he is not actually here yet," she said a question in her voice. She did say she was there to meet him, but there was no one by that name there. The rank alerted her that he might be staff.

"Do you know which department he would be in? This is the office of the Chief diplomatic Officer, Ayren Kelan," she said hoping to be helpful.

The elder Klingon woman looked at the aide with an irritated stare. "I know where I am. As Da`nal is heir to the House of Varal he holds diplomatic status. I am here to make the necessary arrangements prior to his arrival. His assignment her is not my concern. My task is to prepare his arrival and then to see to the care of his children. I find it...disconcerting...that you seem unaware that he is enroute, perhaps I should speak with your superior."

This was clearly another botch in communications, but the young Bolian woman, was not going to let the Klingon woman know that, unless Ayren knew and had simply not informed her yet.

"This way," Mekal said, thinking that it would be better that she spoke to Ayren. She lead Akhil into the waiting area outside Ayren's office and then motioned for the Klingon to wait a moment while she informed Ayren. Even the waiting area was luxuriously furnished, designed so to receive anyone from leaders in the business world, federation delegates, diplomats, Ambassadors and even world leaders.

It was only a moment or two before Ayren appeared. The tall, elegant half Betazoid walked with the grace of a cat towards the Klingon woman. It was true that she had received a message, but with the Romulans around and what she was involved with them, she had not informed her aide.

"Geetings, I am Ayren Kelan," she said in perfect Klingon. "Please, come inside," she invited her into her office.

Rising as the young woman approached. She was honestly surprised at the form the greeting had taken. The woman's Klingon was perfect with only the slightest of accents. She bowed her head in acknowledgement, "My name is Akhil," then proceeded into her office.

The office was large, with a small conference table, a lounge area at a viewport, her desk and chairs. The walls were lined with works of art and even an ancient book case, with books on it.

When the Klingon woman was seated, Ayren sat down too. "What is it what you require of me?' she asked.

"My Lord sent me here as ghojmog for his sons children. However my duties extend beyond that as well. He is...concerned for his son."

The comment alerted Ayren and it was clear that the woman was hiding something, She didn't need her senses for that.
"Concerned? What do you mean?" Although a diplomat, station security was a priority with Ayren and she needed to know if that would be affected.

"It is a family matter." After a brief pause she continued, changing the subject. "I need arrangement made for family quarters, obviously, and to see that any other... administrative concerns are completed prior to his arrival. Do you have his transports arrival time?"

Ayren looked at the padd, while her senses were now alerted. "He arrives today at 1600 and his quarters are already arranged for. Here," she said passing a padd, in which she put the information.
"Deck and the number of his quarters. It is on the same deck as mine. I could walk you to them if you'd like," she offered. A walk might be just what she needed.

This one knew her business. Unlike other non-Klingons Akhil had met, this one knew not to pry into family matters. Nodding her approval that things were in hand. "That would be ideal."

Ayren stood up, and walked towards the door. She halted and looked at the woman directly.
"Just so we are clear. I trust you will inform me if the 'family matters' might pose a threat to station security or interfere with operations of the station?" Though said in a smooth an friendly manner, the diplomat's voice conveyed a clear non-negotiable undertone.

Akhil stopped as well, turning to face the woman. She admired her bluntness, but her 'request' was misplaced. She replied in an equally frank tone.
"I'm sure you understand that that is not my place. Nor should you expect me to spy on the House I serve. Da`nal is an experienced officer and would know when such...information needed to be passed along."

Ayren simply nodded. Her 'request' was less directed at Akhil, more a statement of her own position on the matter.
"I will speak to Da'nal, but as you said, I am sure he knows," she said as she indicated for them to leave. As she pass her aide's desk, she paused. "Akhil, this is
Mekal. my aide. It was my failure not to inform her of Da'nal's arrival. She is very competent. Do not hesitate to ask for her assistance if I am not here," she said with a smile in Mekal's direction. who returned it.

Akhil nodded with a friendly expression. "I'm sure I'll be seeing you both from time to time." As the two of them head out from the Diplomatic Suites Akhil looked towards her escort. "I must say this is a rather expansive facility. I assume there is a full child care and educational facilities?"

"You could regard the station as a small city," Ayren said as the walked. "With 1250 decks and around 50 000 people here at any given time, you have a range of choices in that regard." She thought a little. "I am sure you would even find facilities catering specifically for Klingon children, if that is what you want," she said. "There is a very good Klingon restaurant here as well," she added, having experiences the food first hand.

"I'm sure Da`nal will want to look into to that in time. For now I will be caring for them while he sees to his duties. As long as there are things for me and the children to do I'm sure we'll be fine." The lift opened and Ayren motioned for Akhil to go first, the proceeded to lead the way down the wide corridor.

Ayren loved children and knew her way around small Klingon children as well. She used to be a baby sitter on Qo'noS during her stay as a teenager there, but she refrained from commenting on that.
"I am sure you would. There are plenty of holodecks around as well." The walked a few paces in silence approaching the quarters. "If you even need an extra hand with the children or need a break yourself, do not hesitate to let me know and if I am available, I would be honoured to assist," she offered, risking to being too forward.

As the door opened Akhil stopped a genuine smile on her face. No one had ever offered to assist her before. She knew her duties and what was expected of her and she found her own sense of honor in that. However there are times when she would enjoy a helping hand or even a break though she would never admit it. "Thank you for your offer." She stepped into the family quarters, "quite many bedrooms?"

Ayren returned the smile with a warm one of her own, stepping inside, being pleasantly surprised at the size.
"As far as I know, there are three bedrooms, two bath rooms" she said as she walked through the rooms confirming it. "Well I hope this will be sufficient to your needs. Oh yes, as far as your own quarters are concerned: There is a door to adjoining quarters. So you do have your own space, though, only a door away," she said friendly. How could she have forgotten that little piece of information.? "Look through here," she indicated and lead the woman into a spacious single bed room living area. You also have your own kitchen and lounge," she added.

Achill had been taken back by the spaciousness of the living area for Dana's quarter. When she was shown her own private living area she was surprised again. "I have to admit there is more space here than I had expected."

"I was also surprised in the beginning, believe me, coming from a space ship," she chuckled, remembering how small it was in comparison. "My quarters are hugeand luxurious, obviously with the type of guests I receive in mind, due to my posistion... still.." she said. "I guess Starfleet realizes that this a home to people, some never even leave it.... as a said, like a city."

Walking back through Dana's quarter's she noticed that the Children would have their own room though for now she would recommend that they be kept in the same room for now. Of primary concern was the bedding. The children would need cribs for now so that would have to be replace. Walking back into the living area she informed Aryan of the problem.
"The bedding in the smaller bedrooms will need to be replaced."

Ayren looked at it and agreed. "If you speak to the quartermaster, that should be easily rectified." Ayren suddenly remembered that she had to read through a trade agreement before a meeting with the relevant parties. "You will have to excuse me, I apologize... I have to get back to my office. Please don't hesitate to contact me or Mekel if you need anything," she repeated her earlier invitation. "I would arrange that I meet your lord personally," she said though unusual to meet him in his capacity as a Starfleet officer, but in his capacity as a representative from the Klingon Empire and the son to the Head of a House like their's, that would fall under her duties.

Bowing her head towards Ayren. "I have no doubt he will be honored, and I will meet you there." As The diplomat left Akhil turned looking around the spacious quarters shaking her head. "Hope he's not getting spoiled by all"

Ayren Kelan
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Akhil of the House of Varal
(NPC by Chris)