Unity – This can end in one of two ways
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   This can end in one of two ways
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sun Feb 07, 2010 @ 4:57pm
Location   Docking Bay 6
Timeline   SD 17 - 00:45
Lieutenant Command Gabriel stepped off the turbolift flanked by two gold-clad officers. To his right was Lieutenant Si'lar Trellis, the second ranking officer within the Security department. Along with another Ensign, the two were accompanying Gabriel to the Docking Bay to give him assistance in securing the station's docking ports.

The official reason was for assistance, but Gabriel knew that Trellis was shadowing him because he did not trust him and was waiting for an excuse to relieve him of duty. Gabriel was not in the mood to debate with the junior officer, at the moment he had a job to do and he wasn't going to let anyone stand in his way.

Jim had been manning his post for a couple of hours now and nothing had so far happened. He knew enough about what had happened to expect a possible problem and for that reason he had been given a direct link to Wayne Sr's office if there was trouble. The men he saw in front of him had him reaching for the comm unit though he had not as of yet decided to activate it. After all the men were wearing fleet uniforms so the benefit of the doubt would be needed. "Can I help you gentlemen." Asked Jim flatly

Gabriel looked at the nondescript guard standing in front of the Docking facility connecting Bradshaw Enterprise's vessels to the station. "Yes, you can help me, actually." He said.

"Shut down whatever you are working on. Nothing comes in or out until my department tells you otherwise from here on out." Gabriel said in a definitive tone.

"Excuse me sir but on whose orders are you handing out this order. This ship and all her cargo has already been inspected by 3 separate teams of security officers. We have nothing to hide but this is bordering on blatant harassment. We were cleared by the station commander to unload this equipment and will not tolerate any more of your blatant attempts at harassment." Said Jim coldly as he reached for the comm unit. "If you have any more questions you can talk directly to the president he will be here very shortly." He added coolly

Gabriel cocked an eyebrow in response. "That's not the response I was looking for." He replied.

It was not every day that an emergency comm was activated he listened to the conversation and in short order using a site to site transporter he was standing beside the security guard. "What seems to be the trouble." He asked.

Gabriel grumbled slightly as he turned around. He was going to have to have a talk with Engineering about people's ability to just beam around the station at their own personal convenience.

"There's no problem whatsoever, because this entire area is being shut down in accordance to recent Security measures that the station is following." Gabriel stated as he turned to face Jim, "On orders of the Chief of Station Security, me." He added.

"Under normal conditions I would be more then happy to humor your search as it would be to the benefit of all parties involved. However as you can see from this report since the bombing this ship was inspected twice by members of your department. I can fully understand the situation that you are facing however I would ask that under the current situation and considering that we have already gone through 3 searches and all three of them have turned up nothing. I ask that we be allowed to unload the cargo from this ship as it contains all the office equipment and some rather sensitive research projects." Said Wayne calmly he was used to this type of officer and if he read the man right he was nothing more then a politician who liked to throw his weight around,

"The station was recently attacked and we are making sure that nobody leaves or comes onboard the station without us knowing. That means all commercial carriers are included in this lock-down until we have had the chance to thorough search and evaluate your vessels and their subsequent cargo." He responded.

"You keep telling me the same thing in different terms and it is getting rather boring." Said Wayne flatly

"I don't know who the hell you are and I could care less about what you are researching," Gabriel said untruthfully. The fact of the matter was that when the station was back to order, he was going to investigate what type of research this company was handling that was so "sensitive".

"But this is going to end in either one of two ways," he continued. "And I can assure you that you won't like either one of them." He stated.

"Commander I do not know where you come from but it is not exactly wise to piss off people you are supposed to be protecting. You ask me who I am well that answer is simple enough I am Major General Wayne Bradshaw SFMC retired. If that is not enough for you I hold two federation medals of valor and several other awards including the federation pip awarded by the President of the Federation himself." Said Wayne coolly. "Now as for your two options I can assure you that though you may arrest me most likely under the guise of obstructing justice it will be you who will end up getting reamed. Now as I see it we can be civil about this and resolve the problem here and now or I can file an official protest with the station commander. There is of course a third option but I seriously doubt that you would come out from behind that yellow uniform and your rank to engage in a simply fist fight." He added coolly, he would backup his words with actions if needed especially as he really did not like this bastard of an officer before him.

Gabriel was about to respond when Lieutenant Trellis stepped into the matter. "We will supervise the unloading of the equipment and perform any passive scans that are necessary. That way we can safely secure the area and Mr. Bradshaw won't be unnecessarily inconvenienced." Trellis said in a the most diplomatic tone that he could muster. He knew that Gabriel would love nothing more than to arrest the man and his employees and haul them in for questioning, but now was not the time to give into paranoia.

"Lt. that would be good enough for me if it is good enough for you." Said Wayne he was still seething with pent up anger and frustration but at least the younger officer was a much more diplomatic man.

"Fine, I expect a FULL inventory on my desk within the hour." Gabriel ordered to Trellis. He turned back towards Bradshaw and looked the older man in the eye for several moments before responding. "As long as you are on this station then you are under *my* jurisdiction, remember that from here on out, Jarhead." He said through clenched teeth as he walked past the man and towards the turbolift.

"boy talk about a first rate asshole. and I thought dealing with egotistical admirals was a pain in the butt." Said Wayne more to himself then to anyone else before turning to the guard "alright let's get this stuff unloaded before the bastard get's back. Also I want a full background workup on the the chief of security. if there is any hint that the man has abused his position in the manner that he has done today I want to know about it." He added


Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Si'Lar Trellis
Assistant Chief of Security (NPC)

Wayne Bradshaw
CEO Bradshaw Intergalactic Industries