Intermission – Winding Down
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Winding Down
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Sat Jul 20, 2013 @ 11:57am
Location   Nondescript coffee shop
Timeline   SD 73 1015

"You know Commander, this can't possibly be ALL bad. Sure Drant is smarmy, insubordinate, obstinate, a massive security risk..." Wyman rattled off, poking a fork absently into his apple danish.

Narrowing his eyes from across the table, Sharas deadpanned, "Are you getting to the good part, Steven? Or are you hoping some quantum anomaly will cause all those bad points to turn around on their head?"

The engineer chuckled. "My point, is that you are the most meticulous person I know. Keeping an eye on Drant will be a snap for you. Keeping him on task, and keeping my bosses from killing him - that'll be a bit more difficult."

"Steven - this is beneath me. I've given my life to Starfleet, and now I'm reduced to making sure someone who should be rotting in a jail cell is being helpful." The Andorian was clearly upset by it all, and indeed he hadn't touched his cup of darjeeling.

"Commander, Drakt trusts you - respects you. He could have just asked me to keep Drant in line, but he knows that you have... a commanding air. You command respect. I, on the other hand, only command respect among people that fix things for a living. Drant would make every effort to walk all over me." Wyman explained before stuffing a piece of danish in his mouth.

P'Trell folded his hands in his lap and regarded Wyman for a moment. "Steven, do you know why I was so hard on you during your time at the Institute? It was because I saw you as weak. You lacked a warrior's heart. You were an engineer undergoing a semester of combat training at the premier military academy in the Federation. I wanted you to go back to Starfleet Academy a warrior." At that he took a sip of his tea, "Granted, you still lack a warrior's heart, and you're still rather soft. But you are one of the finest engineers in Starfleet. And while Drakt and I have given our lives to Starfleet, you have found a fantastic woman and produced a brilliant child. So in your own way, you've still become a man."

"Sharas, that's the nicest thing you've said to me in awhile. Or maybe... ever. Actually I think it's the only nice thing you've ever said to me. And that first part was pretty insulting..." he trailed off as the entire thing wound through his synapses.

Setting down his cup with a nearly inaudible clink, Sharas explained, "Drakt and I have given everything to Starfleet. We would give our lives to save the Federation - it's all either of us has. But you have a family. You have something to live for besides a career. In that transporter room, your first thought was not of saving yourself or the station, but of saving Gwendolyn. And THAT is the measure of a man."

Jabbing his fork into his danish, Wyman sighed. "I appreciate the sentiment, Sharas. But - how did we get onto this subject?"

"I was grousing about babysitting Drant during his stay. But... it is my duty, and I will execute it the the utmost of my ability. Drakt can run the intelligence department fine without me, but your department needs its chief. And your family needs their husband and father. You cannot do your duties to Captain Tahir, and your wife and daughter if you're watching Drant every waking moment."

"I'll take that as a win. Thank you Sharas."

The Andorian cracked a small smile. "No, thank you, Steven. This has been... illuminating."

Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5


Lt. Cmdr. Sharas P'Trell (NPC)
Assistant Chief of Intelligence
Starbase 182