Judgement – Just Checking.
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   Just Checking.
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Tue Jan 25, 2011 @ 10:48pm
Location   Sickbay - Morgue Section
Timeline   SD35 - 19.00 hrs

With Bridget, Kaelin and herself assembled, the autopsy review was ready to begin. All they needed was Lance to get here. Chelsea had sent for him, and as they waited she looked up and checked that Trellis was watching, too.

The head surgeon of Starbase Deep Space 5 arrived like a thunderstorm on a sunny afternoon. The doors to the morgue slid open to reveal Lance, red-faced and fuming. His hands balled into fists and a vein pulsing menacingly on his temple. He marched into the room. "What the hell is going on?" He demanded. "A second autopsy? Who the hell came up with that?" He roared.

Kaelin sighed, leaning back in his chair and rolling his eyes. What little good mood he had (which wasn't much) quickly disappeared, and he put the padd he'd been examining onto the table.

"It's not a second autopsy," Chelsea corrected him quietly, dreading this showdown. "It's simply a check of the findings from yours. It was requested officially by another department, Security, and as such it was not possible to refuse to comply without JAG intervention. I felt it was quicker and easier just to do the damned check and get it over with," she explained.

"What idiot in security ordered a check on my findings?" The irate surgeon demanded. "Those morons are barely intelligent enough to tie their own shoe laces, and they have the gall to question MY findings??" Lance raved. "This is completely unnecessary, I will not have my work questioned, especially by somebody whose entire job could be done by a semi-educated gorilla!" Lance snapped back.

"I understand your objections Doctor, and to be frank, i agree with them; however, this has to be done and your presence here could be construed and/or insinuated to be an attempt to influence the findings of this check. In fact, in order to protect you from any allegations of interference or even any possibility of accusations of any kind, I am going to have to order you out of this area until it is complete. I have informed you that it is being done, and I will provide you with full copies of the findings, out of professional courtesy; but you must wait in the observation area for your own protection from any further professional slurs," she told him, carefully trying to explain that this was so he couldn't be implicated in anything, genuine or cooked up, by any further protests from outside.

"My own protection?? This is total bull! My competency is questioned and I can't even be present?" Lance was really working himself up now. "Who is the security grunt responsible? I believe I have a right to confront him directly!" The head surgeon stood fuming, his hands clenching and unclenching into fists.

"Doctor Murdoch, you must try to be professional about this. There is no challenge to your competency if we find the same as you did. Now, please try to stay calm and let us do what we're here for. You can protest all you like when it's sorted. But please go through the channels, and not *confronting* anyone directly. That'll get you nowhere fast... unless you're getting fond of the inside of the Brig?" Chelsea tried to reason with him.

"Going through the channels won't accomplish anything!" Lance retorted.

Bridget sat on the other side of Chelsea and silently approved the way the woman was handling Lance. It was more decorum than she herself would probably have used -- she was all but rolling her eyes just like Kaelin did, at the drama queen behavior Lance displayed. It was amazing to her, how egocentric and insecure the man was.

"Do you have something to add, Dr. Stapleton?" Lance demanded, seeing the expression on the doctor's face.

Oh, it was so hard not to smirk and say something saucy! But Bridget wasn't going to give in to that -- not here, at least. She had something to prove: that she could hold her emotions in check in order to present a professional image. Day two on the job was not the time to take this towering ego down a peg.

She looked at him and smiled sweetly, defiance in her eyes, but her tone was honey-light. "Of course not, Doctor Murdoch. I wouldn't presume." If he didn't catch the sarcasm... all the better.

Lance did in fact catch the note of sarcasm, "You're damn right you wouldn't presume!! You don't know enough to presume!!"

Her grin widened; it was just too much fun baiting him into displaying his own ignorance and lack of self-control. She resisted the urge to say something else, designed to provoke his already boiling temper. If she had, she was pretty sure she'd have gotten a censuring look from Chelsea; and the CMO's displeasure was something she wouldn't risk. So she just winked at Lance with a smile and didn't say anything.

Lance gave her a withering glare. "I'll deal with you later! Doctor Stapleton," he said with scorn. Then turned on his heels and made for the door. Before they slid shut, he looked back at Chelsea. "I expect to be kept informed of any and all developments!"

"Well now, wasn't that pleasant," Bridget said to Kaelin, as the doors slid closed behind Lance.

"Not surprising. He's never been pleasant," Kaelin replied, watching the door Lance had left through.

Angling her body so she could see Kaelin's face better, she said, "How do you work with that guy? I mean... he's so unprofessional in his manner, I can't imagine being in the same room with him for more than two minutes."

"I don't work with him. During the autopsy, despite being the Pathology resident, he basically kicked me out of the OR. Well, technically I left of my own accord after the preliminary, but I left because he got confrontational and started waving his scalpel around pretending to be the most important thing to happen to medicine since penicillin, so in order to avoid problems, I left the autopsy to him. He is a great surgeon, even if he is a...headstrong person" he muttered the last, now looking up to face Bridget for the first time.

She noticed his eyes briefly; they were nice. "Headstrong, I think that's what you said?" She sensed that he disapproved of people being headstrong.

"Very headstrong," Kaelin corrected. Most people probably would've used far less civil attributes to pin to Murdoch's collar, but Kaelin always tried to be as mild as possible, and believe 'headstrong' summed up everything quite perfectly. The man was like an uncontrollable, spoiled child that couldn't stand not getting his way about everything. He was the complete opposite of everything Kaelin was and the Deltan never enjoyed his company, however brief it had been. His emotional state always rattled him.

He didn't elaborate, but she saw something in the set of his eyes - rather pretty eyes, she decided - that displayed not just a measure of disapproval, but of dislike. She wondered if all the Sick Bay staff felt the same way about Doctor Murdoch. Even Chelsea? She turned her head the other way, to look at the CMO, who appeared to be lost in thought. The two times she'd seen Chelsea interact with Murdoch, both times the woman had appeared to try to reason with him, and it worked about as well as trying to explain the theory of relativity to a two-year-old having a temper tantrum.

Bridget sighed; enough dwelling on what can't be changed, at least right now. Right now, they had a job to do, and as she looked up toward the viewing window, she saw that Doctor Murdoch had just entered that viewing room, and was beginning an argument with the Chief of Security. Uh-oh.

"Ma'am? I guess we should get this over with," Bridget suggested, her voice softer as she intruded on the younger woman's thoughts. When Chelsea looked up, Bridget gestured with her head toward the viewing window.

Chelsea jolted back to the present. "Of course, Dr Stapleton, thank you." They began again, working more quickly and efficiently this time without further interruption or discussion.

In an hour or so, they had finished and all was returned to it's appropriate condition and place. Chelsea had dictated her findings and made comments on those of Dr Murdoch which she had been following as she carried out the check. The whole document was instantly transferred into a padd.

Thanking the other doctors for their professional assistance, she closed the incident, logged the findings in the computer, sent copies to the appropriate departments and cleaned herself up.

In the changing room, she showered and got back into her uniform before emerging to face the other officers who were now gathered in the outer rooms of the labs.

"Dr Murdoch's findings are accurate and confirmed. The cause of death was stabbing, the details of the wound and the description of the size and shape of whatever was used are accurately matched with that in his original autopsy." she declared officially, handing Trellis a padd and explaining to him that the official computer file was on the system if he preferred to download that, it had been made accessible to him.


A JP between:

Commander Chelsea Adams
CMO & 2CO - DS5


Dr Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon - DS 5


Ensign Kaelin
Pathology resident - DS5


Ensign Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practitioner)


Lt. Si'lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security