Interlude – For Mutual Benefit (Part Two)
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran

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Title   For Mutual Benefit (Part Two)
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran
Posted   Sat Jun 26, 2010 @ 8:57pm
Location   Isha's Office, Romulan Consulate, Deck 60

Denat walked up to Isha close, and as she raised the disruptor it pressed into his stomach.

"I want Tharek Getal dead."


Isha had been very close to depressing the trigger and ridding Deep Space Five of a Cardassian but at that last statement she held fire. "Stand away from me, Meran," she said pushing back against his stomach with the weapon. "You'll find it difficult to achieve that goal if I am forced to fire, and please, don't let my pleasant manner fool you into thinking that I would not. Ask your friend Getal whether or not I would shoot an unarmed Cardassian," she suggested allowing him time to move away before she followed through on her threat.

Denat obliged, and stepped back a pace, but kept his eyes on Isha. "You wouldn't, not with the offer I'm going to propose to you, unless I should take my business elsewhere."

Even as she smirked Isha shook her head very slightly, "You either tell me, Meran, or I kill you," she told him. She never had directly killed anyone before, but she had shot one or two albeit on a lower setting, the method was the same. "Take a seat. I'm rather weary of talking to Cardassians who think they have to strut around my office striking poses and making threats in order to get me to listen to them. I might even put this down," she said wiggling the disruptor, "given your rather direct statement of intention, but I'll not do it until you are sitting in that chair on the other side of my desk."

"Very well." He sat. "But I ask that you do the same. And regarding your statement, 'Cardassians who think they have to strut around my office striking poses and making threats', I know who you talk about."

There was a reason that Isha rarely gave her word about anything, and that was because once given, she considered herself to be bound by it.

As promised she swivelled her chair back to face him, and layed the disruptor aside as though leaving it in easy reach of her left hand. "You've said enough to engage my interest, Meran, now tell me something that keeps it. If what you are asking of me is a convenient way to remove a blockage from your own path to promotion I am not interested." But Isha thought it was more than that, otherwise why would he have mentioned ... "Tell me about J'aniel. Not the result which I have already heard, but what led up to it," she suggested.

"Both Tharek and I were aboard my brother's Keldon orbiting J'aniel, the planet. We were security officers of the same rank, and were ordered to send some supplied down to the outpost there and provide support if neccassery." Denat did not mind sharing his information with Isha; she didnt snap at him, she didnt disregard any information that he said, she just watched as he told his tale. "Whilst we gathered the last of the crew returning, I noticed Tharek look around, as if, someone was talking to him, and he turned to me, 'What?' he said. his mood had completely changed. and the rest you know, the Saoirs beemed down and Tharek shot the.. children."

Isha plucked up the jewlled handle of the broken bodkin that lay on her desk as it has since Getal had first attacked her and snapped it. She rolled it thoughtlfully between her fingertips before she spoke. "Then how is it that such a prig is now swaggering around Deep Space Five ranking himself as Vi'Kar Gul whilst you are ... what, Meran?" she asked making it quite clear that she held his superior in no high regard because of his rank or his attitude.

"I am a Gilnn, the same rank I was when we went on that mission. As for his path, he is an Obsidian Agent, i'm not. I didnt believe in their line of work, neither did my family when they were alive. It, prevents me from acquiring new ranks. Tharek made it clear to me after that day that he was in charge."

"An opinion that he seemingly has not yet tired of blustering about in an effort to make others believe it ... perhaps he needs the reassurance," she suggested with a bitter laugh as she layed the broken piece of jewelery aside. "Answer me this, Denat Meran. Did you believe then that he had the right to be in charge, and if you did, do you believe it now?"

"He never had the right!" Denat raised his voice but quelled immediately. "Sorry."

Isha blinked at him. There was a desk between them and he had made no attempt to cross it. Therefore the raising of his tone could be forgiven.

"Yet you consented to answer to him," she observed, "though I suppose you had little choice about that." Isha glanced over the man's rather battered features, "I don't suppose you enjoy being brutalised any more than I do," she said, intending by her suggestion to imply that they might have grounds in common against the same adversary.

"You seem to speak from experience, as I do," he concurred.

Isha held Meran's gaze for as long she could before she closed her eyes. When she opened them again she had averted her gaze to her left, to the spot where Getal had driven a knife into the surface of her desk. "I speak from experience," she said, it was as close to an admission as she could manage.

Isha drew a deep breath and sat back in her chair. "So how do you propose to kill him?" she asked.

"I do not know." he replied honestly. "But, I think for both our sakes, we should be left to our own devices for now. I have been away from master too long and he'll soon realise I'm neither at my post nor my quarters." Denat slowly stood not to panic Isha. "Until next time, Miss?" He drew his hand out towards her for a shake; his muscles were relaxed in his arm, he was being gentle.

She watched his hand for a moment then rose, and in her usual flurry of skirts Isha swept round her desk. Then Isha took Meran's hand with a grasp that was far from weak. "Wait here," she said as she slackened her grasp and moved away.

The Hibitean Kotra set that Rh'vaurek had once given her as a gift was both perfect and priceless, but it had been the medium through which she and Getal had made their first plot until he had deemed her 'unworthy'.

It was that which she went to fetch now, or rather a handful of the clear crystalline pieces. Isha did not care that it destroyed the value of the set; it was the message that was worthwhile.

She returned to Meran, "It turns out that I play Kotra far better than your former friend," she said, "use these appropriately, he will understand," she said as she pressed the pieces into his hand, quite aware that she had just handed Meran a fortune.

Isha placed another piece on her own desk and took the disruptor she had earlier taken from her guard. She brought it's butt down and smashed the priceless jewel into pieces. Then she threw in the broken black and red lacquered bodkin and wrapped up the mess in a piece of fabric.

"Tip it on his desk when he's not around along with one intact kotra piece," she said. "We will talk again."

"Yes, Miss" he took the fabric and contents from her and stored it inside his armour. "Y'know, you never did look at that PADD..." He suggested.

"Why would I?" Isha asked, "I stated immediatly my interest in it's potential content as you presented it to me, Meran. Don't ever try to waste my time like that again, and by the way, you may address me as Ambassador. If you use my given name again without permission in front of my staff I will not answer for my actions," she told him, though Isha expected a particular response that she would shrug away.

hhmmhhmmmhmmm he laughed dirtily, "Of course... Ambassador."


A joint post by:

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian


Gilnn Denat Meran
Chief of Cardassian Embassy Security