Unity – The Morning after the Night before
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   The Morning after the Night before
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sun Feb 28, 2010 @ 10:17pm
Location   Cardassian Embassy
Timeline   SD 17 10:00

Yolanthe instinctively ducked her head as she moved through the embassy door, and looked around. The foyer had more than a few guards, who gave her suspicious and evil looks. She wasn't surprised. Bombs go off all over the station, it seemed like a natural response. She stepped forward, ignoring the looks. The man who could intimidate her hadn't been born yet, of any species.

The young female who had originally come in with the Ambassador last night was sitting at a desk to the right. Yolanthe smiled at her, and put the bottle of Special Reserve Kanar down in front of her.

"Good morning. I hope you can help. I run a bar upstairs, the Box of Delights. There was rather unpleasent episode there last night. I just wanted to check that your ambassador got back to you safely." She pushed the bottle towards the female cardassian. "Could you give him this, and my apologies. Tell him I hope it won't put him off coming back at a later time."

Lemat sighed to herself. She replied in a very unformal way. "Your the colour changing bartender that runs that bar I was dragged to the other day, don't you?" Not waiting for a response, she continued. "Yolanthe Ibalin." She then tapped on the console on the desk. "Vi'kar Gul, Yolanthe is here to see you."

"Send her in." The reply came as Lemat nodded to the guards. They soon trotted over to Yolanthe. "Please relinquish any weapons, transmitters, scanners, volatile substances or foreign compounds." Lemat said, handing a tray infront of Yolanthe. "You'll get them back when you leave."

Yolanthe raised an eyebrow; she'd only want to leave an apology. She certianly hadn't presumed to get a personal meeting. She handed over her communicator, and patted her pockets to check there wasn't anything else. The she picked the bottle up. "Does this count as volatile?"

The Cardassian frained a smile. "Of course not." Her face then returned to it's sour state. She flicked her wrist to the guard. "Scan it, never can be too sure."

The bottle passed muster, only registering as volatile as any high proof spirit should. "See, I'm not trying to explode your ambassador. Do I go in now, or do I get a full cavity search first?" The woman looked so miserable Yolanthe had to try and get a smile out of her.

Getting slightly annoyed, Lemat nodded. "You can go in." She replied blankly.

"Thank you." Yolanthe picked the bottle up again, and headed towards the door the cardassian had indicated. She paused for a moment to smooth her hair and clothing with a teal hand. She let the door slide open and stepped inside. "Ambassador Getal?"

Tharek turned, and saw Yolanthe, in all of her colourful glory. "Yolanthe, a pleasure, as always."

She examined him. No obvious signs of injury. Teal gave way to blue, and she released a breath she didn't realise she'd been holding. In fact he seemed positively glowing. And tall. She couldn't remember the last time a man had been able to look her in the eyes whilst standing. She started forward, she'd left her reply a little bit too long than was polite. "Likewise, Ambassador." She held out the bottle. "I hope last night's disturbance didn't cause you any distress. Please accept this with my apologies."

"Distress?" He scoffed to himself. "I loved it. Besides the part where you had a knife sticking out your stomach." He let go of an awkward smile. "Won't you share a glass or two with me?" He said, gesturing to two small, square glasses.

"Why not?" She crossed the floor to the small credenza and its glasses. The doctor probably wouldn't approve, and it was a little early. But it had been a rough night, and the head of security hadn't made her morning any better. "And, please, don't worry about my stomach. I've had worse." She thought about that as she unwrapped the wire cage over the sealed cork. "Well, I probably haven't. But its not important in the scheme of things. I'm more ashamed I hit back." For a moment as she broke the wax and uncorked the bottle she blurred to a shade of peach, and then back to violet. "That tiny ferengi. I must have been twice his size."

"I think that he deserved it." He stated bluntly. "If he has the guts to attack someone twice his size, then he should accept the consequences should they fight back." Tharek smiled as he walked over and stood less than inches from her.

It was definitely strange to not look down on someone. She poured generously in to one glass, and more restrained measure into the second. "Out here, maybe. But it doesn't stop me feeling guilty. For my kind, violence towards men is abhorrent." She handed him the larger drink, and kept the smaller for herself. "Even towards rodent-looking ones who shiv you from behind."

"Don't think of him as a man, but a pest that needed exterminating." Tharek said, swallowing half of the glass in a single go. He really loved his Kanar. "How's the bar?" Tharek asked, trying to get off the subject of the bar fight.

She laughed. "I'll try to do that." She took a sip of her own drink. "Good, considering. Whatever gas that was I think it saved the bar from being completely trashed. A few more glasses, replace the occasional chair. We'll be open tonight for wine, women and song." She took another sip, thinking of the deal she'd had to cut. "Women and song at any rate."

He smirked at her comment. "I don't suppose theres anything the consulate, or even myself, could help with. Is there?"

"I'd have thought you'd have had more than enough of my women and song after last night." She took a sip of her kanar, and tried not to smirk back.

"There was song and women a plenty." He stated with a large smile on his face. "I meant it out of kindness. Not all of us politicians like to drink Kanar and get into bar fights, you know."

"Really?" She arched an eyebrow that was now a shade of damson rather than lavender. "But you seem such a natural at it."

"I admit I have had practise." He smiled cheekily. "But, like I said, if you need anything, just ask."

Yolanthe wondered about that. He had seemed terribly competent last night. "Thank you, thats very kind. But it won't hurt to play nicely for a bit, I'm sure Security will see reason once everything settles down. Besides you are my first and so far only customer, I wouldn't want to trouble you any more than you already have been."

"Our deffinitions of trouble are far apart. I class trouble as when your Keldon class ship is about to explode." He laughed at that, because it was almost a true story.

"Well, yes, compared to imminent fiery death, a little bureaucratic hoop jumping is not really a lot of trouble." She smiled as she took another sip. "But when it comes to bureaucrats, I can be very athletic."

"I bet you can." Tharek replied quickly. He made his way around his desk and slumped into the chair, raising his feet onto the table, and overlapping them.

Yolanthe grinned, skin warming to a light burgundy, and swallowed the last of her drink. "Don't think I'm not grateful for the offer, Ambassador. I'm flattered you want to help. But this is a small thing." She put her glass down but took the ambassador's to him, and topped it up "If I'm to ever presume upon our acquaintance, I'd prefer to save you for a special occasion."

"A special occasion?" He rubbed his chin in thought, before moving to take his glass. taking it in a bit slower. "And what kind of occasion will that be?"

"I wouldn't want to tempt fate." She stoppered the kanar bottle with a practiced twist of the hand. "but someone like you is like good kanar, something you do not squander lightly. I wouldn't dream of dragging you into my affairs unless I needed you very badly."

"Well. Whether I am needed badly or not, help, should you need it, is a call away." He knew that Yolanthe would wonder why he's offering all this help. Truth was, he hated Humans. He had endured Human prejudice and didn't like them one bit. 'Aliens' like him, Yolanthe and Rh'vaurek had to stick together, even if they hated eachother.

She gave him a warm smile in return. "Thank you. Though I sincerely hope I will only ever need your custom." She straightened up and turned to leave. "And if there's anything this humble bar tender can ever do for you, you only have to ask. Thank you for seeing me Ambassador."

"Your welcome." He mimiced her smile, and stood to see her leave. "Lemat will return your items. I hope you don't run into anyone unpleasant on your journey up top." He went to sit down, but remembered something, "oh, and say hello to that Orion bar tender too, and that she can keep the strips."


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner & Bar tender, The Box of Delights


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador