Judgement – A deal with the devil
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   A deal with the devil
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Aug 28, 2011 @ 2:51am
Location   Lower decks
Timeline   SD 37 - 03:00 BACKPOST

Kel'tor did not mind patrol duty that much. It gave him time away from the watchful eye of Lieutenant Trellis for a few hours during his shift. Not to mention that he was able to move around the station instead of being crammed in the office or a specific department like a sardine.

They part that he did not like was having to visit the lower decks of the station. It was known as "Forgottenville" because that is where alll the civilians went who had no other place to go. Either because they were on the run from their own government or maybe even a private individual. Security did not spend too much time in this area simply because the only people who came down to this level were those who simply wanted to be lost and forgotten. Hardly worth the necessary resources that the station would have to commit to clear out every single section.

Kel'tor always felt like he was wearing a giant target on his back whenever he did patrol this area. Perhaps it was because he owed a few credits to some of the bookies down here. Or maybe it was that he himself wasn't too far removed from trying to hide from one's past and this section simply brought back old memories. Regardless, he would be glad when he had completed his sweep.

He saw the man coming, he kept to the shadows as he always did before meeting his contact, he waited until kel'tor was unaware before he made his move.

Kel'tor's mind was so far removed from the present that he never noticed the individual behind him until he felt the forceful blow strong enough to knock him to his knees.

"Get up, and lets have a little talk." he hissed.

Kel'tor slowly rose to his feet and he began to turn around. He began to reach for his phaser, but realized that whoever had hit him obviously had the jump on him and would not hesitate to kill him if forced. Instead he decided to stand and see what the person wanted.

"Who the hell are you!" He said through clenched teeth.

"Your worst nightmare."

Realization began to set in. He knew there was going to be trouble following Intel officer's disappearance and the subsequent probe. However, he didn't know that they would actually *send* someone to the station to handle things.

"So what do you want? I don't have a clue what they plan on doing about the Pirate Base or what the hell that Intelligence Officer was doing before he left." he replied, still rubbing his head.

"We need to know who the hell he is, hes' good, very good, we don't know who he is or why he was there."

"Well, that's not what I got paid for. I was to give you access to certain systems and that's it. As far as what the INtel officer was up to, you'll have to go find someone else." Kel'tor said dismissively as he turned and began to walk away.

"I want a name or your going to join the other two in the morgue am I clear?"

Kel'tor gave a particularly negative hand-motion in the direction of the stranger as he continued to walk off. "I'd love to see you try." He said flippantly.

He drove the mans chest into his knee, impacting his solar plexus, "Punk!"

Kel'tor groaned in pain as he climbed back to his feet and slide against a nearby wall. "Ok. . ok. . .wait!" he said as he put one hand on his bleeding head and the other upward between him and the stranger.

"No waiting, I want info now, or your a corpse am I clear?"

"I told you! I don't know anything! But what I do know is that some new ship just docked with the station not too long ago. . .it's from the Gamma Quadrant, never before seen class of ship. In fact, I think it even has a transwarp drive onboard." he said, hoping to draw attention away from himself.

"I'm getting tired of your stalling, find out what I need to know or else."

"Ok! Ok! Fine!" Kel'tor said trying to avoid another confrontation with the visibly enraged person. "How the hell am I supposed to get in touch with you anyways?" He asked.

"You don't I'll find you." he said with a hiss in his voice.

"Ok. . .ok" Kel'tor said as he stood back up. "I'll have the info on the vessel in a few hours. Just. . .contact me and I'll have the info on a secured padd." he said.


Dubious Ensign

The Mysterious figure