Judgement – Getting Settled
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer

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Title   Getting Settled
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Posted   Wed Sep 28, 2011 @ 2:18pm
Location   Vulcan Ambassador Suite
Timeline   -Backpost ??
(((OOC - Please forgive me if I step on anyone's toes. This is an old post and I thought it should be part, since several contributed, btu I am not sure who.)))


"I don't know if I like this – why can’t we just knock out this wall too?" Marc asked for the fourth time. "We did in on Earth. Give me a phaser, I do it."

"Discharging a phaser without authorization will get you charges," T’Fel said, patiently. "As I have told you before, this is a spacestation and therefore structural integrity must be taken into account. I have identified which bulkheads are not load bearing therefore we can petition the Chief Engineering officer for their removal. That particular bulk head carries a secondary load. If it were removed, and the station were attacked in a manner where it suffered a failure of the structural integrity field, there is a chance and the Ambassador’s quarters could be compromised."

"How likely is that? Have seen this station’s weaponary. There is only a - "

"One in Fifty-six million," T’Fel pointed out, "though it might be rare, we have no way of knowing. Will you risk his life? I do not understand your reluctance to decorating around it."

"The whole business with the Romulans, not to mention Cardassions and Klingons and colonists, it will all have Cyi very stressed. You know how he gets. I think it is my duty to provide an oasis and for him to retire to- "

"I agree which is why you have such an generous budget. We have ordered the supplies you requested and they shall be transported with the Ambassador’s shuttle," T’Fel said, as she had already explained several times. "It is highly unlikely that one wall will cause him additional stress. I do not understand your reaction."

"I just… really want him to have an anti-gravity lift to the 2nd level. Think about. He has a special friend over.. walks him or her over here and woosh they are gently lifted to the 2nd tier. When off, holographic water would be suspended weightless with cute fish swimming happily."

"Quite an assumption provided the Ambassador has not suggested the slightest interest in a romantic interlude while on station."

"It's just…" Marc seemed to search for words. "Oh, never mind." T’Fel raised an eyebrow. "But I don't believe what S’nir said, you know. That harpy hated him for his his blood, I'd swear it."

"She shamed her clan," T’Fel said simply. "She is without logic. It can only be beneficial to the Federation that she and her husband has been recalled, then."

"Well, fair enough. I never liked her anyway, you know."

"You met her only once for a little less than eight minutes."

"Six minutes, fourty-seven seconds. So?" Marc replied unconsciously displaying his impressive attention to detail.

T’Fel shook his head slightly. Marc continued. "Well, I know one thing - I'm not letting Cyi have dinner with people without me, no more dinner with the highest bidder this time."

"Highest bidder?"

"I don't care what family they will be from," he said, firmly. T’Fel's eyebrows shot to his hairline. “They will submit to an interview with me or they will be turned away."

"Without taking political consequences into account?" T’Fel asked somewhat incredulously.


"Or their occupation?"

"Doesn't matter, as long as he has a job."


He flicked his fingers. "I don't want him to share a public meal with someone totally without money or occupation, I'll admit, but it's good to know that Cyi is well provided for both privately and with his families’ wealth - but it really doesn't matter."

"Cyi will not like this."

"And he would like even less being accused by some xenophobic bastard."

"I assure you there are very few Vulcans conceived out of wedlock, and the odds that Spock would be paired with one, much less a xenophobic -"

"You know that's not what I meant, stop it. Look, we're interviewing them, that's final."

Technically, by Federation law, it was up to T’Fel to decide on protocol. But the logical Vulcan knew better than to go against a protective Terran friend, and this one in particular.

"Yes, Marc."

Marc nodded and smiled at his victory. “Cyi should be meeting with the Romulan Ambassador now. I will head to walk with him back. I will contact the Engineering department to discuss the changes we are making and the power allocation.” Marc said before tapping his Federation commbadge, which was now tuned to the stations’ signal. “Marc to…” He glanced at is contact PADD. “Lt. Kramer”

Kramer stopped walking down the wide passageway and stepped to the side, "Lt. Kramer here, go ahead please." He made a concerted effort to be polite and diplomatic. That is what was expected of him these days by his superiors.

"If you are available, I would like to discuss the power allocation and a few cosmetic changes the Envoy's Office will be making."

"Well," Kramer stammerred for a second, "I usually have my appointments channeled through the engineering office . . . But I dont mind, since I'm so close. I just left Taibek at the Romulan Consolate."

"Wonderful. Thank you for your understanding, Lt. I am in what will be Ambassador Ainari's personal suite. See you momentarily." Marc replied before tapping the connection close. T'Fel was looking at Marc disapprovingly. "What? He said he didn't mind."

"You need to refresh yourself with proper communicator protocol." T'Fel replied. Marc shrugged.

Kramer lifted his PADD out of his leg pocket. "Show me diagram and instructions to locate the personal suite for Amassador Ainari." The PADD flipped through the Starbase layout. Kramer realize that he was rather close, just down a bit and up 4 levels.

((Amassador Ainanri's personal suite))

Lt. Kramer pressed the button next to the door.

"Enter." Marc replied looking at the door and taking a break from the ordering PADDs he had spead out before him. The suite did not looking like a living residence at this point, but more like a work room. The table where the Aide was sitting was the only notable furniture in the room.

"Lt. Kramer, I assume." Marc replied standing up. "I am Marc LaTouche, a member of the Envoy's staff. Pleasure to meet you."

"Yes," Kramer began, "A plesure to meet you as well."

"Quick question, Lt. What would happen if we cut out that bulkhead?" Marc asked pointing to the offending wall.

Kramer crossed his arms in thought. Then stepped forward and wrapped on the wall with his knuckle. He then walked to the side and bent down and looked along the base board.

Marc rose an eyebrow but remained silent. Engineers he thought

Kramer tunred and looked at the dignitary. "Mr. LaTouche, I'd recommend that you leave that wall alone." GLancing over to the wall and back to him again. "It may not look like much, but there are a dozen minor power conduets and communication lines throught that very wall."

"Are you sure?" Marc huffed, clearly disappointed. Slightly less about the wall, but more about the Vulcan being right.

"Yes I am very sure." he replied.

"Uhhh fine." Marc shuffled through the PADDs on his makeshift desk and found the one he was looking for. "These are the power allocation requirements for the Ambassador's quarters and offices as well as the structural changes what will need to be filed with your department." Marc said handing the device to the engineer. "The Ambassador would like the work completed within the next week."

Looking at the diagrams briefly, Kramer replied. "This should not be a problem. I'll get right on it."

Lt. Kramer left the Vulcan Ambassadorial Suite, entering scheduling changes in his PADD as he walked down the corridor. He thought to himself, 'This place is definately going to keep me on my toes.'


Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering

