Incommunicado – We Need to Talk
by Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   We Need to Talk
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Fri Feb 10, 2012 @ 9:29am
Location   XO's Office
Timeline   SD53 10:15
Karen drummed the tips of her fingers on the desk, the sharp staccatto rhythm sounding out her impatience as she waited for the Federation symbol to disintegrate and be replaced by the face of Admiral Brailsford back in the JAG HQ on Earth.

This was just the latest interrupted transmission, and one that would be added to the growing list of gripes that were very soon going to land on the desk of the communications department for immediate action. Between comms and engineering and ops there was going to be a busy time ahead.

In the meantime Karen started a diagnostic running and as she did the screen finally cleared. Karen was in contact with Earth.

"Peter, if I didn't knw you better I'd think you were avoiding me," Karen said with a smile as her mentor came into view. "Its about time you got me out of here and back to Earth," she continued.

"Ah, Karen." His smile was less sincere than hers, "Congratulations on a case well concluded. I have read the reports."

Though he hadn't had time to contact her in any way throughout the trial Karen noted as he spoke. "Well, I seem to have single handedly dispelled the myth that Starfleet look after their own at any cost," she said. In Karen's opinion that was a valuable step - it was a message for those outside that the law applied to all, and for those inside that indiscretions would not be overlooked. What Karen did not like was that she had been the channel through which that message was broadcast. "Not the most comfortable situation in a place like this." Karen wanted to get back onto the real topic - her return to Earth.

"I'm sure you can deal with that," Brailsford said smoothly.

"Admiral, we had an agreement," Karen said firmly. "A temporary assignement to deal with a specific matter and then I could resume my post."

"Ah Karen ... we need to talk. Much as JAG are satisfied with the result in the Gabriel case, as are our diplomats there are other elements of Starfleet who are not quite so on-board with your verdict. You have a record as being something of a maverick, and well ... it would be prudent if you continued to bide your time until other matters distract them from you."

Karen pursed her lips. "Out of sight, out of mind you mean? This is not good enough Admiral. My verdict was guided by your office," she retorted returning his emphasis. "I'm not going to do your dirty work and be side-lined for it. Don't expect me to sit back here 'biding my time'. I will raise this issue and ..."

Karen realised then that the channel had cut out and she was talking at a frozen image. She had no idea when the signal had been lost.

"Damn!" she swore shoving sharply to her feet. For the second time she had done as asked and was taking the fallout and none of the credit ... not within the Federation anyway.


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer