Judgement – Declaration
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Declaration
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Thu Aug 11, 2011 @ 1:04am
Location   Main Security - Detention Center
Timeline   SD38 - 2am
Alexia had begun to sober up a bit, but she was still resolute about what she wanted to do. She set off for the Brig, leaving Jenna to go her own way. When she got to the guard on the front desk she simply showed her Security Department badge and looked confident which worked like a charm. She was pleasantly surprised.

~So far so good!~ she thought, liking this idea more than was wise and much more than she was going to understand when she would consider it in retrospect much later.

Dorian had actually become accustomed to the lack of noise that filled the brig. The only thing he could continuously hear was the steady hum of the power relays as power coursed through the panels. He had a chance to read thanks to the kindness of several guards that allowed him to at least have a data padd while being confined within his own department.

Alexia peered into the first two cells only to be disappointed to find them empty but when she stood in front of the transparent energy shield that served as the front of the biggest cell on the corner, she saw the person she had come to see, reading. He did not look up at first as she stood looking at him, a mixture of emotions on her face.

She beckoned to the guard. "Can I go in and talk to him?" she asked quietly but received a shake of the head.

"No can do, Miss. More than my job's worth!" he muttered and went back to what little he had been doing.

She blew air through her nose in disgust and annoyance. She sidled over to him again and standing right in his personal space asked: "But who's to know?"

Alexia was a pretty girl, much envied in her Admin Department for her ability to 'get her man' - until lately of course. Her friend Mercy thought that was the attraction of Gabriel, the fact that for once in her life the vivacious blonde was unable to get his attention which clearly vexed and confused her.

"What do you want Miss Jackson?" Dorian said in an annoyed tone. "Whatever it is, I'm sure Lieutenant Trellis is 'fully capable' of dealing with it." he said in a less than authentic tone.

"I don't want to talk to Lieutenant *Trellis* thank you....and he's not 'fully capable' *accccctually*.... " Alexia almost felt sober in the face of the man himself. However, she only *felt* slightly sobered - she wasn't sober, clearly, or she wouldn't be here.

She gave up her attempts to coerce the guard and moved towards the forcefield to continue this with the person she had come to see, before she really *did* sober up and lose her nerve.

"Why are they all picking on you, boss?" she asked, a softness in her tone as she stood looking at him, moved to see him again after so much water had gone under the bridge. "If anyone would only listen to me... If my opinion mattered to anyone at all... I'd tell them. I really would. I'd tell them how you used to take the weight of all the whole station's troubles all on your shoulders and even when you didn't seem to care, you were always putting up a front.... I think you must have been doing it most of your life, you were so good at it... but I could see someone none of them ever did... I just never could get up the courage to tell you...... " she ran out of breath but clearly had more to say about it if he was going to let her.

"If you are going to tell me to 'keep my head up' and not to let this whole episode 'break my spirit' save the speech for when you take the stand in this Kangaroo Court." He replied, cutting her off.

"NO.... I would never patronise you like that... I have too much respect for you." she pouted. With her feelings piqued she became indignant enough to finally come right out with what she had come here to say.

"I came to say that.... although I know you probably never even noticed me or how I felt but I always looked up to you and I like you.... very much...." She didn't stop for breath in case she lost her nerve.

"I doubt if there's anything you need, and I know I'm not influential but... If you just said the word, I'd go to the end of the universe and back to help you." She stuck her pretty little chin out in defiance, waiting for him to yell at her and tell her not to be so stupid or worse.

There was an excrutiating silence for a few seconds, which felt like a few *years* to Alexia.

Dorian walked back to his bed and picked up his padd and continued to read it as the woman stared from her side of the forcefield.

"I.... was expecting a reaction, if not a reply of some sort. I'm trying to tell you how I feel. " she repeated quietly, a little quiver in her voice now as his silence un-nerved her.

He had heard her perfectly fine the first time. To her, this was the culmination of months of anxiety and courage just to make this revelation. But to Dorian, this was a repeat of a tragic story that he had been forced to live through just eight years before.

"Dorian, I'm trying to tell you that I love you, and ...." she finally used the *L* word.

"- - -the last person to say those words to me. . ." Dorian interjected. "Ended up dead, in the middle of her quarters, without any friend or family by her side." He replied in a detached tone. "The best thing you can do for yourself is to walk away, sober up, and forget this conversation ever occured." He added.

"As long as you didn't kill her for saying it, I don't see how that relates to us. I don't *want* to walk away and i won't. What sort of *love* is so easily frightened off? I'm sorry for your loss, genuinely but it *was* eight years ago and you're still alive. She would have wanted you to live on, not shut yourself away from anyone who could care for you again, don't you think? I can't speak for her but I'm trying to guess how i would feel in her situation. I.... I take it you still carry a torch for her then?" Alex enquired gently, her tone soft and caring.

Dorian laughed sardonically. "I'm still alive. . ." he chuckled. "How many times have I stood over the bodies of those around me and tried to comfort myself with those same words." He said ruefully. "For all I know, I probably said those same words as I stood over the body of my own parents." he said as he tossed the padd across the room.

"But I'll never know that." He said as he caught his anger getting the best of him.

"What I do know is that you are a Starfleet officer and *I* am your superior officer." He said as he began to speak in a more regulated tone.

"That is *all* we will ever be, have I made myself clear?" He stated.

Ensign Jackson stood in front of the forcefield that might as well have been a solid wall, looking at the man beyond it who also, might have been made of stone.

Her heart, which was NOT made of any such hard or tough substance, began to shatter silently as she stood there unmoving and for a moment, without the words to respond.

She appeared to turn away despondently but then looked back at him. "What are you going to do Dorian? Court Martial me?" She sat down on the floor and refused to move. "You're going to have to look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't have any feelings at all before I'll believe that you're not just trying to protect me because you do care but you can't admit it."

Alexia was taking a huge risk here. She was calling his bluff. If he *was* bluffing, it might work but if he wasn't and he truly didn't care about her at all, then she'd be edging towards a massive, humiliating fall.

Dorian looked down at the downtrodden woman before him. She had come to him and bared her heart for him in hopes that he would just accept her for who she was. Deep down he knew that she meant well and only wanted him to be happy. It was a offering of love and warmth that he hadn't experienced in a long time.

"Alexia, please. . .get off the ground and stand up, please. . ." Dorian said in a soft, almost inaudible tone.

Alex was affected by the softness in his tone and the way he asked her so nicely. She looked hopefully up at him, trying to work out the expression on his face. Was her sit-in going to work. Was he going to say more? She held her breath.

". . .please get up and follow Ensign Calf'ell, he'll escort you back to your quarters safely." Dorian said as he held eye-contact with her for several moments before looking towards the approaching security officer. "And make sure she *stays* there," he said in his usual commanding tone as he turned and walked back to his cot and picked up his padd to read again.

This time, alone.

Alexia stood up, feeling the blood creep to her cheeks as Ensign Calf'ell gently and sympathetically put his hand on her elbow and attempted to guide her away.

Looking back at the man who had been her hero for so long, Alex said to her escort. "Remember him. I know I will. He's the most remarkable man I ever had the privilege to work for. I wish he could have cared for me, I would have given anything for the chance to try to make him happy." she sighed, allowing herself to be led away to sober up.

A JP Between:

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Former Chief of Security


Ensign Alexia Jackson
Secretary to the Security Department
NPC'd by jools