Things Past – Jump Into The Fog
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Jump Into The Fog
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Fri Feb 10, 2012 @ 1:26pm
Location   Approaching Terok Nor
Timeline   2368
The viewscreen gleamed and reflected the gold hull of the shuttle. Getal and Imanil didn't have to fly in transports. Tharek had made sure that they flew alone, in a gloriously new Cardassian shuttle.

"Computer. Engage autopilot." Getal stated, as he began to walk to the back of the shuttle, where his and Imanil's quarters were.

"Autopilot engaged." The masculine computer replied. Getal slowly walked into the bedroom of the shuttle, where Imanil was. From what it seemed, Imanil was fast asleep. He sat beside her on the bed, and gently stroked her cheek, careful not to wake her.

It had taken Imanil a day or two to get used to the constant hum of engines but eventually it faded into the background and she was able to sleep. Now she was just drowsing as there wasn't really a lot for her to do on the journey and she had lost track of whether it was actually night or day.

She smiled at his touch. "I was having the strangest dream," she mumbled without opening her eyes.

"And what was that my love?" He said, smiling at her voice.

"I was floating, off into the night and I tried to swim back but I couldn't. I think you woke me at just the right time." she opened her eyes then and wriggled round so that she could rest her head against his leg. "A week ago I had never even considered leaving Cardassia, now, here I am enjoined to you and halfway to the greatest adventure of my life. I must sound very silly, but I can't help but be awed by all this," she told him.

"You don't sound silly." Tharek said, stroking her hair. "This is new for me too. I wanted something that we'll experience together. A new adventure that we can share."

"I can't help but wonder how the real Terok Nor will compare to my model, probably not nearly as pristine," she mused with a sigh. "Do Bajorans really live in mud huts?" she asked.

"Bajorans are a simple people. They live simply as farmers and such. Their religion takes precedent over their lives as well." Tharek said, a sense of superiority in his voice. "They believe that there are beings that live inside the wormhole, which they call the celestial temple. Do you see our cause now my love? We must teach the Bajorans, make them open their eyes."

"Superstitious nonsense," Imanil said sitting up. "Anyone would be better off putting that aside. Of course I see our cause, Tharek. I'm sure that you could teach the most wooden-headed Bajoran of his mistakes," she said wrapping her arms around him.

Returning the gesture he spoke again. "We'll teach them science, an integral part of any civilization. We'll show them the error of their religion. The benevolent mother Cardassia has decreed this all." Tharek said, patriotically.

"Are they capable of learning?" she asked her lips irrestistably drawn to the ridge on his neck. "Will you let me help you? I don't want to be stuck on Terok Nor while you are on the ground taming the savages. Maybe I could offer some guidance to their elders." Imanil smiled and gazed into Tharek's eyes, really she wanted to be home again, with him beside her, but she would do what was required of her.

He reached for her hand, and took it in his. "We have private residence on the surface." Getal said with a wide grin. "I will be overlooking the Kendra Province. You, my dear, if you wish, will be converting religion into science. I recommended you to the Detepa council myself." He said, squeezing her hand. "I do hope that's alright? You can choose your chosen profession on the surface my love."

Imanil's fingers gripped his, "You are so considerate, Tharek," she said turning onto her knees and turning her face to beam up into his. As she did she ran her hand back into his hair. "How do you wish me to appear?" she asked knowing that they could not be so openly affectionate in front of their inferiors.

"As expected." He replied. Although he did not wish to treat Imanil anything other than what she was, he had no choice. The inferiors needed to know Getal as a leader, not a lover. "I wish us to appear as a typical Cardassian marriage. Until we are together alone, where we can be us. I know it is a lot to ask my love."

Imanil lowered her eyes, "I will appear to be your obedient, browbeaten wife, Gul Getal. I'll gather up all our sparks, and intimacies and save them for later. I would never ..." Imanil paused. She would find it very hard not to touch him, not to whisper her thoughts into his ear. The thought of restraining herself so much pained her, but she smiled. "I would never compromise your reputation, Tharek," she said.

He laughed lightheartedly. "My reputation means nothing in comparison to you Imanil. It's just the Bajorans. If they find that I cannot live without you, they will take you away from me within a moment. I must appear to be as detached to you as any typical Cardassian man is to his wife. I only care for your safety."

She did not say what she was thinking, Imanil simply wanted to be with her husband and didn't care who knew how much she adored him. "Then I shall be sure to make it plain that we have no feelings for one another beyond those necessary for the continuation of the Union," Imanil said instead. She had no talent for guile, and hated the thought of him appearing cold and aloof to her, even if it was only an act, but she would do it, because it was what Tharek wanted her to do.

He stroked her cheek and tilted his head. "It's not what I want my love. It is what is necessary to assure your safety. Which is paramount to me." Getal comforted. The computer then bleeped into life, and gave two short and sharp beeps. Tharek's face turned to the cockpit. "Want to see what Terok Nor looks like in reality?"

Genuine enthusiasm lit her smile. "Very much so," she said. Imanil had become another person in a matter of days and part of it was because of this place, or a simulcrum of it, anyway. Her smile softened as she watched him, "I'm so glad you found me, my dear dear heart," she said.

"As am I my love. As am I." Getal gestured out a hand, and raised Imanil. After, he led her through to the cockpit of the shuttle, where the gadgets and buttons whirred and glowed with intention. And sure enough, out of the viewscreen was Terok Nor. The station that would go down in history. Yet, nobody knew it yet.

Imanil slid her arm around Tharek's waist as they watched it, exactly as it had appeared in her lab a few days earlier. Only this time as they drew closer it would not remain the same size, but the perspective would grow.

"Its ... just as I imagined it," Imanil said as she turned to him and kissed him softly at first, invitingly. "I love you so much, Tharek, and bringing me here ... I don't know how I'll ever repay it."

"You already have," he replied simply, as he took the invitation. Closing his eyes he lent in for Imanil's lips, pulling her in closer to his chest as he did.

"How long do we have?" she asked in a breath as their lips parted, her hands at the nape of his neck. Her gaze flicked and locked on his. "You're not going to make me wait until all of the introductions and receptions are out of the way, are you?" she asked him in the same breathy tone.

"We'll get on board, get the greetings out of the way, then find our quarters and come out the next day." He said, his forehead leaning on hers. "We aren't expected to make an official introduction until tomorrow... "

Her eyes flicked back to the viewscreen, Terok Nor was looming, and on a greater scale than she had ever thought it would. By her estimate they would be docking within twenty minutes ... and that was just not long enough.

"I understand," she acknowledged before continuing. "Tharek, do I know everything that I need to know about your posting?" she asked. Imanil was many things, but stupid was not one of them. She had put off asking this long because she didn't want to annoy him, but she asked now as if the question did, it could be left in the shuttle when they disembarked and never picked up again.

Tharek remained with his hands on Imanil, but withdrew his head from hers. "My posting is in the Kendra Province sector of Bajor. The main supplier to Terok Nor." He began, sounding like he was reading from a PaDD. "My posting will entail managing the Bajoran workers, and if necessary, use force to contain any uprising or resistance. We are a fully working facility, for both factory purposes, or, a fully functioning military facility which is only to be use under heavy resistance or attack from the Bajoran terrorists." Tharek tried to hide the unjust look in his eyes, but failed. "Most other Provinces will provide adequate food, water and medicine to the workers and their families. I make it my mission to get the best from my workers. So, I will be giving them a more-than-adequate supply of all three."

Her eyes had not left his for a second as he spoke. "I think I understand a little more your concern for my safety," she told him as she drew one hand forward and ran it back along his brow. "I'm here to help you, Tharek, in any way possible ... I'm sure I can translate some of my civil defence work to apply on Bajor," she had a particular technology in mind - it effected only those who were outside after curfew all of whom by default were subversive. It was a soundwave sophisticated enough that common building materials would repel it - those who were where they should be would not be harmed.

"This is why I asked you to be my wife, Imanil." He said, stroking her cheek tentatively.

"You only have to ask," she said unconcerned by the inference of his words. "You'll be an outstanding man all on your own, Tharek, but I can help you to be a truly great one."

"Behind every great man, is a greater woman." Getal said softly as he smiled warmly.

"Only because you have given me the chance to be so. If I hadn't met you, Tharek I'd never have come out of my lab and eventually I'd have had to marry to please my parents, and then I'd have spent the rest of my life serving someone who could never properly appreciate either me, or my work. The fact that you recognize the value of what I do without me having to tell you ..." Imanil smiled back at him.

"Your work is worth more than my recognition. In fact, I'll speak to my colleagues on Terok Nor. See if I can't get you some staff and a more than adequate laboratory on our accommodations on Bajor."

"I don't need staff, I'd only have to spend half of my time explaining equations to them, but if you can furnish me with an adequate lab, and a few people with the technical skill to translate what I tell them into the equipment you need ... I can give you access to options only currently available to the Detapa Council."

He smiled yet again. "I can get you more than adequate." Tharek said, and as he did, the computer beeped again. "We're nearing Terok Nor. We should get ready to disembark."

"I'm ready when you are," she said. Their days alone, and being entirely themselves were over now, she knew that, first though - she ran her hand around his neck and up into his hair, "to get me through the next few hours of meekly nodding to everything you say and smiling with the semblance of awed indulgence at the un-erudite observations of Terok Nor's great and good," she said drawing him in to a kiss.

He returned the kiss, and said with a small sound, "We'll get the formalities out of the way quickly, then we'll go straight to the quarters until tomorrow."

"I don't know why I'm so nervous," Imanil said, "its not like I haven't been here before, well, sort of. Maybe that's why ..."

"Shush my love. It'll be fine, as long as we are by each other's side," Tharek said, putting his arm around her shoulder as they gazed at Terok Nor together.

Imanil leaned her cheek against his chest, one arm finding its way around his waist. "It will be fine," she agreed as she watched the elliptiod station loom larger and larger in the viewscreen, the blue-green planet beneath holding little to interest her eye.

He broke contact from Imanil slightly, taking her hand in his, but reaching for the command console. "This is Gul Tharek Getal, Union shuttle Vera requesting permission to dock with Terok Nor."

Imanil's gaze shifted from the station to her husband. She couldn't help but notice the the change in his tone when he spoke with others, not that she had heard that change for a number of days. He kept it polite, but was much more authoriative and demanding with others, though as Imanil surmised he had no need to be that way with her - she shared his interests after all, and had no hesitation about deferring to him.

"This is Terok Nor, welcome to Bajor, Gul." The comm-line clicked off quickly after the voice, and the shuttle began an automatic approach to the station, guided by various beams projected by tractor emitters over the station.

"So this is it," Imanil said, "Let's get you installed in your new position," then she laughed. "I make you sound like an appliance," she giggled, "How pompous of me."

He laughed along with her gently. "As long as you dust me regularly." Getal joked, as the ship jolted slightly, making Tharek aware the shuttle had attached to the station. He guided Imanil to the entrance of the shuttle and held her tight on his elbow.


Professor Imanil Lemarrev Getal

Gul Tharek Getal