Beg, Steal or Borrow – Returning Home
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el

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Title   Returning Home
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el
Posted   Tue May 12, 2009 @ 7:34am
Location   USS Freedom
Timeline   After the attack on DS5

The Bajoran walked back to the communications station. "Open a channel to the Freedom, please."

After a few seconds, the viewscreen winked on again.

"Channel open," the officer said.

"Commander, we just caught a glimmer of a warp signature about 2000 clicks away, did your sensors get any information on it?"

A dark haired human looked back through the feed at them, sitting up a bit straighter in the Center seat of the Bridge.

"This is Lieutenant DeHavilland." he replied, glancing back at the Petty Officer at the Tactical panel, "Are you picking up anything?" he asked.

"There was something briefly, at this distance I can't identify the type of warp signature. Probably just another ship enroute to DS5."

Jo'el shook his head, confused by the development. "I can't say I like it. In any case, the Ambassador would feel more comfortable going back to the station onboard the Freedom. I'm feeding you coordinates of the Vrelnec's ready room. We'll be standing by for beam out."

"Understood." CJ replied as the viewscreen blinked back to the view of the space beyond.

CJ tapped his comm "Lieutenant DeHavilland to Commander Da'nal, Incoming tranport from the Vrelnec." he said.

Da`nal tapped his comm badge. "Understood, I'll head to the transporter room to meet them. Once they are aboard have the Romulan vessel form up along side and we will escort her back to the station at warp 3. Da`nal out."

"Have the Transporter Chief engage a lock and standy for the Commander's orders." CJ said, turning towards the Ops station.

A short time latr Da`nal found himself in the transporter room and nodding to the operater. "Energize."

What Isha really wanted to do was to be transported directly into a darkened room where she could pretend that nothing had happened until they reached home, but as with all duties she could not shirk this one. As an ambassador Isha had a responsibilty to be seen and as hru'Hfirh of the Illialhlae she had a responsibility to see that Nniol was handled correctly and additionally in this case to see that the Klingon did not stir up old hostilities that would colour his treatment. Isha mused on that as she waited. When they had spoken on DS5 Da'nal had clearly not associated her with the House; she could see no circumstances under which he would have kept quiet had he done so. She had noted it, but kept her silence but there could be no misunderstanding now.

The tickle of the transporter beam was somewhat welcome and as it took her Isha glanced at Opaka. "Thank you," she mouthed because on the other side she was going to have to be all business until this was over, she did not want to give the impression that Opaka might have developed any sympathy towards her, she needed him to appear an objective witness to all that had happened and Nniol might have been caught but she knew that he would not give up without a fight, one that he had probably already begun.

[USS Freedom]

Da`nal watched as the two materialized, the ambassador looking particularly worn and bruised. "Ambassador you don't look well, lets get you to sick bay." Glancing to Opaka. "You too Ensign."

Isha straightened and pulled her gaze up to meet Da'nal's, "No, I just need to lie down. I have a medic on the station - Doctor Adams. I don't wish to see anyone else and will not!" a statement punctuated with a dismissive wave of her hand.

"Very well. If you like you can lie down in the ready room." Motioning to the door he let her pass. "We will be under way and back on DS5 as soon as the Vrelnec comes along side."

Isha paused, "I have given the Vrelnec orders to procede to Cariel III, the ringleaders have already been brought aboard the Freedom, that will be sufficient for your purposes. You do not require a group of soldiers who were merely following orders, nor do you need my ship," she said with a note of finality.

Da'nal stopped everyone in the corridor. "You are in Federation space, that ship is the only surviving vessel that took part in an attack on the Federation. The only place it will be going is back to the station. IF everything turns out to be as you say. I have no doubt it will be released and allowed to proceed. I doubt a Federation starship would have gotten such... leniancy if one of our Captains had gone rogue and attacked a Romulan intallation.

"You can contact Star Fleet and lodge all the protests you want from my ready room, but for now the only authorized destination is Deep Space 5. His tone was one that was unmistake and unyielding.

Isha paused. "As this is your first command, Lieutenant Commander Da'nal," Isha said pointedly, "I will not embarass you any further than necessary. I have already given orders that I do not have the facility to countermand even if I wished to do so - if you wish me to summon someone who does have that authority then we are in for a long wait and I look forward to hearing the explaination you give your superiors as to why you were unable to handle the situation without inviting a Tal'Shiar task force to violate Federation borders."

"There will be no embarrassment for destroying an enemy vessel that attacked a Federation facility. Your orders do not concern me as I am NOT under your command. And I find it highly unlike that you cannot counter your own instructions."

"The Vrelnec will return directly through the neutral zone and you will be content with who and what I have given you - for official purposes the Vrelnec has been redesignated as a consular vessel. Contact Starfleet and lodge a complaint against me when we get back to Deep Space Five if you wish. Your ready room is this way, yes?" she asked stepping away.

"In the Interests of Federation and Romulan ... the word hissing from his lips ... relations I will allow your ship to leave. YOU have yet to break your word that I am aware of, so I will accept you word as to its diplomatic status.....This time." He watched her turn away towards the lift the image of her throat in his hand was so vivid her could feel the sensation in his fingers.

Isha half turned looking back over her shoulder at him, "I'll remind you that I have full diplomatic immunity and if you do what your instinct is telling you to do to me ... you know what I mean Da'nal because you've wanted to do it since you laid eyes on me - you will have the unique honour of being remembered only for being expelled from Starfleet for the murder of a diplomat - until they forget all about you that is, and you rot out the rest of your ignominious days in your hovel on Qo'nos. Do I make myself clear?"

Dan`nal stepped forward slowly his rage tighlty controlled. "I too have diplomatic immunity, and I will remind you that you are a guest here. If you want to order someone about I can have one of your pets beamed aboard." Inching closer. "And Do Not, for one second, presume you can order me about on MY ship. Do I make Myself Clear!"

Not waiting for a reply he stepped past her only to turn sharply. "And if you think I am worried about being sent home, think again. I will be welcomed back with Honor...having destroyed enemies of the Empire."

"Ensign Opaka, take her to the ready room!" Da`nal then headed off in the opposite direction. She was right about one thing though. It wouldn't look good, as far as Starfleet was concerned if he strangled the life from her.

Isha exhaled only after he was gone, and with that breath her own pain returned. She nodded to Opaka - if nothing else once she was in the ready room she could rely on being undisturbed.

As he entered the Holodeck to blow off some steam Da'nal tapped his commbadge. "Lieutenant DeHavilland. Set a course for Deep Space 5 and engage at Warp 4. We are leaving the Romulan vessel here for the moment. Da`nal out."


Lt. Commander Da`nal

Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae, DS5

Ensign Opaka Jo'el
VIP Bodyguard. DS5

Lieutenant JG Curtiss "C.J." DeHavilland

[Cross-posted to USS Freedom]