Time is Fleeting – Guarding the home
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Guarding the home
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Wed Nov 11, 2009 @ 12:40pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   BACKPOST - SD13 - 17:00
Tharek, who was now beginning to grow tired and redundant of the games being played by the senior Federation officers, was contemplating the 'polite' conversation him and Chelsea had shared that morning. He decided to walk past Sickbay and pay a visit to the Bajoran medical team.

Not seconds later, did he encounter his Gul. G'mar. "Gul G'mar." Tharek called out to his fellow Cardassian.

Turrel was busying himself with a his tour of the station when he heard his friends voice. Turning to face the voice of his superior he inclined his head, "Ah, I hope the day is treating you well."

"I suppose." He also inclined his head, but forward. "Care to walk with me, Gul?"

"As you wish Vi'kar." He began to match his pace with that of Tharek's

"I plan on stopping by Sickbay. The Bajoran's in there are... Tempermental, to say the last. Care to join me Turrel? Just like old times." Tharek shot Turrel a sly smile before turning to face his path.

"Tempermental?" Turrel chuckled lightly. "I found the medical staff to be quite accomodating actually. You haven't been antagonising the stations staff again have you?" His voice held a tone of mock disbelief.

"Antagonising, no." Tharek then switchd his tone. He now sounded, menacing, deadly... And treacherous. "Terrorising, threatening and lieing? Most certainly Turrel."

Turrel simply shrugged. He had been involved in a number of dissputes in the past due to his friends comments. In fact, having recalled a few incidents, the two of them were no longer on a few smaller worlds because of it.

"I am curious then." Turrel started, "What is to be gained by making enemy's of the Federation staff aboard this station? You are too much a tactician not to think of what their response will be."

"Ah. This is all necessary." He smirked again. "Me, you and the other empire's ambassadors all have diplomatic immunity. We can only come out on top, with the Federation always coming out last place."

"Interesting. Well with that immunity I hope you do not mind if I use that to further my...passtimes, would you?

"Not at all my dear friend. Use it to your heart's content." Tharek ended his sentance with a polite smile.

"Excellent!" Turrel's face was beaming with delight. "You really should see how my collection of Alkelian idols has expanded. I should doubt their museum's would appreciate them as much as I."

"Nobody could adore those idols as much as you Turrel." Thark exclaimed, as they reached their destination; Sickbay. Thark looked down the corridors to make sure their was none of Gabriel's lackeys keeping an eye on him.

Tharek and Turrel entered side by side into the gleaming interior that was sickbay.

Chelsea had been explaining to Ryan what had been going on during the day. The handover normally took between 10 minutes and half an hour but on this occasion she had spent longer than usual as she had been introduced to Nora and had been relating the story of her encounter with the 'Vi'kal Gull Grumpy' as she had renamed him.

Suddenly, here was the very man coming in as she was about to leave, she hadn't quite closed the office door and she thought it would be nice to have Ryan's support this time, but she was more afraid the Vi'kal might provoke him too. If either of them were to lose their tempers there might be an incident so she decided in favour of avoiding the latter and closed the office door, walking towards the two Cardassians.

"Vi'kal Gull Getal and Gull G'Mar, Good evening Gentlemen." she greeted them politely and confidently. Having discussed the matter and decided she would treat the earlier threats with the contempt they deserved, she was now calm about facing the Vi'kar again. Besides Gull G'Mar had been charming and she had no problem with him at all.

"Vi'kar Gul Getal. Remember that, Bajoran." Tharek scorned his words at Chelsea lik a disruptor shot. He may have seemed insane to his colleagues, but he knew his tactics.

"That should be 'Lieutenant-Commander Bajoran', Vi'kar Gul" she replied calmly and not without a hint of irony as she stood and looked him up and down without any expression on her face or in her eyes.

"Do not get flippent with me, Bajoran." Tharek exclaimed, crossing his arm's in front of his chest. "Where's the rest of your wretched race that work in here?"

"Which race, Ambassador? Most of the staff here are human, as I am. There are fewer of those who share my Bajoran genes but as you know, the Chief Medical Officer is one of those. If you wish to talk with the Doctor, I believe he is in his office. Do you have an appointment? I know he's very busy" Her tone was still calm but behind the fixed 'doctor' face, Chelsea was beginning to lose patience with this game.

"Go and fetch your Doctor. And, get my rank wrong once more. Just once, I will make sure you never leave this room with your mind, or limbs, intact." Tharek yet again scorned at her, he pointed his finger harshly in time with his words also.

"He *was* in his office, as I told you, Vi'kar Gul Getal." Chelsea went to leave, thinking to let the Cardassian get on with whatever he was up to, but she hadn't gone far when she had second thoughts.

Tharek watched her leave. "Insulent. Every last one of them. Wouldn't you agree G'mar?"

"Well you certainly have a talent at bringing out the defensive side of individuals. Some bridges don't always need burning"

"If an enemy is following you, all bridges you pass must be burnt. A lesson you will learn in time Turrel" Tharek said, crossing his arms. Tharek was now awaiting the arrival of the Chief medical officer.

Chelsea sensed that Tharek was looking to stir up problems and she knew that Ryan was not only capable but in his current mood, very likely to rise to the bait. She might no longer be in a relationship with Ryan but he was still important to her and she still cared what happened to him. She decided to protect him and secretly flicked her comm badge softly before she turned back, so that he could hear.

" *Doctor Milarno*..." she spoke Ryan's name so the computer would connect her to him, but quickly went on with the sentence so he wouldn't give himself away in a reply. She hoped it would work.

"....is probably out on his rounds, now I come to think on it. I *did* leave him in the office some time ago, but I visited a patient before I met you coming in, so I feel sure he would have gone from the office. Unfortunately that means we'll have to wander around Sickbay and see if we can find him. I'll be happy to accompany you, so you don't get lost, Vi'kar Gul Getal and Gul G'mar" she was carefully explicit so that Ryan would get the whole message.

As a sign of her success the channel clicked closed without a word being uttered from Ryan. Peering from a distance through the clear part at the top of the frosted panel around the CMO's office, she thought she saw the slight movement of the top of the inner door to the Lab.

~Neat!~ she thought with satisfaction. ~Ry and I still understand each other! He so owes me big time for this!~

Turrel wasn't at all interested in this exchange. For his experience it was better to make a friend than an enemy of the people you meet. It is these relationships that advance one in good times as well as bad. However, he did understand the necessity of squeezing people for information from time to time. He just wasn't sure what Tharek was trying to accomplish by squeezing the Bajoran's.

Chelsea started off towards the cubicles without waiting for acceptance of her offer to give a tour. "Here are the individual rooms we use to give privacy to more serious or sensitive cases" she began, not even looking round to see if they were with her.

"I need to use one of these, to talk to Gul G'mar." He said. Obviously hinting for her to get out of his way.

Ma'erlit had come to sickbay to bring something to Chelsea from Rianni, it was a book Isha had wanted them both to read, and with Rianni busier than anything she could've ever imagined she found herself doing a lot of her personal chores, ~Not bad though, Rianni's sweet.~ Wandering into sickbay she called out for Chelsea, "Doctor Adams?" More interested in finding Chelsea than in where she was going Ma'erlit ran directly into a Cardassian Gul and fell onto the floor, looking up into his eyes she saw the devil himself, Gul Tharek Getal, the man who had been chief oppressor of the people in her province.

"Why you insulent!... " Tharek then stopped himself as he realised who it was. "Ah, this is more like it, a familiar face. How are your family since the last time we met?" He said, with an exagerated look of hideousy on his face.

"They're dead, you bastard, you murdered them!" Ma'erlit yelled back at him, "You worthless little coward, you didn't even have the courage to face my father like a man! Your assassins didn't either! They shot him in the back!"

"Ah, thats terrible... " He started. "I specifically told them to disintegrate him." This was Tharek's idea of a sense of humour. Some might say he was insane and dangerous to be around, but he knew what he was doing. He knew, that his enemies knew.

"And that was supposed to be funny?" Ma'erlit snarled, "Sorry if I don't get the nuances of Spoonhead humor."

"Now now now. Remember, your Starfleet. you will adress me properly and with a certain dignity, I know it's hard for Bajorans but try." Tharek retaliated, very calmly.

Ma'erlit didn't have anything else to say to him, she merely stepped back and spat directly into his face, "Know this, Tharek, before it's over, my hands will be covered in your blood." With that she turned and left the room, otherwise she'd have killed him where they stood.

He scorned at her back with dis-pleasure. Your blood will be on my hands first, Bajoran. He though to himself. He then remembered where he was, and what train of thought he was going down. "As I just said, I need to speak to Turrel, alone." He stated.

Chelsea stood there horrified. ~What just happened here?~ she asked herself, confused. In her bewilderment, she was compliant and allowed the Vi'kal Gul to take over the cubicle. She left more to get a breath of air than to be obedient.

Turrel stepped into the room with Tharek and simply raised his eyebrow. "What is it?"

Tharek looked to make sure no-one was listening in on this delicate>/i> subject. He then lent in closer to Turrel, and began to speak in Cardassian, "I want you to get rid of that Bajoran flight officer. I don't care how or when, just do it."

Turrel thought this over before he addressed his supperior. "In this case I suggest patience would be the best course of action. Considering that last exchange, your name would be at the top of the list as for suspects. Neither the Cardasian Union nor your career would do well with those kind of accusations. An embarrasment like that can not be afforded."

"Right... Sorry Turrel... Sometimes I get lost in the heat of the moment. I hope you accept my apology, old friend."

"Nothing to apologise for." He stated with a shake of his head. With a step forward he have a good natured punch to Tharek's arm. "But I have to say, That Bajoran REALLY hates you." He laughed.

"Most Bajorans hate me. Some even hate you, your family, your neighbours and even your most distant relatives. They hate you, because of what you are." Tharek said, making his way toward the door of the small cubicle.

"True." He agreed as he followed his friend. "But then again, it doesn't help to give them reasons to hate us. Let their reasons be their own."

"Their reasons soon have a habit of becoming our problems, Turrel. The Maquis are one example of 'reason' turned into a problem." Tharek said, as he came out of the cubicle and into view of Lieutenant Commander Adams once more.

Since the two Cardassians had gone into the cubicle, the CMO, Lt. Ryan Milarno had arrived.

"So tell me again what's going here?" he asked his ACMO.

"The two Cardassian delegates wanted to speak alone...." Chelsea began.

"Then why don't they go and find a quiet room at their Embasssy" Ryan asked, annoyed. "This is a Sickbay not a Conference Facility, Commander! I'm surprised at you."

Chelsea stung at the rebuke and the use of her rank drove it home. "Ryan ...." she began but corrected herself under the ferocity of his scowl. "Sir. They're being quite difficult and I wasn't going to let the Vi'kal Gul have the pleasure of winding me up" She tried again to explain.

"Bloody Hell Chels!" Ryan reverted to his personal shortening of her name in his surprise at her. "I'll deal with this! I'm not having my Sickbay turned into an entertainments spectacle for the amusement of random aliens who have nothing better to do! We have sick patients to care for. Why don't you go and check on Jarred again?" He was dismissive which always got under Chelsea's skin.

"Ryan..... " He had dropped the formalities so she followed his lead, trying to reason with him. "You know what you're like with antagonistic people, especially Cardassians. I can handle this, they'll be on their way really soon, I'll see to it, ok?"

For a moment, the CMO did look as if he was going to allow Chelsea to convince him and was just walking away as the two Cardassians came out of the cubicle. Chelsea couldn't believe her bad luck. ~Thirty seconds longer and Ryan would have been gone again!~ she groaned inwardly.

"Ah, you must be Milarno. It's a... Pleasure, to meet you." Tharek said, swallowing down his hatred. He had taken Turrel's words into account. He then turned to look at Chelsea. "Good day Ms. Adams." Tharek proclaimed as he made his way for the door, leaving Turrel with the group of Medical personnel.

Turrel stood in place watching his Vi'kar start to leave the room. He was happy that he diffused a potentially deadly situation that could end in his friends dissmissal from service. He owed him at least a level head in these kinds of situations and he reminded himself that it was no more then what Tharek had done to help him in the past as well.

Turrel was contemplating these thoughts when he looked back up and spotted a rather angry looking man staring back at him.

Chelsea tried to smooth it over again. She had found Turrel approachable before and had hopes this could be diffused.

"Gul G'Mar" she smiled pleasantly. "May I introduce the Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Ryan Milarno"

Ryan nodded stiffly in acknowledgement that offered no welcome but neither any offence at this point.

Encouraged, Chelsea went on before anyone could say anything. "Sir, this is Gul G'Mar who I met this morning when he came for his medical." Her chatter made it harder for them to argue, if that had been on the cards.

Turrel heard the Commander speak, but he kept his eyes trained on Lieutenant Milarno's face. Cardasian's were experts on body language and Turrel was no exception. This man was angry by his presence through no fault of his own. Turrel's features hardened as he recalled the Vi'kar's words about how Bajoran's hate his kind due only to his herritage. Perhaps his words rang true...

Turrel mimicked the Lieutenant's same cold curt nod in greeting. Breaking his stare, he looked over to Chelsea and flashed a half hearted smile. "I'm sorry if your day was disturbed in any way, i'm sure you and the Lieutenant have much work to attend to." Looking back up to the man, he continued. "I should think it would be prudent for me to get back to my duties as well."

"Indeed!" The Doctor's tone was icy even though he had not been rude.

Chelsea hurried to dilute the situation again. "My day has been very interesting Gul G'Mar, thank you for your concern. However, I do agree that a return to duty is well-timed" she smiled, standing aside to allow the Cardassian passage past her on his way out.

She heaved a sigh of relief as he disappeared in one direction and Ryan stalked safely off in the other. Watching the doctor go, Chelsea wondered if it were her imagination or if it was true that Ryan was getting more stressed and angry these days. She wondered how he was getting on with Nora and then remembered she wasn't supposed to be worrying about him any more. It was hard though, he was still her friend and her boss and she couldn't just stop caring about him. She walked thoughtfully away.


A joint post between:

(Guys? You ok to end this here for now? Pls sign off if you are)

Gul Turrel G'mar
Cardasian Garrison Commander
The Rakara


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams


Lt. Ryan Milarno
(pp'd by Jools with Dayne's permission)