Cascade – PARTAAAAYY!!
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Juliet Dallis

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Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Juliet Dallis
Posted   Tue Nov 20, 2012 @ 9:08pm
Location   Box Of Delight
Timeline   SD70: 11:30

Juliet was meeting Anais on the Promenade, deck 144 at the turbo lifts. She wasn't late, in fact she was early. She had changed into a medium length black skinny dress, her dark hair long and free while she wore little makeup. Another set of people departed the lift and Blue wasn't to be seen.

Soon enough though a second group of people and aliens departed another lift and Blue emerged from that set. "Evening. I see you went with your short and shiny look. She said with a knowing smirk. "It looks good on you."

Anais glowed at the compliment. "Thanks" she said, blushing. "I didn't want to look like the baby around here. It's easy enough to be treated that way as a cadet out there, and I can totally see how that works, but I thought I'd like to show that it doesn't make me a *child* out of the flight suit." she confided in her new friend, forgetting for a moment that Juliet was a Lieutenant and very much more experienced than herself.

"Shall we?" Dallis asked while seeing the entrance of the bar they were headed towards.

"You *sure* I look okay... it's not too short?" the approaching doorway and the crowd inside began to penetrate the flimsy confidence the gorgeous dress had inspired in Anais until now.

"Yes, stop worrying." She said as they finally breached the bar.

Having decided with Chelsea that some celebration drinks were in order, Rick invited any pilot that wasn't on patrol or in an alert fighter to come and meet him and the chief medical officer/second officer in the Box of delights some celebration drinks. Rick holding Chelsea's hand (He didn't care that they were on duty, he was celebrating and had a spring in his step) came through the entrance way into the large saloon with a beaming grin and shoulders back with pride.

Mrs Dunham couldn't have been happier. She had married the most eligible man in the quadrant and she still couldn't believe it was her he had chosen to fall in love with of all the gorgeous women that he *could* have clicked his fingers and had falling at his feet. But here he was, at the moment of his talents being recognised with promotion and when he was as proud and happy as he could be, it was *her* hand he wanted to hold.

More than all that, as incredible as it seemed to the half-Bajoran doctor thus far, better still was that he was the father of the unborn child she was carrying.

No-one could have had more to celebrate than Richard Eric Dunham's wife, especially according to herself, so the grin on her husband's perfect features and the pride in his eyes was visibly matched by her own.

As they walked in, hand in hand, beaming like two Type 1a Supernovae 'the Dunhams' attracted some turned heads, if only to see what the big event was.

At the bar, Yolanthe saw them and smiled. "Hello Doctor." She leant over the bar, so she was more at eye level, "You look like a woman with something to celebrate. What can I get you?"

"A Terran double gin and tonic with ice and lemon and hold the gin please." Chelsea replied with a grin. "We have LOADS to celebrate today. Please set up a tab on my account. Drinks all round. Everyone!" she said with a sweep of her arm to indicate the whole room.

Looking at Rick she wondered if this was the time to tell ALL their news or if that would diminish his moment over his promotion. She decided the news about the baby should wait and so she continued... "Commander Dunham...." she gestured to Rick. "Has just been promoted. I'm so proud of him."

"Congratulations," Yolanthe handed Chelsea the padd to set up the tab. "He does you proud. What do you let him drink?"

"Something extremely alcoholic, with fruit and an umbrella!" grinned Lt William Roebuck. "And whilst your at it, I'll have one too. preferably something with a totally inappropriate name."

He nodded at Chelsea. "After all, its space, the sun is always over the yard arm."

Rick flashed a smile and made a scene of polishing his new gold pip on his collar "Yolanthe" he said to landlord "Long time no see" He looked at the large array of drinks arranged behind her "I will have a urrmmmm Andorian brandy please" he asked politely. He thought to himself that it had been a long time since last he had visited the box of delights, indeed he reckoned the last time he was in here was when himself and Chelsea had had dinner with the Stapletons.

Chelsea too remembered that dinner with some poignancy. She missed Bridget a great deal. Fortunately she was distracted from that sad thought by the arrival of two very lovely female pilots, although she *had* met 'Blue' before, she had never been introduced to the other beautiful member of Rick's team.

Yolanthe glanced to Chelsea for permission before pouring Rick's drink. "Well, now Chelsea has married you, I assumed she was keeping you...busy..." She raised a speculative eyebrow while she dropped lemon into Chelsea's tonic water.

Chelsea grinned. "He's the same rank as me now, he gets to say what he wants without having to worry that I might pull seniority!" she laughed. She put her hand up as if to block what she was saying and *whispered* more loudly than if she were speaking in full volume with the intention that all should hear despite the pantomime of pretended secrecy.

"And I do my best but have you ever tried getting a Pilot away from their ship? You'd need a surgeon and an anaesthetic, trust me!" she said, dramatising the dangerous comment provocatively, knowing it applied to the whole assembled group around them - all of whom she made sure could hear and join in with the joke.

Rick chuckled and rolled his eyes with a wry little smile on his face as he sipped the Andorian brandy that had arrived at the bar in front of him. "You spend up to nineteen hours in a nine foot confined space and see if you don't get attached to something" looking around for a kindred spirit Rick spotted Juliet and said "Commander Dunham have you met one of my new pilots Lieutenant Juliet Dallis"

Chelsea raised her eyebrows and grimaced briefly at the thought of being *stuck* to something mechanical for that long. She grinned and slipped under his arm, reaching up to kiss his cheek, the adoration in her eyes and body language in complete and total contradiction of the fictitious idea that she was in any way lacking from any level at all of attention and love from this man. Chelsea's grin seemed to have become *stuck* to her face permanently.

The proof, if any was ever needed, that the new Commander paid his wife more than enough attention and kept her *busy* as Yolanthe put it, was growing quietly and happily inside her as they all laughed and celebrated happily.

Chelsea let go of her husband reluctantly but with good grace and that huge permanent grin as she turned to meet the newcomers. "Blue, lovely to see you again, and Lieutenant Dallis! It's a *pleasure* to meet you. Welcome to DS5 and our happy family here." she greeted Anais and Juliet and extended her hand warmly to Dallis as the only one she hadn't met before.

"Good evening Commander and thank you very much. It is a pleasure to finally meet you." She said while accepting the offered hand. Glancing over at a man who was walking through the crowd taking orders, Juliet told him to get her a soda water.

"So Lieutenant Dallis, how are you finding deep space five in the few hours you have been on-board?" asked Rick, in a part serious part joking kind of way. He felt it was always important to get the input from his pilots on how they felt things were going on board the station.

"Well, first, let me say that congratulations are in order, Sir." She smiled and gave him a brief salute then she added. "Far as being on board, it's great, I love it." She said while she started to scan the scene at the bar.

"Indeed?" said Rick with one raised eyebrow at the short but to the point response. "And have you got any further in your investigation into what happened with yours and Blue's fighter craft while we were out on mission?"

This seemed to capture her attention, bringing her eyes back to him. "Chief said it was a complete power drain." Smirking she added, "I didn't break my new toy on my first outing Sir."

"Then you weren't trying hard enough!" Rowdy grinned. "On the other hand, you should have seen what happened to the Boss his first active flight here."

"Do tell." Came the woman's response as she gave the CAG a sidelong look.

Anais' eyes grew large and round. ~What? The CAG? trouble? NEVER! Not possible!~ she couldn't believe it.

"Oh now that's not fair" said Rick with his wry smile and raising his hands in mock surrender. "Romulans were attacking the station, warbirds, dreadnoughts, fighters the works. We all got a bit cooked that day, but I managed to land her, even with the phaser burns on my hull. I've only crashed my fighter Once and that wasn't my fault that was because of rift in space time outside the station that resulted in me crashing into the USS Sarek."

Blue nodded seriously, emphasising that she wouldn't have believed there wasn't an explanation. Silently she relaxed as her universe settled back into balance.

"A rift in space time huh?" Rowdy was trying not to snigger. "Remember that fir when you do have a wipe out."

Juliet let the pair of men go at it, all the while she was smirking at the pair. Accepting her drink from the waiter with a slender hand, she returned her attention to the pair of men. Getting quite a bit of amusement out of just watching them play.

Blue on the other hand shuffled uncomfortably. She was out of her comfort zone. To her 'The Boss' was sacrosanct.

Rick frowned, now that he came to think about it, and not for the first time, the amount of Spatial anomalies in the local space of deep space was considerable. Rifts in space, time portals, time travel, it had all happened here or around station. He was surprised that they had not had a visit yet from temporal investigations

"All I have to say is that it is good to know that I am not the only one who has run into difficulties on their first run out." It was obvious Dallis was toying with the pair.

Blue shifted again and approached the bar-tender. "I'll have the same as Commander Dunham please." she asked, finding this gathering somewhat out of her league. Chelsea seemed a safe port in the gathering storm around her but the second thing she had forgotten tonight was the whole point of the celebration, which was that now there were TWO *Commander Dunhams*.

"We all have run into our difficulties" said Rick with a smile taking a sip of his drink. "Remember as your CAG I have access to all your Starfleet records, including the classified stuff in relation to flight records, so I can say unequivocally that we have all been in the same situation."

"I got nothing to hide." Juliet said with a smile as she lifted her glass to the CAG.

"Really boss?" Rowdy looked surprised then winked at Juliet "I hope you told Chelsea before the wedding. Afterall. those Orion girls can really give it some."

This Lieutenant William 'Rowdy' Roebuck was certainly living up to his name sake, thought Rick to himself. Rick had tried to be polite, saying that they had all been in the same situations in the past with their fighters, but this pilot did not know when to stop stirring. Rick took another sip of his drink, it was time to nip this one in the bud. "Rowdy one more word from you and you will be assigned to alert fighter duty for the next six months." Alert fighter duty basically involved sitting in your fighter on the flight deck for six hours only launching or flying if the station went to red alert.

Chelsea laughed softly and nudged her husband. "He's only teasing, babe!" she smiled at Rowdy. "Orions have nothing on Dunhams." her grin returned and she looked back at Blue again.

"Oh Commander," Rowdy sighed theatrically, as if mourning a great tragedy. "Why couldn't you tell me that before you got married?"

Juliet was really starting to like Rowdy, she made a note to herself to make sure to party with him sometime; outside of an official function that was.

"It sounds like it was a pretty difficult mission?" Chelsea changed the angle of the discussion if not the subject, hoping to defuse it and save Rowdy from six terrible months.

"Oh, well yes.... there was a discharge from the planet and my audio communications went out. Juliet was having visual problems I think." Blue responded, happy to tell her part. "Greta... that's my Valkyrie... I call her Greta... she must have been hit on a rebound of the beam. We weren't in the direct line of fire like Juliet's craft."

"Whomever is going on the away mission needs to be careful or they might be landing in several more pieces than they mean to." Dalis said, "I am hoping the CAG will give us permission to check out what it was that fired that green blob of energy..whatever it is was can't be good." Her eyes went to the CAG briefly.

"Well that's a question for another time isn't it" said Rick taking out a long yellow scarf wrapping it around his neck and flicking it over one shoulder whilst saying. "Myself and Chelsea are going up to the holodeck to fly some world war two spitfires....its a promotion tradition. I will see you all back on deck in and hour."


Proprietor Box of Delights
Yolanthe Ibalin


Chief Medical Officer/Second Officer
Commander Chelsea Dunham


CAG Squadron Leader
Commander Richard Dunham


Squadron Pilot
Lieutenant JG Juliet 'Radar' Dallis


Squadron Pilot
Lt William 'Rowdy' Roebuck
(NPC by NOtty)


Cadet Anais 'Blue' Jackson
Gold 4, On Secondment to Red Squadron
(NPC by Jools)