Beg, Steal or Borrow – After Action Report
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el

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Title   After Action Report
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el
Posted   Sun Jul 05, 2009 @ 4:44pm
Location   Main Security
Timeline   SD 9 - Morning before Departmental Regroup
Gabriel was reviewing the after action report from the incident involving Ambassador Isha and his security officer, Opaka. Gabriel wanted to commend Opaka for continuing to carry out his duties in the face of such adversity. But he had a feeling that there was some information that the Ensign was leaving out of his official report.

*Taps* "Gabriel to Opaka, report to Main Security." he said into his comm unit as he sat on his desk still reviewing the file.

=^="Opaka here. On my way sir."=^=

Jo'el left the gymnasium and headed to security. Off duty, he was decked in sweats. As he made his way down the corridors.

Gabriel looked up at the man as he entered the office and cocked a brow. "I'm sorry Ensign, was today 'casual-day' and I just didn't get the subspace memo?" Gabriel said while looking at the Ensign's choice of clothing.

"Sorry, Lieutenant, I was working out in one of the gyms. Great facilities on this station." What is this guy's deal? I'm not on duty...

"Riiiiight, well in the future, try to remember that you are a Starfleet Officer, *26* hours a day, not just during certain phases." Gabriel said as he walked behind his desk and activated the wall-mounted panel behind him.

"I was going over your After-Action Report that you submitted and several things continue to bug me, Ensign." Gabriel said as he pressed several buttons bringing up an image of the Romulan vessel. "This is the vessel that open fired on this station." He said as he focused on it.

Jo'el narrowed his eyes, tension building rapidly. "Lieutenant, actually sir. . ." he began to say.

Gabriel continued talking. "Now, your report explains that this vessel was not captured by the USS Freedom during its retrieval of you and Isha, why is that?" Gabriel asked.

Jo'el shrugged submissively. "I wasn't the ranking officer, sir. Commander Da'nal made that decision. Sir."

"Unfortunately, I'm familiar with Da`Nal's limited thought process, so I want to hear it from my own officer. Why was the ship allowed to escape when it was already identified as being the lead ship in the attack on this station?" Gabriel inquired. "I want to know exactly what happened and how that ship and all of its felonious crew was able to walk away scott-free?" he added.

Feeling a bubble of rebellion floating up, Jo'el swallowed and responded. "Once the ambassador and I had secured the bridge with officers loyal to her lineage, I hailed the Freedom and instructed them to call off their attack. After Da'nal confirmed that Isha and I were aboard, we conversed, and arrangements were made to retrieve us. Commander Da'nal and the ambassador came to the consensus of letting the Vrelnac leave and head back to Romulus. It wasn't part of the attack on the station, apparently, only taking advantage of our distraction to retrieve the ambassador. SIR."

Gabriel could feel the fury welling up inside of him. "I'll be DAMNED!" Gabriel said angrily as he slammed the padd in his hand down to the table hard enough to leave a slight crack in the glass surface. "You mean to tell me that a Starfleet Commanding Officer colluded with a Romulan to allow the leader of a Romulan attack fleet to escape from Starfleet custody!?"Gabriel asked, his emotional reaction clearly getting the best of him.

"What the hell was Da`Nal thinking!?" Gabriel asked.

"You would have to ask-"

"No wait, he wasn't thinking, that's the damn problem." Gabriel interrupted. He took several moments to calm himself down before he looked up towards the officer again.

"Not being a telepath, sir, I suppose I could petition to consult the Orb of Souls, but that would take some time. Then of course there's the actual trip to Bajor. If you really think that would be relevant, let alone admissible in a report. Of course that whole angle is screwed if you don't personally believe in a soul, or that Klingons have them. Shall I send a message to the Vedek Assembly?"

"No, I'll be sure to note this addition into my report that I'll be submitting to Davies. Dismissed." Gabriel said as he walked away from Jo'el and glanced out his window.

"Jackass," Jo'el said after the door was closed. He didn't really care if Gabriel monitored the outer office area. It would only confirm Jo'el's suspicions that the head of security was paranoid delusional.


Lt. Cmdr
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lt. j.g. Opaka Jo'el