Beg, Steal or Borrow – Searches
by Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   Searches
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Tue Jul 14, 2009 @ 3:11pm
Location   DS5-DS5 Orbital Space
Timeline   Current

Vincent was not happy about about the Romulan debris explosion "incident". He had replayed it in his mind several times since it happened. Although he had seen it before in a training scenario, he distinctly recalled it as a tactic used by Elasi pirates and NOT by the more conventionally trained Romulans. He was sure that a someone else, most likely someone who had been trained by Starfleet, had come up with booby-trapping the Romulan craft.

What perplexed him was that he had not heard of this tactic until he had attended Starfleet Command school and there were only a few of the very senior staff on the station who had attended. Of course, he had no idea what other streams were taught, having gone through Starfleet Medical himself. Perhaps these sorts of things were part of the Security and Tactical curriculum? But he shook his head. He just wanted that to be true because he did not trust Dorian Gabriel.

But like it or not, the man did have a point. It would help greatly if they could drag the wreckage, or what was left of it after the explosion, onto the base to examine it more closely. It would be difficult with such a bulky piece, but he thought that two fighters with tractor beams could, between them, bring the wreckage into one of the hangar bays. He proposed his idea to Dunham after the departmental meeting as the two went to get coffee.

"It's a good idea Mr Tan. Though I have been itching to get behind the helm of one of our Oberth garrison vessle, the USS Leda? She may be able to take the wreck in one tractor beam hall? Also I was thinking we could take somebody from science to come with us as their input may be useful. Also I would like to bring Hudnull as well."

"Sounds good, Mr. Dunham," Vincent replied.

"I talked to a member of the Romulan Consulate and they say it was some Romulan renegades so I say we try to find these people before something like this happens again?" Hudnall said

"When the hell did you pop in, Hudnall?" Vincent asked bewildered. He looked around the corridor that he and Dunham had been walking along, convinced that it had been empty only a few seconds ago. Had Hudnall just appeared out of thin air?

"Well Mr Hudnall I suggest you have a word with our intel department or station security about tracking down rogue Romulans thats really not my area" Dunham said with a smile.

Dunham scratched the stubble on his chin in thought. "Ok lets get to the Leda meet our new science officer their get out inot the the debris field and see what we can find. All agreed?"

"I'm happy with that," Vincent replied, still staring around the corridor, convinced that there was some secret hatch or door Hudnall had used.

Tovon hustled down the corridor from the airlock, his shoulder bag slapping against his thigh. He had to get up to Main Operations asap and report to Lieutenant Tan, but he knew they were probably preparing for the investigative mission out to the debris field. The scans he'd taken were unintelligible, but part of him couldn't wait to get out there and explore the ruined romulan vessel. He turned a corner and nearly walked into an ensign. Righting himself he carried on. The chewing out he'd got from Lt Cmdr Gabriel must of scrambled his brains slightly and he stopped to catch his breath and gather his thoughts. He slapped his commbadge.

"This is Lieutenant Tovon to Lieutenant Dunham."

"Say the Devils name" said Dunham with a wink to the other officers before pressing his comm badge to reply to the new science officer. "Dunham. Go ahead."

"Ah, hello again Lieutenant. Good to see your patrol didn't lead to any trouble. I've been ordered by Security Chief Gabriel to report to yourself and Lieutenant Tan concerning a mission to recon the debris field. Where can I meet you?" Greo thumbed through his PADDs and pulled out the one holding the record of the fighter scans of the ruined romulan vessel.

"Meets us at Oberth garrison vessel, the USS Leda down in the docking bay. She was a science vessel once upon a time. So she has plenty of sensor equipment to work with." Dunham switched the comm off and turned to Hudnall and Tan. "Gents Shall we head down?"

"Mr. Hudnall will accompany you on the vessel," Vincent replied. "I will stay here to direct and monitor your activities from main operations. I wish the best of luck to the both you," he nodded in the direction of each man. "Here's hoping there are no more nasty surprises."


A Post by.

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Warrant officer
Christopher Hudnall
Assistant Chief Strategic Operations Officer
SB Deep Space 5

Lt JG Vincent Tan
Chief Strategic Operations Officer