We All Fall Down – That's Commander Bitch to You
by Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   That's Commander Bitch to You
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Fri Sep 26, 2014 @ 10:44pm
Location   Chief Engineer's office
Timeline   SD 03 0930

Lieutenant Commander Soran entered Wymans' office without knocking. "Give us the room please," she commanded the petty officer Steve was talking too. The engineer looked between his boss, and the 2XO, and scuttled off with immense relief.

"Mr Wyman, we need to talk about the computer core. I understand that you are assisting ops with the repairs?"

Arching an eyebrow, Wyman set down the PADD he'd been holding and took his feet down off of his desk. "Umm... yes, I've been attempting to assist in the repairs. The primary core was pretty well torn apart when Darson and Wallace were finished with it, and we can't exactly operate efficiently with just the secondary core." he explained. "Have we met, Commander..." he trailed off, not having any idea who this woman was that had barged into his little part of the station. He certainly thought his days of being called "mister" by lieutenant commanders was over...

"Soran. I'm t'Vaurek's second officer. And the first officer was recalled the day before yesterday."

Well this already had the making of an unpleasant experience. Wyman suddenly started wishing for an EPS tap to blow. "Yes, I'd heard about that. Maybe Starfleet has some other computers for him to trash. Maybe Memory Alpha."

"I've been briefed by Dell, and I'm concerned. Both by the lack of resources the station has for this event and by the amount of creep into Operations' areas of jurisdiction shown by engineering."

"I'm sorry? Creep? The Ops crew has been on verge of mutiny, or at the very least dereliction. Dell is overworked and overwhelmed, and being a responsible senior officer - I offered to help. And in repayment for my generosity, I got a list of repairs so long that now MY people are falling behind. I've been working double shifts to keep us afloat. I've barely seen my daughter in days. And while I was just as surprised by our lack of bio-neural gel as anyone, I don't see how any of us could have foreseen a two man wrecking crew tearing through the computer core." Steve hadn't planned on venting, but the incident with Gwen at school had him on edge.

Soran didn't seem to have noticed the outburst. "Over the last year, there have been multiple cases of engineering taking responsibility for," She consulted a small padd, "Main computing; sensor readings; Communication array, primary and secondary; Holographics; Emergency transporters; Cargo transporters and the Main Command Distribution grid."

She looked up from the padd. "This is a station, not a starship. Engineering's role here is limited. i am aware Dell is overwhelmed, byut she is not going to learn if Engineering keeps undercutting her and going over her head. From now I expect you to support her, not try to absorb operations into your department. Do you understand?"

Getting out of his chair, Steve placed his hands on his desk and leaned forward a bit. "Oh, I believe I do understand. I understand that you've been here for less than a day, and already seem to think you run the place. As long as you're telling me how to run my department, perhaps you should take a gander at the role of the second officer; namely the part about you being considered the senior department head. That does not give you direct oversight over every other department, unless the CO orders you to temporarily assume the role of first officer. Since I haven't heard word one about anyone filling Wallace's spot, I'm going to assume that the Commander hasn't done that."

At that, Wyman came out from behind the desk and came to parade rest right in Soran's face. Staring down at her, he continued. "We are the same rank, Lieutenant Commander. Now I don't know how long you've been in the fleet, but I graduated the Academy fourteen years ago and I will thank you not to speak to me like I'm a cadet who just tripped and fell into one of Boothby's flower beds. Now, if given the choice between allowing this station to fall apart at the seems and 'creeping' into the business of the Operations department, you bet your ass I'm going to creep. So, how about you stop creeping into both of our departments and worry about... whatever department you're actually supposed to be running?"

"Mr Wyman," Soran looked like she'd just eaten lemon dipped in vinegar. "You graduated 14 years ago, and made Lieutenant Commander yesterday. Your record notes a repeated prioritizing of personal needs over the development of your career... and more than one occasion of needing to think before you speak.. Neither of which give me confidence in your judgement when it comes to running a department, since your record clearly shows a preference to be fixing an engine rather than managing a ship.

"And since we're are quoting regulations, you should be aware of Starfleet Order 104 section A, paragraph 19, revision 4: 'Should the First Officer be incapable of carrying out their duties for any reason, or no First Officer is assigned, or the First Officer is relieved of duty, the Second Officer shall act as de facto First Officer until such a time as the First Officer can be assigned, or a new First Officer appointed."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "I am more than adequately within the parameters of my role. Unlike you. And I suggest you remember that seniority sits with whoever held their rank the longest. By which measure, you are still speaking to a senior officer in any respect. I can make a note in your permanent record if you feel you will need a reminder in the future?"

Steve was typically a pretty friendly guy. Someone who wanted things to run smoothly and didn't care for rocking the boat unnecessarily. But now he was steaming. "You know what? Feel free. You go right ahead and make a note in my file. I don't have time to stand here dealing with your incessant need to creep into my department. And just for you, I'll pull all my people off of areas under the purview of operations. Enjoy not having a lateral sensor array OR a primary computer core. Oh! And I've also been creeping into the fighter wing, but I'm sure you won't mind having an entire squadron grounded because their maintenance crews are back logged, right? I mean, regulations being what they are."

With that he walked back around the desk and dropped into his chair. "If you'll excuse me, I have crews to reassign. SIR."

For a moment there was silence. And then Soran smiled beatifically. And left leaving Steve with a disconcerted feeling.

Wyman watched her go, his eyes narrowed into a glare. He wasn't a particularly angry person, but she had managed to push every one of his buttons. "I can see this being the start of a very horrific relatio..." At that he sneezed violently into his sleeve. Face twisting in disgust at the spit and mucus left behind, he sighed. "Gesundheit" he muttered, stripping his uniform jacket off.

Lt. Cmdr. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer

Lt. Cmdr. Maritza Soran
Strategic Operations Officer / Second Officer