We All Fall Down – FMS & Security
by Arrival Wolfgang Steiner & Ensign David Harris

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Title   FMS & Security
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Arrival Wolfgang Steiner & Ensign David Harris
Posted   Sat Sep 27, 2014 @ 6:47pm
Location   FMS Precinct
Timeline   WAFD: Day 2

[FMS Precinct]

After his meeting with DS5's Commander Steiner was back in his office, sat at his desk thinking about his next moves in the smuggling investigation when Aksdahl stuck his head in the door "Hey Boss, you have a visitor, the Station's new Security Chief, Ensign Harris"

"Ok, show him over to the conference room, I'll be right over"

A few minutes later Steiner entered the precinct's conference room "Hello, I'm Chief Deputy Wolfgang Steiner" he introduced himself and stuck out his hand.

David extended his hand, "Ensign David Harris, new Chief of Security." David smiled at the Chief Deputy.

After the hand shakes and introductions were over Steiner waved the Starfleet officer to a chair. "Take a seat, would you like a drink, coffee, tea, soda?" He went over to the replicator and got himself a fresh rajtageno.

"Chai Latte please Sir." David sat down and tried to make himself relax. He wanted to impress the Deputy Chief.

"Loose the "sir", it's Chief, Wulfgang or just plain Steiner, ok?" He smiled and got Harris his beverage.

Steiner took a seat, took a swig of his klingon coffee, set it down and asked "So Ensign, how can we help the Station's new Chief Security Officer?"

"I hope that we can help each other out. I wanted to come say hi, introduce myself and start a positive working relationship with you and your department."

"Sounds good to me" Steiner agreed "l guess your priority is going to be the security implications of those weapons platform's malfunctions. Your tactical ability to defend this place must be compromised too if you've got them all offline..."

"Yes you are right about that, it is going to be a difficult task. I am trying to spread a rumour that not all of are platforms are offline and the base is still well defended."

Steiner raised an eyebrow "Tactical is your area Ensign, let's hope nobody comes around to try the rumour out..." The Marshal continued "So have you spoken with Commander Wymen yet? I understand he's working on what might have caused the malfunctions?"

"I meeting him and an Operation officer later. He is a very busy man."

David paused and thought that he had found an ally. "I don't mind in saying that I think I have taken over an undisciplined and incompetent Security Department, it is going to take me time to sort the Department out." David was not sure if he was prepared for this but he was going to give it ago.

"I'm sure you'll have your work cut out for you" Steiner agreed

"I presume that you will have law enforcement on the promenade?"

"Yeah, amongst our other work, we can probably take a stroll through there every so often. Ive only brought a small team to start, we're currently focused on a smuggling operation, which appears to be using the Staion as some kind of distribution hub for it's activities"

"Anything I can help you with. You happy with my guys doind patrols through the promenade. What will your rule be on phasers?"

"Of course, with many thousands of civilians on board help, from your Security Teams on the promenade and other civilians areas would be a very welcome" Steiner smiled "We should probably meet with the Merchants Association and discuss matters with them. I can set that up"

"Just let me know and I will be there."

 "As for weapons, standard Federation legislature statues for Starfleet garrisoned facilities, in peace time, would be in effect, as they line up with Starfleet Regulations. So, on-duty Starfleet Security personnel can always carry issued sidearms. Command staff can carry sidearms and other on-duty personnel as authorized by the Commander, and/or their designee. That would be you.  I see no reason for off-duty personnel to be armed, without good reason, again that would be your call and responsibility..." 

"Otherwise, no energy weapons for civilians, except licensed security contractors. Cultural, religious and species bylaws apply, so we do have to allow the Klingons their daggers and so forth.  Other than that, everything else is pretty much checked at the door! "

Which isn't being done right now. Maybe you could have engineering check the weapons scanners at promenade entrances and the security checkpoints coming off the docks. They don't seem to be working or there's no security teams assigned to them, as there are weapons down on the promenade right now" Steiner silently recalled his little run-in with a group of Ferengi in the bar yesterday, at least one of the little weaselshad tried pulling a hand weapon.

 "Yes I believe that the Security Department has let the station down. I will talk to the Chief Engineer about the scanners and I will have teams posted on the checkpoints of the docks and and the promenade by the night shift,." With sickness and other pressures he knew his new department would be working more than usual.

"Anything else you'd like to discuss?" Steiner asked

"About 100 things but they can wait. Thanks for your time Marshall. It is good to have an ally." David stood up and smiled. He walked out of he Marshalls office. Clasping his left hand in his right hand behind his back and walked slowly down the promenade, a smilling and say hello to people as he walked by. David was a large and strong male but he believed in being a friendly approachable Chief Security Officer.

Ensign David Harris
Chief Security Officer
Deep Space Five

CDM Wolgang Stiener
FMS DS5 Precinct