Unity – Cleaning The Mess
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Cleaning The Mess
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 7:36pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD30, early

Yolanthe and Klia had got only a few hours sleep after the previous nights dramas with the voles, and then with the cardassian's hunting them down. Now they were up early to start putting things back together and to let in the stations clean up crew. the Box was close to the central power lines of the promenade, and given the voles likeing for energy fields, the XO wanted a comprehensive inspection of all the minor crawl spaces accesible from the bar

The clean up crew were ready and waiting for her when she arrived at just after 0800, looking far more alert and ready for action than they did. "Hey there". Yolanthe nodded at the highest ranking officer she could spot, a lieutenant judging from the two pips on his collar. "Where would you like to start?"

"Well, I'm not sure. Never had to deal with voles. Figured my team would just split up and go through all the possible jeffries tubes here on the promenade." Bruce replied.

"Then you might as well start with the ones behind us. This way." She led him through the main bar, and out back to the room where the large replicator sat. "I know there must be something behind here, because they got in the changing rooms next door." She went to a panel maybe a meter square and popped it off.

A stench of crispy rodent wafted into the room, making stomachs roll and churn. A small specimin rolled out and dropped on the floor at Bruce's feet with a soft splat.

"Yummy." He said looking into the hole left from the pannel. "Muck get up here. What do you suggest doing to get rid of these?" Bruce asked his Waste specialist.

"Well, it looks like a lot of their guts are all over the replicator. I'm betting the whole thing is going to have to be removed to get it completely clean." Muck replied looking at the mess.

"Dang, I was hoping for an easy clean up not having to remove replicator unit. Alright split up into two man teams." Bruce said turning to the 20 members he had brought with him. "After that I want one team to stay here and help Muck and I to clean up, the rest of you split up and go shop to shop and make sure there are no other infestations on the Promenade. As much as it may be a problem we are going to have to close your bar for a while Ms. Ibalin." He finished turning to the Bartender.

She sighed. She'd been expecting it, but it was still annoying. "How long for?"

"Well, if the rest of the place looks like this," He said motioning to replicator. "It could easily be two or three days, that also depends on if more important work orders come in from the station." He said pulling out some of the circuitry.

That was a disaster. Smokey tones started to blur into her colouring. "I can't be closed that long. Can you at least let me have the main floor up and running by tonight, even if the upper levels have to be closed off. Its only the holodeck and the suites."

Bruce messed with his beard a little bit, thinking of what he could do. Taking into consideration what would have to be done he figured he maybe able to do it. "I could possibly have it running but I can't promise anything. If two of the other teams doesn't find anything in the other shops then I can guaranty that your main floor will be done by tonight."

"Thank you." That was a relief. They'd have to replicate more furniture and more glassware but that wouldn't take too long. "I'll go get you all some coffee, and let you get started," she said as Muck began to lever the replicator away from the wall.

As he did so, more voles fell out of the gap. They'd gnawed a hole around the cables where the replicator was linked to the main power conduits. And from the way the little corpses were hanging from the hole, they'd clearly come from the Jeffries tube beyond.

Yolanthe looked at the bodies and then at the hole. "And maybe something stronger for whoever gets to go in there and clear the voles out."

"Thanks." Bruce said picking up another piece of replicator and cleaning it off. A few moments later one of the groups he had sent off returned to the bar. "Sir, we didn't find any voles on the far side of the Promenade. Where do you want us now?" They asked. "Right here, that way we can get this place up and running at least to 50 percent." Bruce replied.

The teams split up and busied themselves repairing the spots where the Box of Delights mt the main systems. They hadn't been at it long, when a petty officer who'd been looking at the environmental system came up to Bruce, "Sir, I think you'd better come look at this.

"Alright lead the way." He replied following.

He led his lieutenant to the access panel of the large air vents. "We thought they might have got in the motors for the air-scrubbers, but look." He passed Bruce a hand torch, and the light shine down on cage after cage lining the duct. The doors were open, and the contents long gone.

"Crap, this has gotten out of hand." He said pulling his head out from the duct, "Ms. Ibalin who did you say was responsible for this?" He asked loud enough for her to hear from across the room.

"You mean the environmental systems?" We haven't had them checked since we moved in." Yolanthe frowned, unsure what he was getting at.

"No, the Voles." Bruce corrected himself.

"Someone's responsible for them?" This was news to the bartender. "We found the beginnings of a nest last night, but as far as I know, they just appeared."

"Hmm, well you will have the lower half of your bar ready for service tonight as promised and your holo suites should be up within two days. Mr. Muck will see to your holo suites but I will be here til your replicators are completely done." Bruce informed the owner.

"Thank you,I'm very grateful." She glanced around the team he had brought with him, "Then tonight the drinks for you and you're people are on the house."

"Greatly appericated. Now if you'll excuse us we will continue to get this problem worked out." Bruce thanked as he made his way to the next affected replicator.


A Joint Post By
Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights


Bruce Freeman