Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal’s Personal Log - Obsidian Order Message: Request of more resources

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Title   Obsidian Order Message: Request of more resources
Author   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sun May 30, 2010 @ 5:17pm
Encoded message, Obsidian Order frequency dovay dovay bret kreth

-To: Fi'ta Gul Elott Metak

-From: Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

Contents: Things are going to plan with the Romulans. If my calculations are correct, we should be in control of the station by the end of this month. Although, I need more resources if I'm going to be doing this right. I'm sure you could persuade a few Gul's in the Central Command to help. I'm attaching an inventory of what I need to this message. This is what I need to take this station Metak.

Pokor malin çad

Inventory list:

-Two fully stocked, armed and manned Keldon class vessels
-One fully stocked, armed and manned Groumall class vessel, modified into a garrison vessel
-One fully stocked, armed and manned Hideki class vessel
-150 troops and 50 Shri'vara aboard the sent vessels.