Interlude – Meetings
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Meetings
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri May 07, 2010 @ 5:56pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD18. The small hours

Stretching once she got out of her chair, Arrienye let out a deep breath. She'd spent the better part of her office day going through the staff reports for the entire mission. She was about half way through when she heard the Chief of Staff was in his office. erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol - the last person in the Consulate she had to meet. The man had been slightly evasive to her. Whether this was due to his responsibilities and duties, or by his wish she wasn't sure. Not that it mattered; he was there now. She had given him time to settle into his office but after an hour she found it was time to go see him.

Assembling a couple of padds from her desk, the Arrain checked her reflection in the nearby panel. Her hair was held up in a neat, professional bun and her uniform was kept pristine, as always. she straightened the front with a quick tug before leaving her office.

Rh'vaurek had barely had time to sling his jacket on the desk and reach his chair before his door slid open and i-Orinwen entered without knocking. Nahir was worried - There were rumours circulating about she and the erie'Khrein. She had believed that she was reasonably popular among consulate staff but since her summary dismissal from the ambassador's service and her move to the teeming cramped back rooms where Rh'vaurek's people worked she had come to realize that her apparent popularity was more the result of her proximity to the ambassador.

What made it worse was that even those who were not only friends because of her influence with the ambassador were giving her a wide berth, as though concerned to be too closely acquainted with someone who shared the bed of the Tal Shiar General. But if people were afraid of Rh'vaurek they certainly weren't afraid of Nahir as all day and everywhere she turned i-Orinwen found herself the subject half audible remarks and the target of pointed sniggers.

"Rh'vaurek I ..."

He leaned one elbow on his desk and rested his cheek on his loosely curled fist, he extended a finger and pointed at her with his other hand as she fell silent, "Rule number three," he told her, "you do not have carte-blanche to enter my office at will. I don't want to see you here unless you are summoned, do you understand?"

He paused, and in the silence Nahir nodded.

"Well you're here now," he said noting with a smirk how she looked a little crestfallen at this blunt reception, "What do you want?"

Before she could reply Rh'vaurek noticed a newcomer in the still open doorway. "Return in an hour," he told Nahir waving her away as he leaned back in his chair. "You're new," he said crooking a finger to the other woman, "Come in. Sit."

As they passed in the doorway Nahir glanced uneasily at the other woman about to enter the cramped and windowless room that served as Rh'vaurek's office now that Isha had returned and claimed hers back.

Arrienye just gave the woman a once over before stepping into the man's office as he spoke. Well, at least he got to the point quickly, she thought, hearing the door close behind her. She gave the man a classic salute out of hard-to-break habit before taking a seat on the chair opposite him. "I am Arrain Arrienye t'Merek. I've only arrived recently to serve as Diplomatic Aide," she introduced herself.

Rh'vaurek's mouth twisted into a half smile; he had spent more than thirty years under the assumed rank of Arrain until the time was right for him to operate under his own identity; a few months ago a Diplomatic Aide was precisely what he had claimed to be.

"Well, t'Merek," he began casually, formalities had a place only when he chose and this was not one of those times, "I now know why you are in the consulate, perhaps you'd like to tell me why you have come to my office? This is one of the last places most of my staff wish to visit," he told her.

"I can't imagine why." The way Arrienye said this made it impossible to tell whether she was sucking up, being sarcastic, or just plain playing dumb. Maybe a combination of all three. Before he had more time consider this, she continued. "Well, it is customary to meet with the Chief of staff," she pointed out. "And to let you know I have an agreement with the Ambassador to serve in both a Diplomatic and Security position during my stay," she explained.

"Have you," he said his weight on one arm as he reclined slightly. It was not a question, just an observation. At last Isha was doing something about her personal security, it was something of a relief to Rh'vaurek, the Elements knew that in the decade since her husband's death he had persistently told her to and she had stubbornly done nothing about it, but he was much too practiced to let his relief show. "And there was me thinking it was customary to wait until you were asked for." He threw the comment to her, curious as to what she would do with it.

"Waiting in a new setting is overrated" Arrienye said back, crossing her legs as she leaned back into the chair she was sitting on. Arrienye was never the type of person who had much tact and patience. She was a risk taker, unafraid. It was both her best and worth trait.

Rh'vaurek chuckled softly, "You're lucky I'm in a good mood, t'Merek," he told her, his tone carrying an authority he simply did not care to assert right now, but it was there all the same. "I'm a very fair man, but pushing boundaries is overrated too. My embassy has rules, stick to them and we'll have no problems."

"I plan to," she said with a nod. "I also wish to discuss something with you, erie'Khrein," she told him. "If you have time," she added.

"Go ahead," Rh'vaurek said.

"Ambassador t'Khellian has given me authority to assess and make adjustments to the Security regiment of the Consulate. I did, and I find Security lacking. So I suggest bringing in ten more officers," Arrienye said. "These are the officers I have carefully evaluated and have the utmost confidence in. Their deployment here, should you confirm, would only take thirty-six hours." With this, the Rihannsu woman put a padd with ten files in front of the older man. "I have also gone through the Starbase's rules and know that, should we increase the number of officers on board, the other Embassies will need to be informed to make the same adjustments."

He raised the padd, glancing as he flicked through the details in silence. With a flick of his wrist he dropped hte padd; Rh'vaurek had not yet finished assessing t'Merek. "If t'Khellian has given you permission to review arrangements," arrangements that he knew were lacking by design. That she had picked up on the rules that Gabriel had attempted to impose to maintain a balance of power when the Klingons and the Cardassians moved in both amused and impressed him. She had done her research, at least. "why do you think it necessary to have my confirmation for your decision?" he asked as the padd struck the desk.

"You're the Chief of Staff," she pointed out. It was rather obvious. At least to her. "So all changes in staff would need to go through you. And I felt that, as a soldier, your own input and assessment of these officers would be beneficial," Arrienye explained, meeting his eyes with her bright blue ones.

"I am," he said unblinking, "but there are thirty others closer to your own rank responsible for administrative matters such as this." Rh'vaurek clapped his hands together and leaned forward still holding her gaze. "Do you enjoy wasting my time?" he asked softly.

"No, sir," she said, her voice still holding its natural tone of professionalism. "but even they would have to, in one way or another, need to put this proposal past you. So, I thought it best to put the proposal to you first hand once you invited me inside. So that the reinforcements would arrive a day sooner," she told him, her eyes remaining locked to him, seemingly unaffected by his own piercing gaze.

"And why should you have preferential access?" he asked. Rh'vaurek did not disagree with her proposal, her reasoning was also sound for he did personally approve every assignment, both front and back of house. He objected only to the manner in which it was put to him.

"I shouldnt'. But in the present situation, with the lock down and the Station being the way it is, I felt it would be best to have the proposal approved as soon as possible, at the risk of seeming unprofessional and brash," she explained, moving a thin strand of hair from her face.

"You've certainly achieved the latter," Rh'vaurek said, referring specifically to 'brash', for her casual manner was a reflection of his own, and before that she was professional. "Tell me about your meeting with the Ambassador," he said, an oblique request.

Arrienye's first instinct was to ask 'Why?' but she thought it best to simply answer whatever he asked to the best of her ability. Especially after the way she probably compromised herself in the previous subject.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. The Ambassador immediately pointed out my sudden change in paths, from soldiery to politics. It was after this that I was given the choice of picking my role in the Consulate. I chose to compromise, and suggested that I serve in both a Security and Diplomacy position," she summarized.

Rh'vaurek rose, pushed back his chair and crossed to the narrow console table that held a few bottles and glasses. He poured one for himself and replaced the stopper with a clink.

"A very long day," he said as he turned back to his guest. "Why do you think she suggested that?" he continued as he rested against his desk and looked down on t'Merek. Rh'vaurek gave a nod toward the table inviting her to help herself if she wished.

"She said it was my first lesson in politics, but I believe she wished to see how my mind worked. Or a mix of both." she said, raising her palm in a respectful decline to his offer. Her own work day wasn't over, so she knew it was best she didn't drink.

Rh'vaurek sipped from his glass, grimaced, and placed it aside, "Will you accept a compromise if propose one?" he asked as his brow creased.

"That depends on the compromise," she said rather obviously.

"t'Merek, I was being polite." In silence he pushed away from the desk and paced behind her, "Perhaps I need to be more direct, you will inform me directly of the ambassador's visitors, of what they say, and if she has a visitor and she refuses your attendance you will inform me who the visitors are. The comprimise is that I accept your recommendations," he said reaching the other side of his desk then dropping back into his chair. "The alternative is that you book a seat on the next civilian transport to ch'Rihan," he added.

'So much for a compromise' she thought to herself, but didn say anything close to that. "Then I believe I accept your compromise," she told him with a polite nod. "And I wish to apologize for my continuous lack of tact. I believe I have spent too much time among Security personnel to appreciate a polite approach to things," she admitted. "Not that that is a very good excuse, but it's the truth," Arrienye said. It was now obvious to her that she really needed to read up on her social graces.

Rh'vaurek sighed linking his fingers behind his head as he leaned back and crossed his legs at the ankles, "I don't care much for manners, or being polite but she does," he said, she being the Ambassador. "I care for candor and the ability to trust my people to get on with their jobs, and to keep me informed. Can you offer me that?"

"Always, sir," she assured him confidently. If there was one thing Arrienye always took seriously it was her work. Despite what most thought, Arrienye was never a spoiled girl indebted to her heritage for life. She earned everything she was.

"You serve two masters in this facility, never forget that," he said crooking up a leg and foot against the edge of his desk pushed his wheeled chair back, "accommodate us both, but remember that this small room is where the power lies. Your suggestions are approved, Arrain. Apply them. I'll look forward to your next report."

He looked toward the door.

The Arrain gave him a nod as she stood up. Giving the man a salute, she turned on her heel and exited the small office, hoping each meeting of theirs would go this well.


erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol


Arrain Arrienye t'Merek